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  1. #1
    JeffL is offline New Member
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    West Virginia

    Why is different location of testosterone injection the cause of more pain?

    I have been on doctor prescribed 500mg/wk of testosterone cypionate injections for about 4 months now. The nurse had always given me the injections in the ass prior to this week. They allowed me to start giving myself the injections this week, but advised me to use my thigh for the self injections. There was virtually no pain at the injection site for more then about 10 minutes when I received the injection from the nurse. When I gave myself the injection this week in my thigh, the immediate pain was about the same. However, the injection site has continued to hurt since I did it two days ago. Is this normal if the injection is given in the thigh muscle, or did I do something wrong?
    I have never given myself an injection like this before, so I want to make sure I didn't screw something up and causing myself more harm then good. He also prescribed me oxydrolone and anadrol but they didn't seem to do anything at all, so I definitely need to be able to stay on the shots. Any help that someone could provide me would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank You

  2. #2
    gymfu's Avatar
    gymfu is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The size of the muscel has a lot to do with it. Your gluts (ass as you put it) is a nice large and round muscle, ideal for an injected oil, that's why the medical community uses it.

    I'm guessing they gave you good instructions on how to inject? Where on your leg did you do the injection?

  3. #3
    JeffL is offline New Member
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    West Virginia
    Thanks for the helpful information. I gave myself the injection in the flattest part in the middle of the muscle. The nurse told me I could give it to myself in the gluts, but it is so thick that it made it extremely difficult to do the injection the way they said that I was supposed to. My doctor prescribed it for me because I have multiple sclerosis. It was making my legs so weak, I could barely walk, so I asked if I could try it. It has worked so well for me(no problems at all anymore with muscle weakness) that he has started prescribing it for all of his male MS patients. I will be on it the rest of my life, so I am hoping I don't get any serious side effects from it. The pain I am experiencing is a lot like the burn you feel the next day after a hard workout. The reason I know it's not the workout is because the pain is only in the part of the muscle of the injection site. If this is something I can expect to deal with normally, I was thinking it may be best just to let the nurse continue to give me the shot. Thanks again for helping, I really do appreciate it.

  4. #4
    sirupate is offline Member
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    I have had pain in my quads after injecting there, and I was only injecting 200mgs as opposed to your 500mgs. Maybe you hit a nerve....a random thing, or maybe you just need to get used to injecting there. Going slowly with the injection can be important. Some say warming the test. cyp. before injecting helps too. Give the area a good massage after you inject. I don't know what your capabilities are with MS, but I have found that exercising after I inject helps some to prevent soreness. Good luck.

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