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Thread: Taking joint supplements when "off cycle" to ease the pain

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Taking joint supplements when "off cycle" to ease the pain

    Hey guys, I do have some troubles with pain in my joints especially shoulders and some in my knee that I dislocated a couple times in my past.

    What would you suggest to ease the pain, I have heard of MSM/Glucosamine stacks but am unsure of the doses of them? Can anyone help out here? I have been training a bit lighter and keeping hydrated!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Ever try, Joint Juice? lol I know, the name is kinda relative to the forums here, but seriously. I heard its some good stuff, hell....if Joe Montana recommends it, it must be good....right? lol Here is the link.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I take glucosamine and it really helps. I just take a pill a day and for sure notice some difference.

  4. #4
    I have bum joints. I've taken glucosamine, chondroiden, MSM, Cissus for year. It does help. I did a "joint cycle" of Test(200mg/wk)/EQ(200mg/wk)/Deca(150mg/wk) for 12 weeks and my joint feel a HECK of a lot better. I'm not telling you to cycle. I'm just telling you what I did.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    I have bum joints. I've taken glucosamine, chondroiden, MSM, Cissus for year. It does help. I did a "joint cycle" of Test(200mg/wk)/EQ(200mg/wk)/Deca(150mg/wk) for 12 weeks and my joint feel a HECK of a lot better. I'm not telling you to cycle. I'm just telling you what I did.
    Yeah I've been clean for a while and want to wait till next summer to cycle. What would you dose glucosamine, chondroiden and MSM at?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    B.C Canada
    I also have really bad elbows. Ive been taking Glocosamine and Chondroiton for over a year and it doesnt seem to help at all. Went to the doctors and asked about it he said to take as much time off as i could and maybe focus on core/cardio and legs to give the joints some time to heal up. Reluctanlty i stoppped for 2 weeks and after about a week my joints completly stopped hurting so i could only imagine 2 months off.

    I also know that some bodybuilders after their big shows take some time off just for this reason elbow tendonitis is gay!

    I know it doesnt answer your original question but i thought id tell you what worked for me

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rizdizzle View Post
    I also have really bad elbows. Ive been taking Glocosamine and Chondroiton for over a year and it doesnt seem to help at all. Went to the doctors and asked about it he said to take as much time off as i could and maybe focus on core/cardio and legs to give the joints some time to heal up. Reluctanlty i stoppped for 2 weeks and after about a week my joints completly stopped hurting so i could only imagine 2 months off.

    I also know that some bodybuilders after their big shows take some time off just for this reason elbow tendonitis is gay!

    I know it doesnt answer your original question but i thought id tell you what worked for me
    Thanks for input, my pain problem is in my left shoulder, just aches during day etc, but during workout it doesnt bother me enough to be a bother.... that being said I have some pain in my shoulder blade and my trap, Im thinking this all may be tightness??? I have a deep tissue booked for Wednesday after this Long weekend (I'm in Canada).

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Down by the beach...
    Hey bro, I had a sports med doc recommend a brand called Cosamine DS. Its a little pricey but I fig'd I try it. After 2 months of using according to the recommended dosage, I could tell a big difference. Ive tried some similar cheaper supps with little success.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Fish oil helps as well as MSM,Chondrontin and Glucosamine

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Just beacuse a guy promotes something.Dont mean its any good.Just means he is getting paid.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Bullseye Forever View Post
    Fish oil helps as well as MSM,Chondrontin and Glucosamine
    What doses would you suggest?

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