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Thread: Taking my first ever cycle wish me luck boys!!

  1. #1
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    Taking my first ever cycle wish me luck boys!!

    Hi Guys,

    just want to say thanks to all who have helped me from the diet and roid section. I have learned so much from you all and am so glad there is a site like this available to deal with such a serious topic.

    Thanks again!!! ps cycle will consist of Tren, Winny and Test E.

    Have a great Long wkd.....Well I guess for you Americans you have to wait til next wkd!
    Last edited by Minion0812; 05-20-2011 at 09:28 AM. Reason: spelling

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Tren for ur first cycle??
    i would drop that one

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    and why would I do that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    because tren is probably the most harsh most advanced steroid and can have sides that are very difficult to deal with.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    It is advised to not cycle with tren for your first, but what I was told when I asked about it for my first was to use tren ace so that you can get it cleared out of your system quickly if you need to.

    I decided to drop it. You trying to cut? What are your goals and stats?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    It is advised to not cycle with tren for your first, but what I was told when I asked about it for my first was to use tren ace so that you can get it cleared out of your system quickly if you need to.

    I decided to drop it. You trying to cut? What are your goals and stats?

    Stupid computer lock up and posted it twice, my apologies.
    Last edited by gymfu; 05-20-2011 at 11:08 AM.

  7. #7
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    It is advised to not cycle with tren for your first, but what I was told when I asked about it for my first was to use tren ace so that you can get it cleared out of your system quickly if you need to.

    I decided to drop it. You trying to cut? What are your goals and stats?

    Stupid computer lock up and posted it twice, my apologies.
    Just trying to get great overall lean mass added but still look cut up.

    My stats are...
    27 soon 28
    13-15 BF %
    Numerous years training

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by Minion0812 View Post
    Just trying to get great overall lean mass added but still look cut up.

    My stats are...
    27 soon 28
    13-15 BF %
    Numerous years training
    Ok, well if your trying to cut on your first than I would suggest a test prop cycle, 300mg per week for 12 weeks.

    Most guys don't like suggest prop for a first, just know the sides/differences. Prop has a tendency to hurt pretty bad after injection, a good freind of mine gets large painful welts 1-2 days after injection. Also prop has to be injected everyday or ever other day.

    Or just play it safe and run a test e or c cycle. You will just retain more water and won't get a good cut look that I guess your after.

    How much cardio are you doing?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Thanks gymfu!

    I am doing fasted cardio for an hour in the morning and then lifting in the evening. I have already purchased my test c. The cycle will consist of tren eth test c and winny. Not worried about retaining water as that is what the tren and winny will help with.

  10. #10
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    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by Minion0812 View Post
    Thanks gymfu!

    I am doing fasted cardio for an hour in the morning and then lifting in the evening. I have already purchased my test c. The cycle will consist of tren eth test c and winny. Not worried about retaining water as that is what the tren and winny will help with.
    Wow an hour, that's hard core man. I can't make it that long. lol

    Man I think you will be happy with the results from just the test c. How much are you planning on taking?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    from what i understand the tren is gonig to kill your cardio as it destroys stamina.. i don't do ridiciulous amounts of cardio so i have not experienced that.. so be prepared for this.

  12. #12
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    Tren is not for noobs bro....

  13. #13
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    Get a few cycles under your belt before you start tren. Just my .02

  14. #14
    I have learned from this forum as well as a few friends that the best first cycle should really be nothing more then Test, HCG, PCT and AI so you can see what it is doing to your body without having too many variables in the mix.

  15. #15
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    May 2008
    wo wo wo wo wo wo! lol slow down their bro! tren on your first cycle!? a simple test only cycle is plenty and will allow you to throw on loads of size on its own! stick to test 500mg a week and perhaps some winny if you want a kick start but even that is not necessary.

    500mg test week 1-12
    winny 50mg a day week 1-4

    with proper diet and training you should be able to throw on 15-25lbs easy without tren! dont touch that stuff for a while!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    wo wo wo wo wo wo! lol slow down their bro! tren on your first cycle!? a simple test only cycle is plenty and will allow you to throw on loads of size on its own! stick to test 500mg a week and perhaps some winny if you want a kick start but even that is not necessary.

    500mg test week 1-12
    winny 50mg a day week 1-4

    with proper diet and training you should be able to throw on 15-25lbs easy without tren! dont touch that stuff for a while!
    i agree.. but maybe throw the winny in weeks 9-12 to tighten up your gains.. or even weeks 10-13 or 11-14.. right up to 3 days before PCT

    save the tren for another day

  17. #17
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    p.s if your goal is to be lean and gain weight keep your diet clean, carbs under control (100g or less a day), and get most of your calories from good healthy fats, throw some a-dex in their to combat the bloat and your good to go.

  18. #18
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    Research bro....

  19. #19
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    Thanks so much guys really appreciate all your insight!!! Had my first injections this past wkd. I am working steady with an Ontario champ up here in Canada. Although he won it many years ago he has been helping me out hardcore.

    As far as the cardio...Yes it sucks balls doing it for an hour but I'm finding great ways to switch it up from running/eliptical/bike/swiiming/boxing. Just stack two different choices together and do a 30 minute slot each.

    The tough part is havign to go back later after work to push the weights lol. Finding I'm really pushing my body to extreme levels right now and fighting for all the energy I can get. Just a quick ephedrine or sumper pump before sometimes helps.

    I have to be hoest with you guys and tell you the truth and that is I took the Tren. I'm sorry and already had planned this with my guy who seems to think it is as you all say a very potent and professional drug but also thinks after being with me and helping me out I'm ready for it. I took 250 Tren, 250 Test E and 100 Winny. Next injection is Wed. Going to be doing Sat/Wed injects and the Tren is Ethenate so is the slow releasing kind as you all know.

    I have another quick question that my guy suggested I do to keep up with the winny and prevent another injection into my body while staying on top of the winny which you should be injecting every second day from what I understand. Can I put it into gel caps? He gave me a bunch and sais the kind I have can be done orally and will be just as efficient. I really don't care either way is fine for me but taking orally will give me more mg throughout the week.

    Thanks again guys and sorry for doing the Tren. I totally understand I'm jumping the gun quite a bit!

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    p.s if your goal is to be lean and gain weight keep your diet clean, carbs under control (100g or less a day), and get most of your calories from good healthy fats, throw some a-dex in their to combat the bloat and your good to go.
    Hey Awms, Thanks bro! Diet has been so good as of the last month or so when I have really cleaned it up. Zero wheats, dairy and 100 or so carbs. All salmons, tuna, organic anf free run chicken and beef. Really seeing a great difference. An awesome guy TLEE on here even suggested going with Vega protein mix and have been doing that as well.

  21. #21
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    Also just a quick FYI. I will be upping the Test E injects to 350-400mg per week and 300mg of Tren. My guy just wanted to see a quick initial reaction and see if my body would for some reason reject it badly or **** around just cause this is my first attempt with injecting anything.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    wo wo wo wo wo wo! lol slow down their bro! tren on your first cycle!? a simple test only cycle is plenty and will allow you to throw on loads of size on its own! stick to test 500mg a week and perhaps some winny if you want a kick start but even that is not necessary.

    500mg test week 1-12
    winny 50mg a day week 1-4

    with proper diet and training you should be able to throw on 15-25lbs easy without tren! dont touch that stuff for a while!
    Not looking to gain tons of size. Especially 20-25 pounds lol Just want perhaps a 10lbs gain tops with an extreme cut look. Thanks AWMS for the reply!

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Good luck bro. I hope everything goes ok. Have you researched the sides from tren?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gymfu View Post
    Good luck bro. I hope everything goes ok. Have you researched the sides from tren?
    Yes sir for the most part. My boy is expecting me to get the fever/Tren cough soon although nothing has happened yet and I feel great. He never really said when it will come other than I should taste the metallic taste on my tongue which i have had. Do you know when the Tren couch should be taking effect? Also what if I don't get it? I know my stuff isn't bunk for sure but my guys seems to think 90% of people will get it.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minion0812 View Post
    Yes sir for the most part. My boy is expecting me to get the fever/Tren cough soon although nothing has happened yet and I feel great. He never really said when it will come other than I should taste the metallic taste on my tongue which i have had. Do you know when the Tren couch should be taking effect? Also what if I don't get it? I know my stuff isn't bunk for sure but my guys seems to think 90% of people will get it.
    It's true most people get the cough. It will come on right after injection. A friend told me it was like clock work 5-10 seconds after injection and I'm not talking about a little cough he said he thought he was going to cough up his lungs.

  26. #26
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    lol cough up his lungs? That is so weird!! Yeah I haven't got shit all yet. Maybe I injected to little of an amount at 250mg? Don't really know bud. All I do know is that the next day (because my boy said no lifting or running on my first ever injection day and let it settle) I ****ing ran for 1.15 hours and could have done more!! Felt great and my legs weren't even close to jello and happened to work the hard with weights the next day. Feeling great! Certainly not going to get cocky with my immune system and fully expecting this fever/cough but nothing as of yet.

  27. #27
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    I got the cough about 5-6 outta 30 pins and it was a week or so before it happened. It feels like you lose all the air in your lungs. I was using Tren A just incase I didnt like the sides. I did get them, the sweats, crazy dreams, insomnia, and the cough. But with A if I couldnt deal, it'd be outta my system in 3-4 days, you're stuck with it for 2 weeks. You claimed to have learned soooo much here but didnt learn that you should start with only one compound. Sounds like you didnt learn much at all. Sounds like the guy whos helping you doesnt know much either, just my .02!
    Last edited by dirtybrd; 05-24-2011 at 10:49 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    I got the cough about 5-6 outta 30 pins and it was a week or so before it happened. It feels like you lose all the air in your lungs. I was using Tren A just incase I didnt like the sides. I did get them, the sweats, crazy dreams, insomnia, and the cough. But with A if I couldnt deal, it'd be outta my system in 3-4 days, you're stuck with it for 2 weeks. You claimed to have learned soooo much here but didnt learn that you should start with only one compound. Sounds like you didnt learn much at all. Sounds like the guy whos helping you doesn't know much either, just my .02!
    Thanks for the reply DirtyBrd. I appreciate the example of the effects you had. As far as the learning sooo much it has been very informative in different ways. With Tren I admit I should researched a little more however when my friend endorses me to do it and feels it could be okay I feel I can take the risk. Not saying at all that I'm right but I also trust what he knows and has hooked me up with before. He knows my steroid history even though it is only orals and is as close to me like a cousin. Now 35, he has most likely done 20+ cycles, owns his own successful nutrition store here and was a four time Ontario champ in the 205lb class. I have a decent amount of confidence in his insight and I think he know more than "doesn't know much." Although like I said is it right me taking it? Prolly not and I appreciate all the feedback and insight on here as well.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Minion0812 View Post

    I have learned so much from you all

    cycle will consist of Tren, Winny and Test E.
    I dont understand, you say youve learned a lot here, but your running tren your first cycle.

    Why not just run one compound? And winny is a waste of money imo, for girls only.
    Last edited by warren916; 05-24-2011 at 12:25 PM.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    I dont understand, you say youve learned a lot here, but your running tren your first cycle.
    Hey Warren, again as stated with with dirtybrd I know running Tren is certainly not the wisest of things. I was informed from my guy as well the risks but both of us thought to go with it and he thought I could handle it. We will see as I'm sure as you guys are mostly always right again you will be.

    When speaking of the learned a lot....I'm talking injections, steroid backgrounds, dieting, proper protiens, etc. Not just which roids to use. I know I jumped the gun using Tren. Only time will tell if it completely backfires.

    Thanks for the reply!

  31. #31
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    yea i'm not a vet or anything but i was gonna just jump right in running 2-3 different compounds without an AI or anything. after research and getting the opinions of the vets on this site and many other sites, i decided to run one compound of teste e to see how my body reacts. tren is a harsh compound that from what i have learned is a rough one to do for your first cycle. not criticizing you or anything, just adding my experience with research. good luck with your cycle and keep us updated.

  32. #32
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    Oh well another one.

  33. #33
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    If you feel safe in his hands then go for it! Has he set you up a solid PCT, Tren shuts you down pertty hard.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by lc1213 View Post
    yea i'm not a vet or anything but i was gonna just jump right in running 2-3 different compounds without an AI or anything. after research and getting the opinions of the vets on this site and many other sites, i decided to run one compound of teste e to see how my body reacts. tren is a harsh compound that from what i have learned is a rough one to do for your first cycle. not criticizing you or anything, just adding my experience with research. good luck with your cycle and keep us updated.

    Thanks for your input! I will keep you updated for sure.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    If you feel safe in his hands then go for it! Has he set you up a solid PCT, Tren shuts you down pertty hard.
    Yes dirtybrd he has. Thanks again for your thoughts and insights! Always appreciated!

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtybrd View Post
    If you feel safe in his hands then go for it! Has he set you up a solid PCT, Tren shuts you down pertty hard.
    Right^^^ Go for it.. See what happens...

  37. #37
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    I live in Ont. as well and I know many of the top guys who need to run tren yet! If you have the genetics you will grow like a weed off of 500mg test alone and hard work. Most of the guys who are on boat loads of sauce are not the guys who place top 5 they are the guys who need the sauce just to keep up. My budy who comes in top 3 in just about ever comp he is in (genetic freak!) doesnt even run crazy cycles yet...his first cycle was 500mg test/dbol kick start and then he used small amount of test/eq/ and oral winny to cutt. He didnt touch tren until recently and his does was small when you look at what some guys are taking!

    You wanna place top 3? work on your conditioning! Size matter of course but the largest guy largest guy doesnt usually win... A guy who steps on stage at 185lb well proportioned and dry as hell looks alot better than a guy who steps on stage at 240lbs full of water, soft looking, with big arms and no chest. Take your time! you have to crawl before you can walk and if you take your time it will show on stage!

    Good luck!

  38. #38
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    Thanks Awms! Agree with everything your saying bud!! For em just looking to gain 10-15lbs of lean mass. Anymore I would actually be disappointed. I'm training hard with my hour long cardio sessions to ensure the cut ripped look and stay away from that big soft look. Thanks again for all inputs and insights! Will certainly keep updates as I move along.

  39. #39
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    Also Awms...Mad respect to all fitness guys out there but that certainly is not me or my plan. Will be quite content just doing my thing and looking and feeling healthy!

  40. #40
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    Why dont you bulk on your first cycle? You only get one first cycle and that were you make your best gains! You dont have to gains fat while on as long as you eat clean and take somthing to control estro...a-dex works well. I say do a short bulking cycle dbol and test, add some size, do proper pct and time off and then go back on and cutt before your show?

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