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Thread: Frequent injecting problem

  1. #1

    Frequent injecting problem

    90% of the time, I hit a nerve when I inject. I have to pull out and put a new needle on it. Anyone else have that level of frequency with hitting nerves?

    Also, I have never found blood in the syringe ever. It sometimes concerns me that I might not be pulling the plunger back far enough. I pull it back until I see two small bubbles, then inject.....

    But I did a test. I put green powerade into a cup, inserted the needle like an inject and then pulled back on the plunger......It concerned me how far I had to pull back before I saw that green powerade.....It certainly was farther than I usually do when injecting. But pulling back that far could cause too many bubbles in the syringe....Either way, I've never had any trouble with injections (no infections, no soarness) except some post-injection shortness of breath.
    Last edited by johnwynnejr; 05-22-2011 at 01:16 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I dont hit nerves that often but when i do i just back it out a little and adjust how the needle goes in. I never completely remove it and change the pin. Even though it sounds nice, i dont think the sex is doing anything for hitting nerves.

    As for the aspirating it doesnt take that much. You pull back and see air entering the barrel then you are good to go. Anytime i have pulled blood its instant the second i pull back on the plunger.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Noles12 View Post
    As for the aspirating it doesnt take that much. You pull back and see air entering the barrel then you are good to go. Anytime i have pulled blood its instant the second i pull back on the plunger.
    This makes sense because if you aren't in a vein, then you would only draw bubbles.

  4. #4
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    Don't forget blood is under pressure so it does not take much effort to cause a red trail in the AAS if you are in a vein. PS I have never got blood on aspiration either..its kinda like a seat belt its usually never needed but when it is its worth it.

  5. #5
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    You may feel less resistance when pulling back the plunger and the blood will appear rather quickly.

  6. #6
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    Less resistance when you hit a vein. If you didnt it'll be pretty hard to pull the plunger and some air bubles will come out.
    As for the nerves, you need to poke around and find your sweet spot, with no nerves.

  7. #7
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    I have never hit a nerve on the butt shots, feeling for the sweet spot is something I always done almost by instinct. Happened before on the shoulder but not really a lot of pain or discomfort, been also shooting my thighs with no problems... Are you sure you know exactly where you are supposed to inject? And where have you been injecting?

  8. #8
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    I was assuming he was hitting quads, because its fairly hard to hit a nerve in butt or delt shots IMHO.

  9. #9
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    90% hitting nerver??? I can confidently say, that is in your head bro. Quit wasting your needles.

    I inject quads only and have NEVER hit a nerve severe enough to where i had to pull out.

  10. #10
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    I think its just the pinch from when you pierce the skin. If you were to hit a nerve you wouldnt be able to inject because of the pain.

  11. #11
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    Just please make sure you are going in at the right spot. I would stay more toward the middle of that rectangle in the PIC.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    I was assuming he was hitting quads, because its fairly hard to hit a nerve in butt or delt shots IMHO.
    Yepp, I hit nerves when injecting quads. It hurts so much that it would be impossible to inject. I have to pull out...either that or inject with the needle hardly in.

  13. #13
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    One thing I have found very helpful for myself and others is that when you inject quads along with using the middle of the thigh (from hip to knee) as FCVtec said is to flex the leg muscle and feel it to find where the middle of the muscle group is on your leg, if you hit toward the edge, instead of the center (of the muscle group) you will have a lot more problems. After locating the center of the muscle of course you want to totally relax the muscle before injecting this is another sure fire way to have problems is if you tense the muscle while injecting.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    One thing I have found very helpful for myself and others is that when you inject quads along with using the middle of the thigh (from hip to knee) as FCVtec said is to flex the leg muscle and feel it to find where the middle of the muscle group is on your leg, if you hit toward the edge, instead of the center (of the muscle group) you will have a lot more problems. After locating the center of the muscle of course you want to totally relax the muscle before injecting this is another sure fire way to have problems is if you tense the muscle while injecting.
    Great way to describe it.

  15. #15
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    i thouht that goes without saying, to tense and see where the meaty part is and then relax and take the shot.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    Don't forget blood is under pressure so it does not take much effort to cause a red trail in the AAS if you are in a vein.
    This makes sense.....thats what blood pressure is.

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    One thing I have found very helpful for myself and others is that when you inject quads along with using the middle of the thigh (from hip to knee) as FCVtec said is to flex the leg muscle and feel it to find where the middle of the muscle group is on your leg, if you hit toward the edge, instead of the center (of the muscle group) you will have a lot more problems. After locating the center of the muscle of course you want to totally relax the muscle before injecting this is another sure fire way to have problems is if you tense the muscle while injecting.
    This should be a standard of teaching. I've never heard of it explained like this and it makes perfect sense.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    Just please make sure you are going in at the right spot. I would stay more toward the middle of that rectangle in the PIC.
    I though your suppose to dart it on the outside? and not on top or inside area?

  19. #19
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    Never on the inside area. If you hit the Sciatic nerve you'll meet real pain.

  20. #20
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    There is a big difference between hitting a nerve and getting close to a nerve. When you truly hit a nerve your a** will jump like a frog, getting close to one will cause some pain or discomfortand don't expect both quads to feel the same they may be close or you may be like me and have more discomfort in one than the other during injecting like me. Also when I pin I leave about 3 tenths of a cc of air in the syringe and pin air and all. If your in a vein you'll see the blood trickle in, you may see a small amount if you pass through one but if you stop in one then you'll see what I mean. The injecting no air is BS, they do it in the medical community all the time. You can inject up to 3ccs of air IV and still be fine. Some medical people do aspirate but a lot don't, they have a medical term for the style of injecting I'm talking about but I forget. When injecting your quads imagine a crease down the middle of dress slacks inject any point to the right of that line up to the outside flank of your quad (not all the way around to your hamstring), place 3-4 fingers above your knee cap, 3-4 fingers below your growing and you have the area you should be injecting in. NEVER inject your inner thigh, there are way to many nerves in that area. If you prefer to aspirate with no air a couple of bubbles is fine. Its not a marathon don't slam (pin) and ram (plunger). Relax hit the skin with a little pop to pierce the skin then go in the rest of the way slowly and take your time injecting the fluid.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatasnguy View Post
    I though your suppose to dart it on the outside? and not on top or inside area?
    I never dart any of my quad injections due to nerves. When i first started them i would dart and let me tell you darting straight into a nerve will dart it right back out of your leg and it is very painful

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Also that is not air inside the needle when you aspirate so dont fear pulling back to much. Its just a vacuum or really a viod in the needle. But you would see blood quick

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