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Thread: (VETS PLZ) Heavy or Shortness of Breath

  1. #1

    (VETS PLZ) Heavy or Shortness of Breath

    A few weeks ago i noticed just sitting around i would be breathing heavy. I have heard this from others before so was not concerned. Normally it doesn't bother me however the last few weeks, maybe do to all the allergens in the air, it has given me a near claustrophobic or suffocation anxiety at times. Mainly at sleep time if i have any nasal congestion at all. 2 days ago i have caught a light head cold. Sniffily, itchy eyes, running nose, sneezy. No big deal, but the restriction of my nasal ways has now magnified and i feel like im about to throw my big panzy azz into a panic attack over lack of air.
    I have no medical history of asthma or breathing issues
    BP is in check and have no history of any other heart related medical issues
    I have no history of panic attacks and or any forms of mental illness or anxiety related issues.
    I follow RR sling shot system and currently @ week 3 of second reload. 750mg test E & 500mg Decca weekly. Have never cycled Tren & not currently not on any AI's
    I have heard that Tren, heavy aromatizing or water retentive steroids, and a high alcohol continent of UGL gear can all cause breathing issues.
    PLZ, Intelligent responses only

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    sounds like allegies not gear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    ^^^^ I agree......

    My wife is having the same exact issues and shes not on lmao..... Have you tried benadryl or other otc allergy meds? Nasal sprays for bed time? Theres a natural nasal spray out that contains capsazin - it burns a little for 5-10 seconds but helps. Worse case..... goto the doc - mite have a sinus infection or need a prescription allergy spray.


  4. #4
    yeah picked up benadryl yesterday
    nasal spray so far is the only thing that really helps
    ill check in to the natural spray as i dont think the OTC nasal spray decongestants are supposed to be used often.
    dont think it is sinus infection, but an allergy spray may be needed. I do get some allergy issues this time of year.

    thanx for your input

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    yeah picked up benadryl yesterday
    nasal spray so far is the only thing that really helps
    ill check in to the natural spray as i dont think the OTC nasal spray decongestants are supposed to be used often.
    dont think it is sinus infection, but an allergy spray may be needed. I do get some allergy issues this time of year.

    thanx for your input
    Yea sprays like afrin can be bad if you use it often..... the all natural capsazin one isn't though. My wife got it and I read the bottle and got excited cuz i love hot food..... she said it brought a tear to her eyes and i laughed it off haha. I took two shots in each nostril and coughed..... then tears came out LMAO! The burning subsides quickly and it left my nose WIDE open..... definately give it a try. Can't remember the name for the life of me but you should be able to find it at any Cvs or Rite-ade.

    If you can't get rid of it - ask your Doc for a sample of astelin. It's an allergy nasal spray and it worked WONDERS for me.....


  6. #6
    roger that
    thanx again

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    kalavra your problem is the same problem i had on just 500mg of test e! i dont want you to panic but if i were you i would do BW to check where your estro is at and do a sinus xray. i never had history panic attacks and had breathing issues during cycle just like you explained. i was using on AI and after cycle i found that my e2 was +90. ENT doctor told me my turbinate tissue grew so quick. my nasal air flow was perfectly fine before cycle and all this started when i went on cycle. i believe that not only muscle is effected by estrogens. its other Tissues too!

    i searched all around the net and asked so many docs and no one agrees that my sinus issue is caused from the gear. some say its an allergy, but am off cycle now and still have the problem. still have slight elevated e2 and working on it with the endo before i decide to do any surgeries
    Last edited by kml999; 06-07-2011 at 10:52 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    another question do you feel your immune system has become weak? getting sick easily? tonsil pains, throat or even headaches? just curious

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    yeah picked up benadryl yesterday
    nasal spray so far is the only thing that really helps
    ill check in to the natural spray as i dont think the OTC nasal spray decongestants are supposed to be used often.
    dont think it is sinus infection, but an allergy spray may be needed. I do get some allergy issues this time of year.

    thanx for your input
    If you use the nasal sprays too much, you'll build up tolerance to them. And on top of that, it'll cause more congestion.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    another question do you feel your immune system has become weak? getting sick easily? tonsil pains, throat or even headaches? just curious

    (above)I believe some of that could be true. Go check out the conversation on Ronnie Rowland's thread. It is near then end and easy to find. He was spot on with what doc said, but doc didn't know about gear. I am progressing fine and have meds, but I also concentrated the last few days in reduce water weight. I've dropped about 3 pounds in a couple of days by reduce carbs greatly and drinking a ton of water. I was at peak about 292 on the scale @ about 18-19% BF. This was already a bad environment for breathing issues. I then had the allergies and a head cold set in on top of all of it. Triple whammy. Now I'm getting through the head cold and will be dropping about 15-20 pounds after that.

    Thanks for your input.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    If you use the nasal sprays too much, you'll build up tolerance to them. And on top of that, it'll cause more congestion.
    Yes, this is what i here. Im trying to track down the natural listed above.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2010
    you are doing the right thing my friend. let us know if the problem goes for sure

  13. #13
    thats interesting. I started having breathing issues after 1st cycle as well, but never until now thought it might be gear. Afrin helps a lot, but that shit is addictive so now I switch nose meds up. Went to a doc and they told me I need nose surgery to fix breathing problems, year right, that was 10 years ago, been living with it ever since )))

    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    kalavra your problem is the same problem i had on just 500mg of test e! i dont want you to panic but if i were you i would do BW to check where your estro is at and do a sinus xray. i never had history panic attacks and had breathing issues during cycle just like you explained. i was using on AI and after cycle i found that my e2 was +90. ENT doctor told me my turbinate tissue grew so quick. i my nose air flow was perfectly fine before cycle and all this started when i went on cycle. i believe that not only muscle is effected by estrogens. its other Tissues too!

    i searched all around the net and asked so many docs and no one agrees that my sinus issue is caused from the gear. some say its an allergy, but am off cycle now and still have the problem. still have slight elevated e2 and working on it with the endo before i decide to do any surgeries

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Have you been gaining a lot of weight? If your not doning enough cardio and gaining weight that would explain the shortness of breath.

    The other symptoms sound like alergies. I like claritin-D.

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