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  1. #1
    ltoturbo is offline New Member
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    May 2011

    Help with my cycle

    Hello all. short story... i am very new to this and also stuck in Iraq for the next 6 months. had a friend that was leaving give me a gift of a cycle and he said i should use it cause it helped him over a few of his sticking point the past 8 months he was here and help m higained a little mass. due to customs to get out of here he gave his last cycle to me or else he had to burn it or destroy it. So he gave me 20 tabs Anapolon and 120 10mg Tamoxifen . i was wondring if this is a good cycle to do for 20 days and what PCT is recomended or just to continue the Tamoxifen 2 weeks more to the 40 day mark to help get my system back to normal? i took the time to read the rules and i am sure someone will be sure to correct me if i jacked up on this or say i should be researching more but with two times a week of 15 min only for internet personal use i am very limited and was just hoping for a straight shot answer or if there is something i need more. i will not use the cycle unless i get some advice first because i realize the dangers of being stupid. just hoping to get some honest help from the vets of the BIG iron game. thanks for the time! hit me up if you have any advice for me. it will not be till next week before i can get back on this form and its public view so i am limited there for research as well. thanks again for any help and understand my stupid sutiuation!!
    Last edited by ltoturbo; 05-23-2011 at 03:27 AM.

  2. #2
    ltoturbo is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    wanted to add that i am 27 dont drink (cant here anyway) 185lbs at 5-8% body fat eat like a horse have been lifting for 4 straight yrs now and my diet is really good as well. hard for me to add mass and have been about 185 for about a yr now with small gains then i lose it due to long work hrs and probably stress. its not easy getting shot at!! dont worry i signed up for it so i expect it. not expecting sympathy from anyone just increase my stress. anyway just a little more background on me before i run out of computer time. thanks

  3. #3
    sdmlsu1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010
    Burn it. JMO

  4. #4
    ltoturbo is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    are orals really a waste? cant do injects no enough privacy and steroids are highly discouraged by work as in fired!!!!!!! just want some honest feedback if this will work or just to "burn it"?

  5. #5
    sdmlsu1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010
    Orals aren't a waste but the amount but you don't have enough and even if you did you'll lose most of your gains unless you run them with Testosterone (injectable) with the orals run for at least 4wks depending on the type you use. Also Tamoxifen ( Nolvadex brand name) is a post cycle drug (PCT) to help you rebound your HTPA not a muscle builder. My advice if you really want to cycle would be to run Testosterone at 500mgs/wks only for 12wks followed by a Nolva/Clomid PCT. You can research pct programs on this site. Also pro BB step on stage at around 4% BF just FYI and you cannot maintain that low of a BF% for long, its to hard on your body. Oh I forgot I wouldn't put your email in your posts, you'll attract a lot of BS attention just stick to the board and pm system when your post count allows you to use it. JMO
    Last edited by sdmlsu1; 05-23-2011 at 02:37 AM.

  6. #6
    ltoturbo is offline New Member
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    May 2011
    sdmlsu1 thanks for the advice!! (removed email and looking into getting more of what i have and some AI for PCT) i will look into maybe getting some more and hopefully getting in more research time!! i know it sucks but i am kind of jumping in head first.Mybe the % body fat is due to extream activity and no junk food at all!!! and no water weight!! as soon as the water goes in its already out in sweat!! 106 degrees in full gear and its not even June yet!! i only estimate so i could be off but you can see almost ever muscle strand etc its pretty close and there is no skin to pinch really (almost like its glued down). i admit its a bit to extream for what i like but thats what i am trying to work on!! most people go for cuts i would like to add more mass. plus heavy lifting is hard on my joints with little water in my body. does any one think that 30 days of the Anapolon at 50mg a day and the Tamoxifen for like 2 weeks after i finish the Anapolon would be enough for me go get 5-10lbs of mass and keep it or is unreal goal for the stuff i have? i am not looking for crazy just enough to add 10lbs (and keep it) and be able to lift a few more pounds in the gym.

  7. #7
    sdmlsu1 is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ltoturbo View Post
    sdmlsu1 thanks for the advice!! (removed email and looking into getting more of what i have and some AI for PCT) i will look into maybe getting some more and hopefully getting in more research time!! i know it sucks but i am kind of jumping in head first.Mybe the % body fat is due to extream activity and no junk food at all!!! and no water weight!! as soon as the water goes in its already out in sweat!! 106 degrees in full gear and its not even June yet!! i only estimate so i could be off but you can see almost ever muscle strand etc its pretty close and there is no skin to pinch really (almost like its glued down). i admit its a bit to extream for what i like but thats what i am trying to work on!! most people go for cuts i would like to add more mass. plus heavy lifting is hard on my joints with little water in my body. does any one think that 30 days of the Anapolon at 50mg a day and the Tamoxifen for like 2 weeks after i finish the Anapolon would be enough for me go get 5-10lbs of mass and keep it or is unreal goal for the stuff i have? i am not looking for crazy just enough to add 10lbs (and keep it) and be able to lift a few more pounds in the gym.
    I hear you my brother is in the Marines, 3 tours in Iraq, 2 in Africa and 2 in Japan. Two weeks of Tamoxifen isn't enough and if you don't run some Testosterone in your cycle you will shut down your HPTA. It will rebound but how quick, and well is impossible to predict. In addition it may not fully rebound ever plus while your waiting for the rebound you'll feel like shit especially under the extreme conditions your exposed to. Always run Test. as the base for any cycles to prevent shutdown. You can run Halo by itself but that's something you'll probably never run anyway.

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