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  1. #1
    Rosco901 is offline Associate Member
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    Caber alternative

    alright guys just wondering if anyone has used or knows of a Caber alternative as my source is rather expensive, also if i were to buy it can you advise on dosage through 12 week cycle of tren e and test e. cheers

  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Vit B6, L-dopa(increases dopamine), St Johns Wort(MAOI, slow dopamine breakdown). Those are all easily found and help with prolactin issues. If you run ur tren higher than test, keep estro under control and take these supps then you should be able to avoid caber/bromo usage.

    for a stronger alternative Bromocriptine is similar to caber, and i think its prefered over caber? im not sure however.
    as for dosage, need stats and etc before much more help.

    Quickie, assuming everything is ok... test e 350 week, tren e 500 week. if libido issues, increase test e dose. Hard to get doses set cuz of long esters. Thats why most resort to medications, I believe to try to avoid that what isnt necessary and would only add to the mix.
    You would need HCG at 500iu 2x week up to first day of PCT then 1000iu then done
    then SERM treatment, w/ nolva and clomid.

    Please provide stats and more info for more detailed response

  3. #3
    Rosco901 is offline Associate Member
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    Im 23 5ft 8inch 190lbs bf 10%

    cycle is test - 600mg per week
    tren e- 300mg per week

    last cycle was sust and deca and nver suffered any sides from deca i.e deca dick and i now tren is still a 19-nor compound but slightly stronger and still not suffering anysides although im only in week 2 of 12 but most guys recomend running caber through cycle to avoid any libido issues?? whats your thoughts?

  4. #4
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    A) your to young to be using tren . If anything, you should do test and maybe winny/var but still at 23 thats very young.
    B) Did you ever run a test only cycle? are you prone to high estrogen? gyno? acne? Thats why test only is suggested for a first cycle, to find out your own body's synthesis + degradation of steroids .
    C) With your test 2x the tren, you should have very minimal libido issues, IMO you should have the test at 350 and tren at 500. You naturally have more progesterones in ur body, and tren is a progestin which is similar, at certain receptors, to progesterone.
    D) you need HCG in ur cycle. 500iu 2x week all up to first week of PCT then u take 1000iu hcg then done
    E) SERM treatment:
    Nolva 40/40/20/20 thats mg, ed, per week
    clomid 100/100/50/50 mg, ed, per week (so 4 week pct)
    F) if prolactin issues arise then estrogen is out of control. When test is to high, then estro rises, then that increases the chance of prolactin issues. To fix this, you need to control estro.
    G) What does ur diet and workouts look like? head over to the diet forum for sure to see how to max ur results.
    H) you are very young to be doing these serious compounds. IMO nothing past a test only cycle, w/ maybe small oral stack for the first few cycles

  5. #5
    hwy1378's Avatar
    hwy1378 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Vit B6, L-dopa(increases dopamine), St Johns Wort(MAOI, slow dopamine breakdown). Those are all easily found and help with prolactin issues. If you run ur tren higher than test, keep estro under control and take these supps then you should be able to avoid caber/bromo usage.

    for a stronger alternative Bromocriptine is similar to caber, and i think its prefered over caber? im not sure however.
    as for dosage, need stats and etc before much more help.

    Quickie, assuming everything is ok... test e 350 week, tren e 500 week. if libido issues, increase test e dose. Hard to get doses set cuz of long esters. Thats why most resort to medications, I believe to try to avoid that what isnt necessary and would only add to the mix.
    You would need HCG at 500iu 2x week up to first day of PCT then 1000iu then done
    then SERM treatment, w/ nolva and clomid.

    Please provide stats and more info for more detailed response
    whats your thoughts on Liquid Prami for a caber sub

  6. #6
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    Vitamin B6 works fine for me, but I keep my cycle dosages fairly low

  7. #7
    hwy1378's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eazy20 View Post
    Vitamin B6 works fine for me, but I keep my cycle dosages fairly low
    how do you take your b6

  8. #8
    Eazy20's Avatar
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    I take 100mg/day and it works fine. I'd start supplementing about a month pre-cycle if you're running a 19-nor

  9. #9
    Rosco901 is offline Associate Member
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    and with regards to V B6 do you take it as a powder and measure out the 100mg or just as tabs?

  10. #10
    Eazy20's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosco901 View Post
    and with regards to V B6 do you take it as a powder and measure out the 100mg or just as tabs?
    100mg tabs from GNC for me.

  11. #11
    Rosco901 is offline Associate Member
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    Perfect thanks man

  12. #12
    Bonaparte's Avatar
    Bonaparte is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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