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Thread: First cycle..thinking about adding in a some winny?

  1. #1

    First cycle..thinking about adding in a some winny?

    Hey all, I'm currently running a first cycle here of Test E 500mgs a week...I'm 32 about 6'5" and 270...gaining weight like crazy and about 16% bf. Anyway, making a trip down to FL in a couple weeks and have been running this for about 4 weeks so far. Plan is btw, 10 weeks @ 500 a wk 2 pins a wk. Its going well, gained some size and strength and no sides to speak of. To you experts out there, would it be illadvised to run some win mid cycle to drop some of this water weight before I go down, or should I just maintain what I'm currently doing? Was really just wondering if its wise because everyone says just stick to the test for your first cycle. But, I got these 10mg tabs just sittin there..what u guys think?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    I would say stick to just the test simply because your BF is so high. Winny is rough on blood pressure and at your size and BF, chances are you BP is already pretty high just from the Test...Also, sounds like your trip to FL will involve alcohol??? Is this correct? If so, Winny is a no no....Save the winny for when you get leaner. If you want to drop water weight, get your diet together and do more cardio. A low dose of Aromasin might not be a bad idea either.

  3. #3
    The diet is very much in tact IMO, Been really watching the carbs..Trying not to exceed 100g a day..But, the reason I ask is because a buddy of mine who is also my supplier recommended I take it like 3 weeks prior to going down..I kinda feel like you do abbot, but I wanted to inquire here to see if it was even worth it. And I appreciate the advice, I am familiar with the pitfalls of using the oral win and I am prepared for it from an AAS standpoint. I just wanted to look a bit leaner for my a chubby midwestern tourist! LMAO..but, its no big deal either. What about something by way of an OTC diuretic? any thoughts?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    Gotcha....100g carbs is lowww for a large mammal such as yourself, lol. You must be hungry, lol.....If anything, I would say maybe some clen, not a big fan of diuretics, dont think you will see much....If its only for 3 weeks and you want be doing using the Win while on vacation I would say go for it, not gonna kill ya.

  5. #5
    MAN O MAN!! You have..well, by the looks of your photo you probably do have a good idea of what thats like..haha. Its been tough but, also a new development..In a quest to get leaner that was recommended as well, been doing that since I began on May 1st. I gotta tell ya, never in my life did I think i'd be dreaming of pizza and subs as opposed to hot ass women but, it is what it is..lmao! So diuretics no good huh? Thought about clen, but, I figured I already have the Win and in the interest of saving a buck, thought I could try that. But, I'm VERY new to this AAS world and have been thrilled with the strength and size gains so far..its just the leaness I wanted to improve. I know E forces u to retain water, but, I also know its temporary..I just thought strictly for vacation purposes to try it or at least pick the brains of more experienced vets like yourself. In future, I'd def get the injectable..and I really wanna try Tren at some Bodybuilding freako buddies swear by it!! But, I know that particular drug is not for beginers..I guess thats another question..With the same goals in mind, for my next cycle what compounds would u add in? I was thinking Deca maybe EQ or both?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Use a ai.That will help with your water.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    LOL....Yup, Im hitting the buffet at a casino this weekend for a cheat/refeed day and its literally all I can think about....Songdog is right, like I said Aromasin at about 12.5ml/day will do wonders for bloating, and that could be run throughout, even while on vacation. If you have the win right there on hand and its just a 3 week run id say go for it, will definately harden you up a bit....You have a PM bro.

  8. #8
    Right on, thanks guys...Thats what I wanted to know..

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