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  1. #1
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    ANAVAR - Sides - Bridging

    Age: 26

    Just been some reading on anavar . Not something I'm considering in the near future but defiantly down the track. Anyway Iv read in the steroid profile forum and some the educational threads plus the search button. Just a couple of questions that I couldn't find answers to...

    The sides affects of anavar?

    States in the 'Steriod Profile' forum people have used anavar to bridge in between cycles at doses as low as 10mg a day... Anybody bridged between cycles with anavar? Doses used? Good/bad results?

  2. #2
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    I wouldn't bridge with var. In fact, I wouldn't bridge with any oral.

    If you want to do something like that, examine the risks vs. rewards and cruise with test.

    If not, then just PCT it, recover, and hit it again hard.

    But a low dose oral won't help you preserve muscle, and may be detrimental to your recovery.

  3. #3
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    Thanks mate. What about sides of using anavar in a cycle?

  4. #4
    ComputerGuy is offline New Member
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    Why would you use Anavar instead of test? I studied this for a year and my conclusion after all the thinking, planning, questions etc was that test alone with good pct was the plan. It worked far better than I imagined... I got anavar for my wife, but because I used to drink heavily, I dont ever plan on doing any oral. My liver is important to me... As I understand it Anavar has got to be harder on the liver than injectable test.

  5. #5
    sanman's Avatar
    sanman is offline Associate Member
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    Doing 60mgs of Var right now & cruising with test cyp.Having great pumps & veins are starting to pop.Strenth has def. increased! The first 2wks I had some burning while urinating & had some cramps in which both have stopped as of now!
    Last edited by sanman; 05-24-2011 at 05:48 PM.

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
    D7M is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer (RETIRED)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    Thanks mate. What about sides of using anavar in a cycle?
    Var is quite mild.

    Personally, only sides I ever got from Var was some back pumps at 80-100mg/ED.

    Quote Originally Posted by sanman View Post
    Doing 60mgs of Var right now & cruising with test cyp.Having great pumps & veins r starting to pop.The first 2wks I had some burning while urinating & had some cramps in which both have stopped as of now!
    Ummmm....not a good sign, my friend!

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