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Thread: Panic attack..gyno?

  1. #1

    Panic attack..gyno?

    well...title kinda self-explanatory...hope i posted in right place as well..

    im having a panic attack now, as i feel my chest looks very weird, specially around my nipple area..and im panicing about gyno ofc.. i have no idea if it is, or not, and was hoping someone could come with some feedback. i cant say its something thatve come over night, as i feel my nipples have look pretty big for a long time, but have now come to freak out

    I've read about gyno and tried to gain some knowledge, but i dont feel any kinda sore or itchy at all as mentioned around. just think it looks weird.. Also read about using nolvadex to help this? im not sure, cud it be gyno? is it just to much fat on that area? or wrong work out? all help recieved with thanks.. putting a pic to 'shame' if that could help of some kind...pls bear with me..

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    Definitly gyno and some fat for sure. What have you been doing for cycles and how old are you?

  3. #3
    done 4 weeks of PH twice over the last one and a half year. im currently 25

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    shit son......

    I would jump on an AI/SERM asap if I were you

  5. #5
    aye... im panicing...totally... good thing summer holidays is around the corner..shit!
    just dont know what and where to start.. as mentioned, read about Nolva, but someone just mentioned Letrezole...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    what pro-hormones did you run?

    did you ever get bloodwork done to see how your body reacted before/during/after?

    Letrezole would be like throwing a nuke at it

    last ditch attempt imo

    I would say stary out with nolva at 20mg's a day for a few weeks

    but because you don't know whats going on inside your body it's like going into a boxing match with a blindfold on

  7. #7
    nope no bloodwork done at all. might have thrown myself into something a little quick. My mate seem to get away with everything tho..

    erm..the latest was mdrol and the first one was 1-Androsterone

    but it looks kinda bad doesnt it? im just hoping to avoid surgery..heard its damn expensive..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hey buddy,
    I just had a similar scare. I had my first bump with gyno but i really watch myself on cycle so i caught it early and started taking nolva as soon as i saw a white ring around my nipples. that night i ordered some letro from our spons arr. Of course if your on cycle always have nolva on hand.. I started out at at week on like this
    day 1 60mg
    day 2 60mg
    day 3 60mg i could see some changes then nipps were a lot smaller almost smaller than before cycle almost T.H.O haha
    day 4 40mg
    day 5 40mg letro arrived but im nopt goping to take it now that it isunder control im also in wek 9 of my 12 weeker
    day 6 30mg
    day 7 30mg
    i plan on running 20mg for the rest of my cycle and just ordering more for pct.
    also im using a long ester so i may run letro during my time between pct and last shot if i still see a reason or if it flares up.
    For you I would not even bother with nolva TBH... c bino??? i think is his name has a GREAT post about gyno reversal and if this isn't from puberty then you can really make it shrink!! maybe go away with time.
    letro ar-r 45 bucks nolva i wanna say is the same on sale during may osoma bin laden sale
    start at .25mg letro and every day up it .25 mg until yoou get to 2.5 mg run that dose until you see gyno going away or gone or has stoped shrinking. then over lap one day of letro and nolva begine nolva as normal maybe stretch it out longer 40/30/30/20/20 and if you have anyleft taper down the rest. this should prevent estro rebound and gyno coming back.. Best of luck. if you can find his article it is much more in detail!!

  9. #9
    Your bf% is too high and its compounding whatever effect you got goin on.

  10. #10
    dam dude, I am no doctor but that Definitely looks like gyno to me, sorry :-(

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Definately go on an AI as soon as possible! Nolvadex 40mg ed for a week, 20mg/wk through till end of PCT Protocol!
    In a real pinch to get Nolvadex go
    See your doctor and get a prescription.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Letrezole would be like throwing a nuke at it

    last ditch attempt imo
    Have you ever ran Letrozole before??? You sound scared of it the way you go around telling ppl its like throwing a nuke at it.

    If i were you OP i would get your ass on letrozole asap. With your symptoms, nothing else will work, especially NOT NOVLADEX.

    Its prolly to late though, only surgery can fix that.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    In a cave...
    How long has this been going on? Did it happen suddenly? If it has been this way for a while then definitely get on some letro and wish for the best. If it suddenly happened I would start with 80mg nolva ed for the first four days then drop to 40mg ed until the issue is resolved.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2011
    Everyone that posts should at least have had a case/severe case of gyno, with successful reversal...if not theres not reason to post...

    Nolvadex will do NOTHING for that severity. Wasting time will only make your gyno progress...

    Get on Letro, they give it to 60 year old gramas with breast cancer, i think a grown man can handle it...iv personally take 5mg/ed with a little loss of libido ONLY side.

  15. #15
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by TheClinch View Post
    Definately go on an AI as soon as possible! Nolvadex 40mg ed for a week, 20mg/wk through till end of PCT Protocol!
    Nolvadex is not an ai...

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by turkishexpress View Post
    How long has this been going on? Did it happen suddenly? If it has been this way for a while then definitely get on some letro and wish for the best. If it suddenly happened I would start with 80mg nolva ed for the first four days then drop to 40mg ed until the issue is resolved.
    not to sure mate tbh. i've always thought my nipples have looked a little big, but dont know if theyve gotten lots worse lately, or if its just the panic kicking in..

  17. #17
    thanks for the answers so far guys.. from what it seems, i need to try fight this wit Letro...and asap... yous are not the only one saying this..its echoing all over the place... next step now is to get my hands on it, which seems as hard to deal with as the fact that this is gyno =/

  18. #18
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    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by caindey View Post
    thanks for the answers so far guys.. from what it seems, i need to try fight this wit Letro...and asap... yous are not the only one saying this..its echoing all over the place... next step now is to get my hands on it, which seems as hard to deal with as the fact that this is gyno =/

    not sure im allowed to give a source? but as this is a bad case i will any way ar-r(dot)com. i use them they are fine and you will have it in 3 days!

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by munsun86 View Post
    not sure im allowed to give a source? but as this is a bad case i will any way ar-r(dot)com. i use them they are fine and you will have it in 3 days!
    thanks alot mate. ive been looking at the site earlier, but it seems to have only liquid Letro, and was hoping to find tablets, as i have no clue what so ever to handle the other ones

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Hate to break it to you but you will prob need surgery to get rid of that. I had gyno from puberty which was not as bad as yours but almost as bad and I tried everything! I was also only around 8% bf at the time...nothing works so I had surgery. I now use a small amount of letro on cycle to make sure it never happens again!

  21. #21
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    Have you ever ran Letrozole before??? You sound scared of it the way you go around telling ppl its like throwing a nuke at it.

    If i were you OP i would get your ass on letrozole asap. With your symptoms, nothing else will work, especially NOT NOVLADEX.

    Its prolly to late though, only surgery can fix that.
    It's one of the more potent AI's

    Not someting to fuk around with

    Although op has already fuk'd up it might be called for

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    Hate to break it to you but you will prob need surgery to get rid of that. I had gyno from puberty which was not as bad as yours but almost as bad and I tried everything! I was also only around 8% bf at the time...nothing works so I had surgery. I now use a small amount of letro on cycle to make sure it never happens again!
    surgery is the last thing i need right now...bloody expensive, and doesnt help that a baby is on its way either..dont get richer cus of that unfortunately...

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Well im just telling you the truth I know but thats a fact. Try letro but I dont think its going to do much at this point.

  24. #24
    ino.. it sux big time atm... can only try and hope for the best.. if not im pretty fkd!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Dang... nasty things you got there. Why did you take care of it before it ever got so bad ? Or prevent it.
    If all else fails, go get your nipples sucked(surgery).

  26. #26
    tbh i think its been there for so long, and progressed slowly without me noticing it...but yeh, why didnt i see it or take care of it... =( get punished for that now..

  27. #27
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Dude, look at your tits, what do you mean progressed without you noticing ?

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    It's one of the more potent AI's

    Not someting to fuk around with

    Although op has already fuk'd up it might be called for
    How did the OP fuk up? because he got a case of gyno? He said this wasn't an over night case so puberty must have resulted in some gyno, but now it is getting worse. I've had gyno from the way it looks on this bpoard a lot of ppl have had it fought it and beat it. Im no fuk up either!!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    There you go thats the link to gyno reversal.

  30. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by caindey View Post
    well...title kinda self-explanatory...hope i posted in right place as well..

    im having a panic attack now, as i feel my chest looks very weird, specially around my nipple area..and im panicing about gyno ofc.. i have no idea if it is, or not, and was hoping someone could come with some feedback. i cant say its something thatve come over night, as i feel my nipples have look pretty big for a long time, but have now come to freak out

    I've read about gyno and tried to gain some knowledge, but i dont feel any kinda sore or itchy at all as mentioned around. just think it looks weird.. Also read about using nolvadex to help this? im not sure, cud it be gyno? is it just to much fat on that area? or wrong work out? all help recieved with thanks.. putting a pic to 'shame' if that could help of some kind...pls bear with me..

    Its definitely some gyno. What PH's did you run?

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Hang in there bro. Do what warren said. Get on letro asap. Good luck, keep ur chin up.

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    Its definitely some gyno. What PH's did you run?
    first one was called 1-andro and 2nd mdrol

  33. #33
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    Nolvadex is not an ai...
    Thanks for the clarification, you're right it is a SERM. I suggested because I experienced lump formation, used this nolvadex protocol and saw it dissapear. It was not severe. Nothing at all like the OP. But, I thought I could offer some help to a guy.

    Good luck OP. Hope your gyno gets cleared up!
    Last edited by TheClinch; 05-25-2011 at 10:44 PM.

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    West coast of Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by turkishexpress View Post
    How long has this been going on? Did it happen suddenly? If it has been this way for a while then definitely get on some letro and wish for the best. If it suddenly happened I would start with 80mg nolva ed for the first four days then drop to 40mg ed until the issue is resolved.

    scary shit when you dont take care of yourself while on cycle hey? honetly i did this when i was first on cycle some several years ago. it was by no means that bad, but I got right on the letro and reversed it! needles to say, ive never ran a cycle without aromasin since! ive never had an issue again.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by caindey View Post
    first one was called 1-andro and 2nd mdrol
    The last batch of good PH's that were out there MDROL,,XTREN,,PPLEX all seemed
    to attest to nagging gyno.

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by **** View Post
    The last batch of good PH's that were out there MDROL,,XTREN,,PPLEX all seemed
    to attest to nagging gyno.
    im sorry mate, but 'attest to nagging gyno'? as in work against?

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    Savannah GA
    Quote Originally Posted by Deltaflaze View Post
    Your bf% is too high and its compounding whatever effect you got goin on.
    here we go with the body fat thing.... wwhat should we tell all the powerlifters about there body fat... he needs a AI.. I use liquid stane from ar-r works great

  38. #38
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    def get on letro asap . to late for nolva.

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by cro View Post
    def get on letro asap . to late for nolva.
    aye. Im trying to order it, but its currently 'out of stock'... this waiting is killing. feels like the chance to reverse decrease for every day this goes on... =/

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Savannah GA
    Quote Originally Posted by caindey View Post
    aye. Im trying to order it, but its currently 'out of stock'... this waiting is killing. feels like the chance to reverse decrease for every day this goes on... =/
    Are u getting from ar-r? I use the liquid stane from them

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