Hello,im new to this site (and new to the internet lol) and im an ectomorph.Im 23,5'8 and have 6inch wrists and only weigh around 140lbs.Iv been working out for around 10 years,although i stopped for a few years as i was tired of working hard and not seeing any gains. Iv only started to get serious about working out again around 5months ago after a 2 year break. I eat tonnes of chicken breast and tuna every 2-3 hours,i drink a protein shake every 3 hours and still only make minor gains in weight.Iv decided im going to take steroids but I know very little about them. Im thinking of stacking Deca Durabolin with Dianabol,but id like a "Guide for dummies" on exactly how to take them from people that have experience with them. I mean I need to know how to cycle them,how to inject the Durabolin,everything. Thanks in advance for your help.