My first cycle looked like this:
Test-E 2x 200 mgs/week = 400mgs/week for 10 weeks
20 mgs Dianabol/day weeks 1-4
Nolvadex 20 mgs/day PCT for 6 weeks, start 2 weeks after last injection
After the PCT I still had really bad gyno in my left nipple, which is finally gone 6 months later. The cycle itself was quite cheap, I need some help with my PCT though because I don't think it worked too well. I want to run the same Test E and Dbol as I made great gains, but I need advice to improve and prepare for PCT. Please post PCT and preparation for PCT! Thanks in advance. I am getting blood work done before I start the cycle, when I'm done the cycle, and after PCT, answers on this would be helpful too.
What about preworkout supplements like "Jack3d" while on the juice, should I still take them? I don't want to have a heart attack from high blood pressure from taking both at once?