Hey guys I'm new to anabolics, I just got my first 10ml vial of Test Sust 300.
One of my good friends got it for me and told me to take 1 shot of 1cc every 3 days. Well now I've done a lot of research and figured out that this will only last me 4 weeks and I know that is just going to be a waste! My question is should I do a shot of 1cc once a week that way I can make my cycle last 8 weeks? For my PCT i am going to be using Nolvadex and Clomid. How much of each should I take, and how long should I start after my last shot? I trusted my friend on his tips because he is HUGE and experienced with anabolics, but I know I should of done my own research. By the way, I already took my first cc shot yesterday.
My stats are. 5"10 180lbs I don't really know my BF% but It's not a lot. I started training on and off since I was 16 but the last 2 years have hit it hard at the gym almost 6 days a week. Anyways, I hope I won't get flamed for my noob questions and for not doing my research before taking my first shot (I trusted my friend).