Hello guys,

I'm 21
5'8" at 165 pound
12% bf level
Working out seriously for two years
Current goal: pack 10 pounds of muscle w/ less fat as possible.

I have seen some of my friend try the following cycle with results going from OK to impresive (none of them went through PCT, so I had to add the PCT stack myself)... Is there any way you can give me your point of view guys? Would you reccomend me to approch at this stack in a different matter (combo)? would you reccomend me to change my PCT to something more robust, like Nolvadex ?
I appreciate all your help guys!

Purus Labs 30 Day Stack:
HALOVAR InSLINsified (2 pills a day as reccomended)
Recycle (1 pill a day)
Organ Shield (as recommended by bottle)
Animal Pack Multivitamin (as recommended by bottle)
Fish oil (as reccomended by bottle)
Clomid available in case of sign of gyno.

60 Day PCT:
Clomid (first 10 days 100mg, then following 10 days 50mg)
Recycle (4 pills a day as reccomended, for 30 days)
ZMA (as recommended by bottle, for 60 days)
Tribulus Terrestris (as recommended by bottle, for 60 days)
Organ Shield (as reccomended by bottle)
Fish oil (as reccomended by bottle)