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Thread: Opinions and suggestions for 3rd cycle

  1. #1

    Opinions and suggestions for 3rd cycle

    Planning my 3rd cycle for a lifting comp.
    23, 225lb 5'9

    The plan for now is an 11 week build up (11 weeks fit well into the programming for the comp)

    Some Test E, Tren E and D-Bol;

    1-5 - D-Bol 20-30mg ed 6 days a week
    1-11 - Test E 500mg per week
    1-11 - Tren E 200-300mg per week?? opinions on this would be appreciated, is this too long to run Tren E and is it okay to start the tren at the beggining of cycle etc.

    Thinking of Re adding in D-bol the last few weeks for a final kick..

    When do you guys think a good time to start using Arimadex would be at what dosage and would some nolva and hcg be fine for pct?

    One last question (a big one; ) I have another competition 10 weeks after this one coming but would like to give my body a break from the stuff in between, how do you guys think the best way would be to go about this?

    I know a lot of questions but all advice would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    what were ur last cycles. how did they work for you? ive done dbol at end of cycle and it did do much for me.

  3. #3
    Last 2 were the same cycles, very moderate, 20-40mg D-bol 6 days a week for 6-8 weeks with 300+-mg Sust a week.. Moderate gains was happy for what I wanted then but want to step it up now.. Has been about 6 months since last time, thanks.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    doses seem fine to me. personally i like about 50mg a day of dbol but some will say not good. test and tren dosage looks good as well. if this is first go with tren then you will be very happy as long as you can handle the sides

  5. #5
    Thank you, what about the bridging over to the next cycle, I am happy for it to be a much shorter cycle but with 10 weeks there is no time for a real break considering I will be using 2 long acting esters... Would it be worth using a pct besides armiadex after the 11 weeks in the middle of the two cycles? (I will almost definatly jump on arimadex about week 8) All other opinions/ other advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    I would not bother with PCT in between 2 cycles when there is no time for real break in between the two cycles.

    It takes several months for your HTPA to recover (which is not always a full recovery either) even when proper PCT is performed.

    However, you will have to run a solid PCT for 6 weeks once you are all done with your cycles.

    Why have not you emloyed any HCG for your cycle? It is a big miss not to have it during your cycle, now the recovery of your endocrine system will be harder, longer and your natural test levels may never be what they once were after these long cycles.

  7. #7
    I can still add HCG into my cycle as I have not started yet, how would you go about doing this? When to take it and at what dosages? Cheers

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    If you are cycling without HCG at the moment, get HCG ASAP and follow an injection protocol of 500 i.u. E3D until your PCT begins.

    Are you currently suffering from any testicular dysfunctions? Are you experiencing testicular shrinkage at the moment, for instance?

  10. #10
    I haven't actually started my cycle yet.. Will be starting in 3 weeks just wanted some opinions from guys with lots more knowlage then myself.

    How far into the cycle would you start the hcg? And would you run arimadex with it too?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You start HCG in the 2nd week of the cycle, all the way up to PCT.

    I would run 0.5gr of Arimidex EOD throughout a cycle that involves 500mg of Test E just to keep estrogen levels under control and estrogen related side effects away.

  12. #12
    Thank's alot for the advice, really appreciate it, will post up how it goes..

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