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Thread: 25 Y/O Male, first cycle ever. Not afraid of the needle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    25 Y/O Male, first cycle ever. Not afraid of the needle

    Hey guys, my name is Sean. I am about to do my frist cycle. To give you a little history. I was really scrawny in high school. 6ft 2 150 lbs, I always wanted to be bigger but my body just never seemed to co-operate. I considered steroids but after doing some research I found out that it was a really bad idea at 17.

    Fast forward 8 years, I have been going to the gym + doing sports on an off forever. I have been working 6 days a week for about a year Trying to get the body I have always wanted. Lost about 30 lbs and put on a good amount of muscle. I am happy with the progress I have made so far but still want more. Diet is near perfect, Oatmeal for breakfast, shake for snack, chicken rice / brocoilli for lunch, shake for snack, chicken / veggies for dinner. I have reached what I feel is the limit of what my body will put on in terms of muscle naturally.

    Before I start I just wanted to get some thoughts, what would be the best cycle for a newbie? I am not afraid of the needle, though I would like to limit poking myself as much as possible.

    I am 6ft3 195lbs. I am looking to gain some size that I can keep with continued efforts at the gym. I am not looking to be anywhere near what some of you guys are, I can't even imagine how many years it took you to get there! Great Job!

    The cycle that has been suggested to me ( what I am leaning towards) is 60 mg Anavar + cypionate (forget the dosage right now)

    Thank you for your input

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    what's your BF% today?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    200mgs of deca/test e or c will give you size
    drop the anavar

    or you could do test/dbol, and i would do the dbol weeks 6-10, im on dbol/test now and its a great combo
    if you start the dbol from week 1, all your really going to be feeling is the dbol until week 4-5

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Beeb View Post
    Hey guys, my name is Sean. I am about to do my frist cycle. To give you a little history. I was really scrawny in high school. 6ft 2 150 lbs, I always wanted to be bigger but my body just never seemed to co-operate. I considered steroids but after doing some research I found out that it was a really bad idea at 17.

    Fast forward 8 years, I have been going to the gym + doing sports on an off forever. I have been working 6 days a week for about a year Trying to get the body I have always wanted. Lost about 30 lbs and put on a good amount of muscle. I am happy with the progress I have made so far but still want more. Diet is near perfect, Oatmeal for breakfast, shake for snack, chicken rice / brocoilli for lunch, shake for snack, chicken / veggies for dinner. I have reached what I feel is the limit of what my body will put on in terms of muscle naturally.

    Before I start I just wanted to get some thoughts, what would be the best cycle for a newbie? I am not afraid of the needle, though I would like to limit poking myself as much as possible.

    I am 6ft3 195lbs. I am looking to gain some size that I can keep with continued efforts at the gym. I am not looking to be anywhere near what some of you guys are, I can't even imagine how many years it took you to get there! Great Job!

    The cycle that has been suggested to me ( what I am leaning towards) is 60 mg Anavar + cypionate (forget the dosage right now)

    Thank you for your input
    Not to rain on your parade, but the bolded is evidence that your diet has a lot of room for improvement. A "near-perfect" diet would only have 1 shake a day, which is Post-Workout. I strongly encourage you to post your diet in the diet section of these forums as anyone 6ft or taller should easily be able to achieve 200 lbs+, 12% BF naturally. If you can't then you aren't eating or training properly, it's that simple. There are a few members on this board that are in the 220-240 lb range with low bodyfat that are natural. In addition, you need to realize that steroids are not a magic answer, as dieting is the foundation to bodybuilding and I cannot stress that enough. You will look worse after steroids if you do not eat properly, optimally, both during cycle and PCT.

    The cycle your friend recommended is terrible, stop taking his advice all together. In addition to posting up your diet, your going to need to either buy calipers or post your pics in the member's picture forum to find out your Bodyfat%. This will help calculate your TDEE to find out approx. how many cals and what kind of macronutrient (Protein/Carbs/Fat) breakdown you require.

    Also post your training as everyone always has room for improvement there.

    Before even thinking about purchasing anabolics and do some research and go through the educational threads and actually read them. I swear I don't know how people make it into their mid/late 20's and can't do independent research for themselves.

    Familiarize and understand the following concepts:

    - Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and the big 3 for dieting with respect to bodybuilding (What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat)
    - A "beginner test-only cycle"
    - What Post-Cycle Therapy is, Aromatase Inhibitors, HCG, and how to detect side effects of anabolic steroids (Ie - Gyno)
    - How to change your diet on cycle and PCT
    - Possible side effects (both long term and short term) of steroid use AND steroid abuse.
    - How to properly inject (including sanitation)

    That should keep you busy for a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Not to rain on your parade, but the bolded is evidence that your diet has a lot of room for improvement. A "near-perfect" diet would only have 1 shake a day, which is Post-Workout. I strongly encourage you to post your diet in the diet section of these forums as anyone 6ft or taller should easily be able to achieve 200 lbs+, 12% BF naturally. If you can't then you aren't eating or training properly, it's that simple. There are a few members on this board that are in the 220-240 lb range with low bodyfat that are natural. In addition, you need to realize that steroids are not a magic answer, as dieting is the foundation to bodybuilding and I cannot stress that enough. You will look worse after steroids if you do not eat properly, optimally, both during cycle and PCT.

    The cycle your friend recommended is terrible, stop taking his advice all together. In addition to posting up your diet, your going to need to either buy calipers or post your pics in the member's picture forum to find out your Bodyfat%. This will help calculate your TDEE to find out approx. how many cals and what kind of macronutrient (Protein/Carbs/Fat) breakdown you require.

    Also post your training as everyone always has room for improvement there.

    Before even thinking about purchasing anabolics and do some research and go through the educational threads and actually read them. I swear I don't know how people make it into their mid/late 20's and can't do independent research for themselves.

    Familiarize and understand the following concepts:

    - Macronutrients, Micronutrients, and the big 3 for dieting with respect to bodybuilding (What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat)
    - A "beginner test-only cycle"
    - What Post-Cycle Therapy is, Aromatase Inhibitors, HCG, and how to detect side effects of anabolic steroids (Ie - Gyno)
    - How to change your diet on cycle and PCT
    - Possible side effects (both long term and short term) of steroid use AND steroid abuse.
    - How to properly inject (including sanitation)

    That should keep you busy for a while.

    Wow ya I have a lot of work to do on my diet..

    And I am going to do cardio in the morning now...

    I came in here thinking I was smart, after hours and hours of reading I have realized that I had about 1/1000th of the knowledge that a lot of you guys have.

    Thanks guys.

    I have the drive to get there, ill keep you guys posted with my results.

    First cycle = Test only

  6. #6
    Welcome to the board, you will find lots of great help here.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I recommend test only!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

  9. #9
    Test only and u should be eating roughly at least 200 grams of protein a day. As well as 3,000 plus calories at least. Hit the diet sction up and u will be able to get over 200 natty and then some..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    More than 200 protein, closer to 300.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I spent hours and hours reading the diet section, went grocery shopping today and got everything I need to be more successful. I am going to make sure I have my diet sorted out properly first before my first cycle.

    I am sitting at 18% body fat, lots of room for improvement there.

    I was way over 200 about a year ago, but I was overweight, I lost about 30 lbs. I agree that I could get over 200 naturally I have been flirting with 200lbs for a while now. With the changes I have made to my diet and my routine I should be able to put on a few lbs before I cycle.

    Would you guys recommend going hard naturally first? I don't really want to be massive, I just want the get a bit bigger and put on some lean mass and fill out a bit more.


  12. #12
    that can most likely be done naturally. considering ur still under 200 lbs and 6'3"

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    18% BF is very high for running gear. lots sides and no results.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by 38jumper38 View Post
    18% BF is very high for running gear. lots sides and no results.
    complete bs

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    complete bs
    Half BS Half truth actually. Two examples of people I can think of against the arguement are Machine & Buffgator, but they also have many more years experience and knowledge compared to random joe blow @ Cycle #1 with 18% Bodyfat. Secondly, estrogen is found in adipose tissue, more fat = higher ratio of Estrogen : Testosterone in the body. This is actually what causes stretch marks, which is why you see a lot of overweight men with stretch marks.

    Secondly, a partial reason why so many advocate against cycling @ a high bodyfat is because you're not showing dedication enough dedication to your diet to get the numbers down.

  16. #16
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Windex View Post
    Half BS Half truth actually. Two examples of people I can think of against the arguement are Machine & Buffgator, but they also have many more years experience and knowledge compared to random joe blow @ Cycle #1 with 18% Bodyfat. Secondly, estrogen is found in adipose tissue, more fat = higher ratio of Estrogen : Testosterone in the body. This is actually what causes stretch marks, which is why you see a lot of overweight men with stretch marks.

    Secondly, a partial reason why so many advocate against cycling @ a high bodyfat is because you're not showing dedication enough dedication to your diet to get the numbers down.
    im using real word experience
    every cycle i have ever done, i have gotten leaner on

    my response of complete bs is to the poster saying more sides and no results
    more sides? what sides have i incurred that 5% of my bodyfat would have prevented? ive done the blood work, no gyno, no high bp
    what extra sides? a little more estrogen

    and then he says, no results
    complete bs, ive gained 20lbs and my waist is now smaller
    my bb military incline went from 275 for 2 to sets of 8 with 275
    people at work and in the gym notice, they come talk to me, tell me i look good, making good progress, etc

    the only reason of increased risks from being at a higher bf or higher weight is the potential for higher bp
    and for every one guy at 18% doing a cycle is 5-10 160lbs at 12% that dont know how to eat, and complain of not gaining weight
    truth is, people have different motives on why to cycle and there is no real justification for the recreational use of the drug

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    A Rock And A Hard Place
    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    im using real word experience
    every cycle i have ever done, i have gotten leaner on

    my response of complete bs is to the poster saying more sides and no results
    more sides? what sides have i incurred that 5% of my bodyfat would have prevented? ive done the blood work, no gyno, no high bp
    what extra sides? a little more estrogen

    and then he says, no results
    complete bs, ive gained 20lbs and my waist is now smaller
    my bb military incline went from 275 for 2 to sets of 8 with 275
    people at work and in the gym notice, they come talk to me, tell me i look good, making good progress, etc

    the only reason of increased risks from being at a higher bf or higher weight is the potential for higher bp
    and for every one guy at 18% doing a cycle is 5-10 160lbs at 12% that dont know how to eat, and complain of not gaining weight
    truth is, people have different motives on why to cycle and there is no real justification for the recreational use of the drug
    Nor motivation. I don't see anyone out at night trying to hook up with their dealer so they can do a night of roids. Oxys and weed yes but not steroids.... I can hear someone now, dude I got some roids last night and stayed up partying, but I think I got ripped off cause I didn't get a buzz out of it at all...

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Down by the beach...
    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    200mgs of deca/test e or c will give you size
    drop the anavar

    or you could do test/dbol, and i would do the dbol weeks 6-10, im on dbol/test now and its a great combo
    if you start the dbol from week 1, all your really going to be feeling is the dbol until week 4-5
    plus about 1500 more calories ED

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Beeb View Post
    I spent hours and hours reading the diet section, went grocery shopping today and got everything I need to be more successful. I am going to make sure I have my diet sorted out properly first before my first cycle.

    I am sitting at 18% body fat, lots of room for improvement there.

    I was way over 200 about a year ago, but I was overweight, I lost about 30 lbs. I agree that I could get over 200 naturally I have been flirting with 200lbs for a while now. With the changes I have made to my diet and my routine I should be able to put on a few lbs before I cycle.

    Would you guys recommend going hard naturally first? I don't really want to be massive, I just want the get a bit bigger and put on some lean mass and fill out a bit more.

    It doesn't matter if you want to be huge or ripped or look like an underwear model mate - the principle is still the same. A beginner "test" cycle is 20 weeks long (12 weeks for cycle, 2 weeks before PCT, and 6 weeks for PCT). If you have never taking diet with a long commitment I can tell you right now you will not make it through the 5 months and run into tons of problems and waste your money. Post your proposed diet in the diet section and the people will be able to help you there. Give yourself atleast 6 months to being committed to a better bodybuilding diet, then think about steroids.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Between your girls thighs
    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    im using real word experience
    every cycle i have ever done, i have gotten leaner on

    my response of complete bs is to the poster saying more sides and no results
    more sides? what sides have i incurred that 5% of my bodyfat would have prevented? ive done the blood work, no gyno, no high bp
    what extra sides? a little more estrogen

    and then he says, no results
    complete bs, ive gained 20lbs and my waist is now smaller
    my bb military incline went from 275 for 2 to sets of 8 with 275
    people at work and in the gym notice, they come talk to me, tell me i look good, making good progress, etc

    the only reason of increased risks from being at a higher bf or higher weight is the potential for higher bp
    and for every one guy at 18% doing a cycle is 5-10 160lbs at 12% that dont know how to eat, and complain of not gaining weight
    truth is, people have different motives on why to cycle and there is no real justification for the recreational use of the drug
    I agree with 5x10. yea waiting to get to a lower BF first is better, but that in no way means that you will have sides and no results. do the chances of excessive aromatization go up? a little. thats not to say someone at 9% wont get excessive aroma either. either way thats what AI's are for............

    i dont see anything wrong with 2-3 shakes a day either, yea real food would be better, but using shake as a snack is no big deal. sometimes i cant wait 2 hours to eat again, the shake will hold me over.
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 06-04-2011 at 10:23 AM.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for all the input guys,

    After all the reading I have done I am going to hold off a little on the gear and ensure that my diet is 100%.

    I went back to the gym and had them redo my BF% test after I looked at a bunch of pictures and thought I was way leaner than 18%. After two more tests they have me pegged at 15%, which still leaves room for improvement.

    I will keep everyone updated with my progress through this thread but like I said, I will hold off for a bit and ensure that I am maxing my gains naturally first then ill add the gear and get to where I really want to be.

    Thanks for all your input this site is an amazing resource

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    im using real word experience
    every cycle i have ever done, i have gotten leaner on

    my response of complete bs is to the poster saying more sides and no results
    more sides? what sides have i incurred that 5% of my bodyfat would have prevented? ive done the blood work, no gyno, no high bp
    what extra sides? a little more estrogen

    and then he says, no results
    complete bs, ive gained 20lbs and my waist is now smaller
    my bb military incline went from 275 for 2 to sets of 8 with 275
    people at work and in the gym notice, they come talk to me, tell me i look good, making good progress, etc

    the only reason of increased risks from being at a higher bf or higher weight is the potential for higher bp
    and for every one guy at 18% doing a cycle is 5-10 160lbs at 12% that dont know how to eat, and complain of not gaining weight
    truth is, people have different motives on why to cycle and there is no real justification for the recreational use of the drug
    Some of your real world experiences are still questionable and not exactly what the board is about. We dont typically recommend the biggest, best cycle especially for a 1st time user. We typically try to keep to the basics for cycle and safety meaning being in the best shape before a cycle to get the most out of it starting with Test only. Suggesting a Test/Daca for the first cycle isn't such a good idea even if it worked for you in the real world. Being 18% body fat does not mean you wont get results but it means you wont get as good of results as if you where 12%. If you are 18% your diet is not even close to where it should be so your gains will be diminished. At 12% your diet is pretty good and your gains should be much better, lean muscle mass instead of partial bloat. Adding Deca as well as being at 18% you can expect quite a bit of bloat I would expect.

    I agree with giving it a little more time getting your diet squared away and body fat down so you can see better results and more bang for your $$

  23. #23
    First off you need to drop your body fat. Second, if you are 6ft3 195lbs, you definitely do not need juice. At 6"3 you should easily be over 210lbs before considering to be taking any gear. You can naturally still gain size and strength if your watch your diet.

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