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Thread: Dbol Schedule Help + Tips Needed

  1. #1

    Dbol Schedule Help + Tips Needed

    Hi all,

    This is my first post, I'm currently on my PCT from my first cycle (winny + Test Prop over 12 weeks). I am wanting to try a 12 week,Dbol cycle next and I'm not sure what is best to stack it with. I'm thinking some Test Prop/Sust - 3 Shots a week at 1-1.5 mls. I need a some help from some of the more experienced people with this issue as I don't know what the best test is to stack Dbol / how much I should shoot up a week.

    I am 22
    and weigh 85kgs - Not Fat, I think my legs account for majority of my weight
    Gyming - Ive been training off and on for the past 6-7 years but I've taken it very serious over the past 3 or so.

    Here the current schedule I've put together... I intend to take a break on Saturdays and Sundays.

    Week 1: 5 Days 1 X 10mg Tab
    Week 2: 5 Days 2 X 10mg Tab
    Week 3: 5 Days 2 X 10mg Tab
    Week 4: 5 Days 2 X 10mg Tab
    Week 5: 5 Days 2 X 10mg Tab
    Week 6: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab
    Week 7: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab
    Week 8: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab
    Week 9: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab
    Week 10: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab
    Week 11: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab
    Week 12: 5 Days 3 X 10mg Tab

    Any Advice, on what to stack it with and how much?

    Thanks in advance for the replies.

    PS: I know some of you despised D's so please, no raging

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sorry bro but at your age all you need is a good diet.Aas at your age can seriously damage your endo system.Wait a few years.Build a solid base.Then if you still want to cycle it will be safer for you.Good luck.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Sorry bro but at your age all you need is a good diet.Aas at your age can seriously damage your endo system.Wait a few years.Build a solid base.Then if you still want to cycle it will be safer for you.Good luck.
    Thanks for the advice.

    Although as I stated above. This would be my second cycle. I have researched tones into D's and with good liver support , cranberry extracts, PCT etc, I have no doubt I will be fine. Id just like to know what is best to stack it with and the dosage. The problem comes into effect when people start abusing and upping doses to train and fast cycle things. It generally turns bad as Ive seen some of my friends hit some hard times with gear.

    @Song: Atm my diet is looking pretty good. Im trying to intake 6 full meals a day with Protein and I have stopped drinking and cut out tones of the 'bad' stuff. Even though from time to time a chocolate gets in somehow

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