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Thread: First cycle Susstanon 250 + dianabol advice apreciated

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    First cycle Susstanon 250 + dianabol advice apreciated

    Hi this is my first time on a bodybuilding forum so i hope i dont get flamed, ive made the decision to take steroids my stats are

    22 years old

    I was going to do a dianabol only cycle but then i realised i had 5-6 amps of susstanon 250 i was wondering if it would be wise to put these into a dianabol cycle and if so how would i do it, so ive got...

    100 10mg dianabol tabbs + 5-6 susstanon 250 amps HOW WOULD IT BE BEST TO TAKE THIS?? also im purchasing a pct next week, which would be best because there is alot out there.

    Thanks alot for taking the time to read and reply i understand how this may be frustrating to some of you, im just trying to do this in the safest possible way, also does anyone know what gains im likely to expect? thank you again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    welcome to the boards.

    72kg @ 5'8 tells me you have plenty of natural growth left. how long have you been training on a consistent basis? what does your diet consist of? why exactly do you feel you need steroids to make additional growth?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hey bro I know you may not want to hear this but its the truth.You are to young.You can really mess up your endo system at your age.Plus that cycle is junk.All you need is a good diet.Hit the diet section.Get a good base and come back in a couple of years.Then you will be ready.Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hey guys cheers for your replies, my diet is usually just chicken and various complex carbs i eat pretty consistently ive been fighting for a couple of years so getting to the size i want to is very difficult with all the weight cutting and cardio (3-4 times a week) i am an ok size for my height but i have been at this size for maybe 2 years, usually i will try to train every day a different muscle each day...i understand you guys are speaking from experience and i respect that but there must be a safe way i can use the gear that i have alongside a good diet. P.S i will check out the diet section thanks.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinny View Post
    Hey guys cheers for your replies, my diet is usually just chicken and various complex carbs i eat pretty consistently ive been fighting for a couple of years so getting to the size i want to is very difficult with all the weight cutting and cardio (3-4 times a week) i am an ok size for my height but i have been at this size for maybe 2 years, usually i will try to train every day a different muscle each day...i understand you guys are speaking from experience and i respect that but there must be a safe way i can use the gear that i have alongside a good diet. P.S i will check out the diet section thanks.

    no there really isnt a safe way for anyone to use aas, we can only take as many cautions but i think eventually everyone will suffer some sort of sides. being 22 only increases your chance of poor recovery, stay natty and learn to eat you"ll be happier in the end..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Quote Originally Posted by Quinny View Post
    Hey guys cheers for your replies, my diet is usually just chicken and various complex carbs i eat pretty consistently ive been fighting for a couple of years so getting to the size i want to is very difficult with all the weight cutting and cardio (3-4 times a week) i am an ok size for my height but i have been at this size for maybe 2 years, usually i will try to train every day a different muscle each day...i understand you guys are speaking from experience and i respect that but there must be a safe way i can use the gear that i have alongside a good diet. P.S i will check out the diet section thanks.

    At least get your deit fixed up first. You don't have enough test to do crap, except maybe shut you down. The diet is the problem, that is not too much cardio we all do at least that much. Why not wait a few years?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    dont people go on 4-6 week dianabol only cycles tho, adding suss can only help with that cant it?

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