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Thread: first cycle - Tbol

  1. #1

    first cycle - Tbol

    Hi all, I am new to the site and hoping you can give me some answers to my questions.
    I am male, 22yo, 5ft8", 180lbs, 12%bodyfat.

    I have been working out for 3 years on and off but the last 18 moths serious training. over this time period I have gained 12lbs lean. My problem is the last 4 months I have gained nothing and remained the same weight. I have up calorie intake to 3500-4000 a day (no big macs!)
    I then looked into steroids and have done about a months research and gained alot of knowledge from sites and forums such as this.
    My first choice was dbol at a small sensible cycle of 1-6weeks 25mg dbol + nolva ED then 20mg pct for 3 weeks.
    I read on the many sides of dbol and then came across TBol which seemed alot more beneficial for me being my first cycle. This is what I come up with.
    Weeks 1-6 Tbol 40mg (with milk thistle)
    Weeks 7-9 nolva 40mg/20mg/20mg

    What do you guys think?

    I understand Orals are more toxic, but this is just a trial and hopefully if all succeeds I can add test in my 2nd cycle.

    Look forward to seeing your comments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Easton, PA
    you are still a little Too young for steroids. Wait til you are 25. Do more research. dbol or tbol only cycle for 6 weeks is retarded. always Test for first cycle.

  3. #3
    hdrol is converts to tbol in the body. PM me I'll tell you where to get it for 26.99 a bottle also, search hdrol. lots of good info on countless about to start my cycle soon

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