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Thread: questions about cutting cycle

  1. #1

    questions about cutting cycle

    im 26, 5'11" 195lbs. i go to the gym 3-4 times a week, 30-45min cardio everyday then each other day switch from upper body, legs, and mid section. resting a day in between

    i finished my 5 week anabolic oral "bulking" cycle and pct from tren 75, var 10 ans d-anabol 25

    i ordered the "British Dragon Gear" 5 week anabolic oral "cutting" cycle consisting of
    AnVar 10, Tren-Fina 75, Winstroll and Clenbuterall

    my diet consists of a lot of sandwiches, mainly chicken, turkey, tuna, penut butter ect. lots of water and as much fruit and veggies that i can. i take centrum silver multivitamin aswell as omega 3, vit b100 complex, glucosamine, vit c. i also take a meal replacement powder called Vega... 100% of daily minerals and vitamins and 25g of protein in each scoop.

    days i go to the gym i usually take a shake called "superpump" with creatine, post workout i take my vitamins and glutamine (amino acid)

    what do you guys sujest my cycle should be, how should i start or end, and what the PCT should be.

    Also what should i change in my diet, adding or subtracting foods ect.

    thank you all so much for your time, and i hope i hear some feedback from you, Thanks!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Sounds like you ordered a bunch of Pro hormones from this sites sponser,

  3. #3
    Welcome to the Board. Tons of great info here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    buddy your training good, food good

    if you use aas you need to sleep over 8 hours
    I recommend 10 hours
    good luck!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    I dont like pro-hormon because too much harsh for your liver..

    change the carbs maybe if you re doing cutting oatmeal,brown rice and sweet potatoes is the best choice

  6. #6
    thanks! yea i'l add some carbs, and try to get more sleep! i only average 5-6hrs a night, i take milk thistle too. and ideas for a PCT?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Sounds like you ordered a bunch of Pro hormones from this sites sponser,
    no one else though this?

  8. #8
    also should i keep up with my meal replacement, protein, creatine and glutamine shakes? more or less?
    Last edited by dooby78; 06-02-2011 at 09:35 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Is this Bo?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Sounds like you ordered a bunch of Pro hormones from this sites sponser,
    Those are not even PHs

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dooby78 View Post
    im 26, 5'11" 195lbs. i go to the gym 3-4 times a week, 30-45min cardio everyday then each other day switch from upper body, legs, and mid section. resting a day in between

    i finished my 5 week anabolic oral "bulking" cycle and pct from tren 75, var 10 ans d-anabol 25

    i ordered the "British Dragon Gear" 5 week anabolic oral "cutting" cycle consisting of
    AnVar 10, Tren-Fina 75, Winstroll and Clenbuterall

    my diet consists of a lot of sandwiches, mainly chicken, turkey, tuna, penut butter ect. lots of water and as much fruit and veggies that i can. i take centrum silver multivitamin aswell as omega 3, vit b100 complex, glucosamine, vit c. i also take a meal replacement powder called Vega... 100% of daily minerals and vitamins and 25g of protein in each scoop.

    days i go to the gym i usually take a shake called "superpump" with creatine, post workout i take my vitamins and glutamine (amino acid)

    what do you guys sujest my cycle should be, how should i start or end, and what the PCT should be.

    Also what should i change in my diet, adding or subtracting foods ect.

    thank you all so much for your time, and i hope i hear some feedback from you, Thanks!
    I hate to break it to you, but those arent even prohormones.

  12. #12
    then what are they?

  13. #13
    Ouch...with the amount of $ you spent on that you coulda got your self some real gear with real results but any retard who researches what they're doing, will kno that.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Wat is that stuff your taken? sure aint aas.

  15. #15
    i buy its the bigginer cutting stack, you guys think its fake stuff?

  16. #16
    The anabolic oral steroids from oralsteroid. Com or ***********. Com are they legit? I might order the cutting cycle

  17. #17
    *********** .com

  18. #18
    Buy steroids . Com

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    No, they are fake.
    The products are produced in houston, texas and are simply isoflavines.
    Read the disclaimer at the bottom of the site. It states "these are not steroids, but powerful alternatives". Also, read the ingredients on the back of the bottles.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Phoenix, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by dooby78 View Post
    im 26, 5'11" 195lbs. i go to the gym 3-4 times a week, 30-45min cardio everyday then each other day switch from upper body, legs, and mid section. resting a day in between

    i finished my 5 week anabolic oral "bulking" cycle and pct from tren 75, var 10 ans d-anabol 25

    i ordered the "British Dragon Gear" 5 week anabolic oral "cutting" cycle consisting of
    AnVar 10, Tren-Fina 75, Winstroll and Clenbuterall

    my diet consists of a lot of sandwiches, mainly chicken, turkey, tuna, penut butter ect. lots of water and as much fruit and veggies that i can. i take centrum silver multivitamin aswell as omega 3, vit b100 complex, glucosamine, vit c. i also take a meal replacement powder called Vega... 100% of daily minerals and vitamins and 25g of protein in each scoop.

    days i go to the gym i usually take a shake called "superpump" with creatine, post workout i take my vitamins and glutamine (amino acid)

    what do you guys sujest my cycle should be, how should i start or end, and what the PCT should be.

    Also what should i change in my diet, adding or subtracting foods ect.

    thank you all so much for your time, and i hope i hear some feedback from you, Thanks!

    It sounds like you were ripped off. 99% of the supplements on the market are horse s##t.

  21. #21
    So can you get legit anabolic steroids online?

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by dooby78 View Post
    So can you get legit anabolic steroids online?
    You really should have done some real research online. You also need to learn how to read the board rules. Source discussion and mentioning other websites is against the rules. Yes you can get steroids online but again, this is not a source board.

    What you bought are not steroids, they are not pro-hormones, and are not even vitamins. They are complete junk for people like yourself who think steroids are some magic pill or injection that will make you look big or look like an underwear model and can be found from any random website using google.

    Your diet is plain garbage, and you are not ready for any kind of anabolic steroid use. Go to the diet section and post up your diet, along with what times you eat and people will help fix it for you. Your going to need a complete diet overhaul. Without a proper dieting, your wasting your time at the gym, and you will waste your money on any supplement. The only "supplement" you need right now is a Multivitamin - which is more for good health than anything. Do yourself another and throw out SuperPump and your weight gainer, both are useless.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Trollllll....or..... should have been drowned at birth

  24. #24

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Lets not come down hard on the guy.
    I guarantee every member on this board has seen ads and thought to themselves "how can this site be even half way legal, furthermore how can this site even be operational??"
    Ill admit, I half believed it years ago when I first registered to this site (forgot my old username unfortunately) and I looked around on the site.
    But as half expected, the gear looked and sounded fake.

    So if you arent scared off already, get your diet in order (as I type this Im choking down a protein shake, spaghetti, and grilled chicken), do a LOT of research, and dont be afraid to ask questions. Most of us are just here to help.

  26. #26
    thanks R1guy

  27. #27
    Do some Anavar

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I dont know.I like Deka

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