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Thread: Var/clen/t3 doses

  1. #1

    Var/clen/t3 doses

    Im 21 years of age weigh aprox 91kgs have been working out since the age of 14 up till now.. im quite happy with my body as ive been able to build up muscle and strength quite easily.. yet i have always been a bit on the heavy side..
    i have been taking anavar 30mg for the last 3 weeks and ive had good gains with it.. i did lose a little bit of fat in the process and the weight was still the same 91kgs.. ive been on a low carb hi prot diet.. and i work out 30hrs threadmill 30mins stepper. 30mins bike and another 30 mins rower. followed by 2 hrs of a full body workout with light weights for repetitions.. i drink 4L of water in those 4 hrs and i take a meal replacment shake in between.. i do this 4 x a week.. i can say that i did see a bit of a result yet im still not that happy... so i am prepared to step up a notch by using clen/t3 cycle yet i dont know the doses i should take. any help?

    im 5.8.
    17.8inch arms. 35waist , 70cm from shoulder to shoulder
    Last edited by grimax; 06-03-2011 at 10:41 AM.

  2. #2
    Ill be the first to say it. Too young for AAS still.

  3. #3
    I think you do to much Cardio but that IMO...just some test with that var. Test prop If u can handle the ed shots..

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by jtuner77 View Post
    Ill be the first to say it. Too young for AAS still.
    i forgot to mention that im Maltese.. No we are not Arabs.. but we do have a higher Testosterone % then other races..

  5. #5
    Well if you got a higher test % don't do aas lmao

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    this is interesting. where you here that from?

  7. #7
    ive grown taller then my father already.. im 21.. i have to wax every 2 weeks as ive got my back covered in hair... and ive done blood tests which show higher then average test levels.. i just want to lose fat.. stubborn fat. i dont need nor do i want to grow bigger.. i started taking anavar as who ever i talked to said that it helps in weight loss..

  8. #8
    Is this you?

  9. #9
    i wish i was that skinny..

  10. #10
    Yes hair is an indication of natural test but in no way is that impressive that you resemble a Planet of the Apes character. You are too young and considering you said your natural Test level is high then you dont need to take AAS. Get a proper diet. Post it in the diet forum and watch the guys pic it apart.

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