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Thread: Test E water weight?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Test E water weight?

    Hello everyone! Have a question in regards to my real 1st cycle. Age 39, weight currently 212 (was 202 when started 9 days ago), been working out my entire life and am in great shape, was prolly 10-12% body fat when started this cycle, and diet is still in check.

    Currently taking 500mg of test e a week, 60mg a day of anavar, and 1mg of amiridex eod. (ten week cycle)

    Goal is to be lean as hell and stronger than what I am now.

    Here is my question, after 9 days of this cycle I can feel great benifets except for one that is going to drive me insane to no end! Even though I can still see my abs pretty well I can really feel the water weight coming on strong. 10lbs I've put on so far and I have a feeling if I keep on the same coarse I will be another 30-50lbs heavier with no problem in which I do not want!

    I seen my supplier today and told him about this and he highly recomended that I swtch the test e for Andropen 275, or take Primobolan with the test e. But told me that he would lean towards the andropen 275.

    My fear is the water weight big time, and I think I might be prone to water weight issues anyways given my past. I know when I used to take certain suppliments in the past they would help with strength, but soon after I'd start to turn into the Michelan Man.

    Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Between your girls thighs
    don't be scared of the water, you will piss it out during PCT will give you strength and cushion the joints.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    If your that concerned go ahead and take a small dose of adex. It worked great for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I feel ya water weight sucks! some guys really could care brother didnt run an ai with ever when he cycled...only took a little nolva when he felt inch nips and he loved the bloat! me on the other hand I hate it! I could gain more weight on cycle but Id rather see that what I am gaining is 100% muscle than have the shock of loosing 10-15lbs during pct. I usr letro which is not a good idea for most people! but it works well for my self...I would get some a-dex and take .5mg a day should do the trick!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I have have a budy who gained 40lbs in his last cycle!! looks like the michelin man lol looked big but very very soft...didint look good but he was happy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Between your girls thighs
    the guy is already on 1mg EOD of adex not saying michelin man water, but a lil water is good. the michelin man is bloat, and that is from shitty diet and not enough water. aforementioned letro suggestion may be in order, if its that big of a deal. for thos that like "to see the real gains" your missing strength from a lil water, that you could have used to get stronger=more muscle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    yeah my budy who blew up is a big dude! but his dies is horrible! big macks, and protein shakes lol he use to be lean and look great! now he looks like crap...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    A-dex didnt work for me either...why im not sure? I have tired a few diffrent brands but still nothing so I got some letro and it did the trick! just be careful because its reall strong stuff and can dry you out to much...**** your joints up as well! 1.25mg once or twice a week is plenty! for the first couple days take 2.5 mgs and then back off...only taking it when you feel you need it, that should get rid of any water your hold.

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