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Thread: First ever cycle....what do you think?

  1. #1

    First ever cycle....what do you think?

    I am starting my first cycle next week. I have decided to run 2 CC's of deca, with 1 CC of sustanon per week for 8 weeks. Then maybe use some clen to clean it up. I haven't decided what else I want to use for PCT, so if anyone has any advice I'll gladly take it. My diet is very clean. I don't really have a set formula, but I take in less than 25 grams of fat per day, watch my sugar intake, and make sure I get over 200 grams of protein per day. I am currently 5'10", 175-180 LB range, with between 4-6% body fat.
    Basically I am just looking for any advice here. Maybe something I should ad? Maybe something I should subtract? Any input would help. I also plan on starting a log, but don't really know the appropriate place to put one. I have also included a picture to reference (I am the guy on the right, obviously)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    I don't think you need a cycle. most of people here will be happy with a body like that, but if you go forward there are few things to considerate.
    1-You need a diet, like you say you don't a set formula, you need one. diet is everything. Post your diet on diet section and members will help you out.
    2-First cycle will be test for 10-12 weeks, follow by PCT.
    3-If you going to run your cycle, you need to run sustanon longer than deca and higher dose. like 8 weeks deca and 10 weeks sustanon.
    4-Have hcg in the cycle.
    5-Need a PCT.

  3. #3
    Maybe Jus test bud for your first run till you kno your fine with the sides.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    I'm on my 3rd cycle and throwing in some Deca with Test finally. You'll need to run an AI such as Arimidex to keep estrogen levels low. This should help reduce the chances of having progesterone side effects. Even still, you'd want some caber or prami on hand in case you have issues. You'll also want clomid and nolva for PCT and HCG throughout the entire cycle to keep the boys functioning and also to help with the recovery since Deca shuts you down hard.

    I'd suggest not using the Deca on the first cycle though bro and trying some test first. Trust me, if you eat right you'll have great gains ... I gained a little over 20 pounds on my first cycle and really didn't have my diet down to a science at that point. Plus this way you'll know if run Test whether you're gyno prone and need more AI or not and whether or not you handle that ester of Test fine without many sides. Otherwise if you have sides you wont know whether it's the Test or Deca and then you'll stop the entire cycle ... F that ... Once you're on you don't wanna have to stop.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Sorry .. submitted twice.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Awesome base there man but you should really think about building it up more before cycling because youre nowhere near natural max. Im 2" shorter then you but 10lbs heavier and even though ive cycled many time before, im honestly just now at the ideal body size for cycling. I say this because its best to only use gear AFTER diet and exercise cannot get you any further. This is also a good idea because during this time of gaining naturally its a great oppurtunity to build and hone your other skills such as dieting and exercise. Dont rush it, good things come to those who wait and do things correctly...most of us here will say that we couldve all waited longer.

  7. #7
    Imo, when taking deca, the test dosage should be double to avoid deca dick.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    lone star state
    Test doesn't not need to be higher than deca. Just can't use deca with none or small amount of test.

    What are the rest of your stats?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by adrianlkl View Post
    Imo, when taking deca, the test dosage should be double to avoid deca dick.
    Bad Broscience.

    OP - Get a more structured diet and show yourself that you can be dedicated to said diet for a good 5 months or so then worry about cycling. Secondly, save Deca for a 2nd or 3rd cycle. In addition, posting your "diet' in the diet section should be an eye opener and the guys there will help you improve it. When on gear, everything becomes high-scale, including fat gain and water retention. So if you cycle with a poor diet, your going to put on a lot of water weight and fat. Finally, I'm assuming your going to be dropping the alcohol all together on cycle & PCT ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Miami, FL (Kendall)
    Quote Originally Posted by yungone501 View Post
    Awesome base there man but you should really think about building it up more before cycling because youre nowhere near natural max. Im 2" shorter then you but 10lbs heavier and even though ive cycled many time before, im honestly just now at the ideal body size for cycling. I say this because its best to only use gear AFTER diet and exercise cannot get you any further. This is also a good idea because during this time of gaining naturally its a great oppurtunity to build and hone your other skills such as dieting and exercise. Dont rush it, good things come to those who wait and do things correctly...most of us here will say that we couldve all waited longer.
    very good post.. most people say something to this nature, but many people dont realize how valuable diet and exercise really is.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Down by the beach...
    Gotta agree with yungone. But if you must, try some test to assess your body and your reactions. Wouldnt worry about stacking anything to begin with.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    First cycle should be test only, you will blow up enough off that alone and if you don't then you fail at life. Off my first test cycle I gained 20lbs, why add more compounds you don't need?

    You need to see how your body reacts to test, if you start developing tits and your on two compounds how will you know which one caused it? First get your base cycle down and don't rush getting into multiple compounds theres time for that.

    1) Get your PCT, unless you want to lose your gains have your PCT BEFORE you start your cycle to avoid complications.

    2) You are not 4% bf, 7-8% more likely.

    1-12 Test-e @ 500mg/week

    nolva 40/20/20/20
    clomid 100/50/50/50

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