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  1. #1
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    Update on my situation...please advise

    saw my Endo Friday...

    all my levels came back in range

    but MY DHT was low....(as a result of doing too much TREN )

    endo said tren lowered my DHt and is probably blockin the 5AR reduction of deoxycortisicone and interefering with my brains GABA-A receptore due to a depleted Allopgrenalone....

    he said he sees this in patients who take PROPECIA for many years and get off etc

    he said all of this will go back to normal eventually but it could take up to ANOTHER year or so...he didnt feel comfortable prescribin me anything he said

    IM ALREADY 6 months with dealing with NO LIBIDO , Soft erections ,etc

    does anyone this Andactrim cream is the way to go or Would a TEST ONLY cycle with proper PCT be a good alternative becayuse TEST would raise my DHT

    although raising DHT may cuz some hair loss...

    ,much rather lose some hair and have a dick that works again


  2. #2
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Don't know anything about that cream. What did you ask him to prescribe? I wouldn't think that a test cycle would hurt but then again i'm not a doctor, and if that's what you asked him for and he said no, might want to listen. How bout some cialis or viagra? Were you doing tren only cycles?

  3. #3
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    Don't know anything about that cream. What did you ask him to prescribe? I wouldn't think that a test cycle would hurt but then again i'm not a doctor, and if that's what you asked him for and he said no, might want to listen. How bout some cialis or viagra? Were you doing tren only cycles?
    yeh...stupid me did a 10wk TREN ONLY cycle sept to nov
    last year cuz even though i read it was a no-no 2 guys at my gym did it, got amazinbg results and experienced no sides

    unfortunately, everyones bodies different and it really messed me up

    libido and dick still arent normal

    i asked endo to prescribe my Andactrim which is a cream that supposedly raises DHT,,,,and adds life to ur penis etc

    he said to just wait it out...dht will eventually rise on its own..may take another 6 months to a year though

    cant go that long without normal sex

    thinkiin about doing a 10wk cycle on cyp which i would think would not only increase libido but increase DHT cuzing me to **** again like Charlie

    any advice would be appreciated on this tipic though

    maybe someone who toook propecia knows whgat im goin thru

  4. #4
    Bigd89's Avatar
    Bigd89 is offline Senior Member
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    How old are you?

  5. #5
    layeazy is offline Banned
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    Good example what a huge lack of knowledge does.....

    Better off asking swifto or posting this in the pct therapy i would suggest HCG clomid and torem asap...

  6. #6
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by layeazy View Post
    Good example what a huge lack of knowledge does.....

    Better off asking swifto or posting this in the pct therapy i would suggest HCG clomid and torem asap...
    HCG and clomid and torem wont help

    becayse my test is at a normal level..900

    my receptors are messed up from the tren
    and my DHT is real low...

    no pct is gonna help that

  7. #7
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    im 33 ...someone please chime in and help

  8. #8
    5x10's Avatar
    5x10 is offline Associate Member
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    creatine has shown to increase dht levels, its worth a shot

  9. #9
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    any info on how much creatine per day raises dht....will 5 mg suffice?

  10. #10
    DRAMBRO is offline Associate Member
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    dht cream may be a quicker fix

    gonna ask my endo to precsribe it to me if he thinks itll help

  11. #11
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    i have no idea the dosage w/ the cream, but glad to see its figured out

    thought it was the DHT, cuz everything else was good. the cream should help balance everything back out.

    I dont think a test only cycle would be good becuz u have good test already, its the enzyme ur low on.

  12. #12
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    maybe some WINNY would help cuz its a DHT derivative, however it can shut you down some. I doubt that in your case because you dont have enough DHT as it is... but thats speculation

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