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Thread: Misconception about "TREN"

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Misconception about "TREN"

    Just want to clear something up because its related to an issue im having

    Tren can give a person "ED" and kill their libido other than it being a prolactin issue or a result of their bodies not producing test anymore

    my prolactin is 2.3....well in range
    and my test level is 810 ...well in range

    TRENOBOLONE if done without TEST has the SAME side effects as the drug propecia which is for male patttern baldness

    DHT can itsef be converted to compounds that bind estrogen receptors but arent estrogen

    DHT can really mess with ur libido and strength of erections

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    how is this a misconception. Most people know tren causes libido issues and shuts you down hard.

  3. #3
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    but most people think TREN shust u down hard by shutting down ur test levels

    that isnt always the case

    u could have a normal test level 900-1100 and still be experiencing ED because of what it does to ur receptors

  4. #4
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    ^^ the downregulation of 5alpha reductase is whats new IMO.

    just more info to not do tren by itself :P

  5. #5
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    tren will shut down your test. You blood levels were normal cause you ran a pct.

    Yes test levels arent the only thing that effects errections

  6. #6
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    whats messed up is that many of the damage tren can do , however, cant be located in a bloood test

    if u have receptor damage or ur htpa is blooood test willl pick that up

  7. #7
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    ^^ you can test more on the HPTA, its just real expenzive and most insurances wont cover it thats why docs avoid it cuz its out of pocket cost and people dont realize that.

    more reason to not do a tren only cycle

  8. #8
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    just curious but how would running test with the tren effect DHT levels post cycle?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    just curious but how would running test with the tren effect DHT levels post cycle?
    The question I have that NO ONE seems to have the answer for is...

    if u need to do test with tren to prevent some of the tren sides..

    for someone like me who has done tren..done the proper PCT..have normal TEST levels etc.....

    ive been off juice for 7 months...wouldnt starting an 8 week TEST ONLY cycle cancel out some of those negative tren sides from what it did to my receptors..

    then as loing as I do HCG , clomid and nolva after this 8 wk cycle and dont shut down....i should feeel nmuch better than i do now..right?

  10. #10
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    Tren doesnt convert to DHT, so when he did a tren only cycle he downregulated the enzyme needed. 5 alpha reductase. by doin test with tren, you still convert some test to DHT and dont downregulate the enzyme.

    you have test, doing a test only cycle of putting more test in isnt going to do anything. You are low on the enzyme that converts test.
    Last edited by Lemonada8; 06-06-2011 at 01:21 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Tren doesnt convert to DHT, so when he did a tren only cycle he downregulated the enzyme needed. 5 alpha reductase. by doin test with tren, you still convert some test to DHT and dont downregulate the enzyme.

    you have test, doing a test only cycle of putting more test in isnt going to do anything. You are low on the enzyme that converts test.
    besides a DHT cream or gel

    what other products do u think would raise DHT enough to upregulate the enzyme

    i heard creatine raissses dht but i cant imagine it would be enuff

  12. #12
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    Ways to Increase DHT
    Administer leuprolide, a gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist, in a pulsatile fashion and monitor the patient. Leuprolide will stimulate testosterone production because it is a gonadotropin hormone analog. DHT is converted to testosterone by 5-alpha reductase. If the enzyme is stimulated, then more testosterone will get converted to DHT. [B]Drugs and hormones that stimulate testosterone production will eventually cause a rise in DHT levels in the body.[/B]

    doing a cycle of test will raise my DHT which can in turn, get my DHT levels normal

    then all id have to do is a proper PCT to make sure my natty test levels dont crash

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    Tren doesnt convert to DHT, so when he did a tren only cycle he downregulated the enzyme needed. 5 alpha reductase. by doin test with tren, you still convert some test to DHT and dont downregulate the enzyme.

    you have test, doing a test only cycle of putting more test in isnt going to do anything. You are low on the enzyme that converts test.
    so a lack of dht is what downregulates the enzyme?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    so a lack of dht is what downregulates the enzyme?
    thats a good question 5 x 10...hope Lemondada or one of the experts can answer this

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    Just want to clear something up because its related to an issue im having

    Tren can give a person "ED" and kill their libido other than it being a prolactin issue or a result of their bodies not producing test anymore

    my prolactin is 2.3....well in range
    and my test level is 810 ...well in range

    TRENOBOLONE if done without TEST has the SAME side effects as the drug propecia which is for male patttern baldness

    DHT can itsef be converted to compounds that bind estrogen receptors but arent estrogen

    DHT can really mess with ur libido and strength of erections
    I always thought DHT gave erections and helps prevent gyno.. Are you saying Tren lowers DHT like propecia and stops hair loss? LOL...

    Btw masteron is pretty much fukin pure DHT, made me rock solid, horny all day, got rid of all the water on my body.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    I always thought DHT gave erections and helps prevent gyno.. Are you saying Tren lowers DHT like propecia and stops hair loss? LOL...

    Btw masteron is pretty much fukin pure DHT, made me rock solid, horny all day, got rid of all the water on my body.
    YES////TREN has similiar properties like propecia and it lowers dht

    thats what tren sex sides are called "FINA DICK"

    and propecia is actually callled finasterude (sp?)

  17. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    YES////TREN has similiar properties like propecia and it lowers dht

    thats what tren sex sides are called "FINA DICK"

    and propecia is actually callled finasterude (sp?)
    If that was the case then tren would stop hair loss.

    So since tren acts like propecia that means every other steroid besides test does too right?

    Because every other hormone will also suppress test. So i guess they all act like Propecia..

    rofl gimme a break.

    And i have NEVER gotten fina dick, tren always made me super ****ing horny and made my sex life way better.

  18. #18
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    Test is converted into the body to DHT by an enzyme callled 5 alpha reductase

    propecia and tren BOTH block this enzyme from converting test to DHT, hence lowering the amt of DHT in the body

    HIGH DHT causes hair loss...low dht..keep ur hair

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    Test is converted into the body to DHT by an enzyme callled 5 alpha reductase

    propecia and tren BOTH block this enzyme from converting test to DHT, hence lowering the amt of DHT in the body

    HIGH DHT causes hair loss...low dht..keep ur hair
    Thats not always true, i had low DHT and my hair was still shedding. And some people that have high DHT grow more hair.

    Wheres the study that tren lowers DHT and blocks the enzyme.

  20. #20
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    the progestin from tren decreases both estrogen and the conversion of test to DHT. Hence the major Libido problems you get.

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    the progestin from tren decreases both estrogen and the conversion of test to DHT. Hence the major Libido problems you get.
    Really? Because ive taken 1400mg of tren ace a week and got my blood levels checked and my prolactin was on the low end of normal range. So i dont believe that either.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Really? Because ive taken 1400mg of tren ace a week and got my blood levels checked and my prolactin was on the low end of normal range. So i dont believe that either.

    gonna throw it back in ur court


    what in TREN causes libido isssues in so many of its users

    "fina" dick isnt a myth..

    what causes it and how should it be treated

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post
    Test is converted into the body to DHT by an enzyme callled 5 alpha reductase

    propecia and tren BOTH block this enzyme from converting test to DHT, hence lowering the amt of DHT in the body

    HIGH DHT causes hair loss...low dht..keep ur hair
    Can you please post the actual study which shows that tren inhibits 5-alpha reductase?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post

    gonna throw it back in ur court


    what in TREN causes libido isssues in so many of its users

    "fina" dick isnt a myth..

    what causes it and how should it be treated
    Bro ive ran tren by itself (dumb move) and i was hornier than i was on test.

  25. #25
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    while on TREN i was AN ANIMAL

    id wack off 6 times a day

    it was as sooon as the pct ended...i lost ALLL LIBIDO

    bloooods comin back normal though

  26. #26
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    also feeel like i lost some sensitivty in the tip of my penis

    usually my girl licks taht spot and im rock hard

    for some erections are only 70% of what they should be.,...even w viagra

  27. #27
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    no, doing a tren only cycle downregulates the enzyme. Tren does NOT aromatize nor convert with 5ar.

    so when he did a tren only cycle, he stopped producin test. Since test is what converts with 5AR, there wasnt any conversion going on. When things arent used in the body, most of the time they go away; same concept here. The tren didnt convert, he didnt have much test converting, so that downregulated the enzyme. 5AR is tissue specific, meaning its where it needs the DHT. Since there was no conversion, the enzyme started to go away. When he did his PCT, his test was great cuz none of it was converting, or very little. Thats why his num are high and yet still has issues.

    so its the lack of the use of the 5AR that downregulates it.

  28. #28
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    if u were in my shoes...

    what would u do

    is there sonmethin i can take

    do i just neeed to wait anotehr 7 months or am i broke for good

  29. #29
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    if u can get some andractim (the DHT cream) i think that would be a better temporary solution while you get back to speed. Also, having the DHT cream might help jumpstart more enzyme production.

    I dont think doing a test only cycle would do any good because you wont be converting much DHT which is a majority of ur problems. You would be putting test in ur body (u already make good on that, according to blood work) so thats just replacing the test, yet no conversion to DHT is going on.

    the reason u had no probs with tren is that tren is 5x stronger to the receptor than test, so that helped take care of those issues by smashing itself in the receptor anyways.

    winny or mast might also be a temp solution cuz those are based off DHT. But theres always the chance that it would supress ur natty test some. But with a low dose, and u dont have enuff DHT anyways might be a viable solution if u cant get DHT cream.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemonada8 View Post
    no, doing a tren only cycle downregulates the enzyme. Tren does NOT aromatize nor convert with 5ar.

    so when he did a tren only cycle, he stopped producin test. Since test is what converts with 5AR, there wasnt any conversion going on. When things arent used in the body, most of the time they go away; same concept here. The tren didnt convert, he didnt have much test converting, so that downregulated the enzyme. 5AR is tissue specific, meaning its where it needs the DHT. Since there was no conversion, the enzyme started to go away. When he did his PCT, his test was great cuz none of it was converting, or very little. Thats why his num are high and yet still has issues.

    so its the lack of the use of the 5AR that downregulates it.
    gotcha, sounds exactly like the loss of leydig cells without LH
    crazy how its an enzyme that goes away
    i wonder that if test was eliminated from the system, if the aromatize enzyme would also downregulate
    Last edited by 5x10; 06-06-2011 at 08:09 PM.

  31. #31
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    do u have any advice to add on to lemondada

    lemondada has been EXTREMELY helpful

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post

    if u were in my shoes...

    what would u do

    is there sonmethin i can take

    do i just neeed to wait anotehr 7 months or am i broke for good
    Just jump on test again or hit some HCG and try another recovery.

  33. #33
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    tren makes me horny as hell.........................and i can fvck for hours

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    tren makes me horny as hell.........................and i can fvck for hours


    its post cycle when i got off it i crashed

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post


    its post cycle when i got off it i crashed
    Everyone crashed some sort due to AAS use, people just tend to crash harder from test or deca due to the severe HPTA suppression effects they tend to have.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRAMBRO View Post


    its post cycle when i got off it i crashed
    thats too bad man, i can def feel a decrease in libido after, but i dont know if it was really worse than before, or if it was so good on cycle i got spoiled.

    dont get me wrong, im not doubting it cant have lasting effects on DHT conversion, its def possible, i just have never looked into in detail. i dont know if i would find anything surefire either, since tren is not a well studied drug like the other FDA approved AAS.

  37. #37
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    Yall just need to call Bonaparte he can explain anything.And if Viagra dont work try 100mg.That is if you aint already.Tren makes me fu-k like a wild horse.Now npp puts me on the sidelines.Go figure.

  38. #38
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    Trenbolone causes HPTA SHUTDOWN because it OVERSATURATES BOTH, the ANDROGEN and the PROGESTERONE receptors.

    You might find some good information here.

    Also Google, Prevent HPTA suppression

  39. #39
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    deca has its own version of DHT, which gives the limp dick

    doing enough test will fix this problem because nandrolones DHT isnt as strong binding as natty DHT

  40. #40
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    I thought the term Fina-Dick came from conversion from finaplix pellets, not any similarity to finastride?

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