Thread: sust, dbol, stana, prop, deca
06-08-2011, 04:14 AM #1
sust, dbol, stana, prop, deca
4-5 yr on/off
1 cycle of cyp + dbol 12 weeks
ok so a recent trip to thailand has granted what is on the title.
I want to do a bulk cycle then a few months after a cutting cycle.
was thinking of doing for bulking
sust 500mg 1-14
dbol 50mg ed 1-4
deca 400mg 1-12
whilst running liquid stane throughout, and nolva clomid pct
and for cutting
sust 500mg 1-10
stana 50mg ed 1-8
maybe even throw in some clen
plus same ai and pct as bulker
criticism ???
Looks pretty good to me, just make sure to take enough time off between cycles.
06-08-2011, 06:36 AM #3
u said prop in the title, u adding prop to this? no need if u are as it isn the sust anyway. ur weight could be a bit higher natty but its reasonable.
is the sust and winny for a 2nd cycle later on after the bulk cycle..? solid cycle. good luck man!
06-08-2011, 10:29 PM #4
Yea well I got the prop there but I don't really need it, i could maybe front load a bit but 500mg of sust plus the rest is plenty enough.
Yea they r two cycles I'll be doing over the next year, have around 10 week break between the bulker and the cutter
Cheers fellas
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