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Thread: GnRH LOG

  1. #1

    GnRH LOG

    Ok so im going to do a log with GnRH since there isnt many on the internet to begin with and im sure people want to know what exactly the hell is going on with this stuff.

    So i should be getting it tomorrow. Ive been on cycle for over a year, with lots of different compounds thrown in at high doses.

    So a normal PCT would NOT suffice for me. This is pretty much my only shot as bringing it back..

    PCT As Follows:

    100mcg Triptorelin
    Nolvadex 20mg ED for 4 weeks (OR Torem 60mg every day, havent figured it out yet. Although id probably be better doing 120mg ED of Torem.)
    HGH 3iu a day (been on for 2 months so far, looking alot more cut)
    IGF-1 DES 50mcg day (Going to run this for 10 weeks straight)
    GHRP-6 400mcg a day(Primarily before bed, going to run this till i run out, good for hunger which is most def needed in PCT)

    Might add some sustain alpha or PES-ERASE for the extra boost idk yet though.

    Curious might be adding clen.

    Anyways mood has been shown to change in 2-3 days after administration. I will keep this log as updated as possible. And im going to post blood work results on July 10th. 1 shot of Triptorelin and 1 month of 20mg nolvadex.

    Was worried about sex drive but i got a SHITLOAD of cialis so i really dont care about that right now.

    Ill keep you updated!
    Last edited by RoidReaper; 06-09-2011 at 02:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Good luck with your recovery buddy, this triptorelin is very interesting
    Your pct line up looks awesome

    GHRH6 is crazy stuff for putting on weight, 400mcg before sleep would have me waking up in the middle of the night followed by eating a horse worth of meat

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Good luck with your recovery buddy, this triptorelin is very interesting
    Your pct line up looks awesome

    GHRH6 is crazy stuff for putting on weight, 400mcg before sleep would have me waking up in the middle of the night followed by eating a horse worth of meat
    Yeah its crazy, i might use slin.

  4. #4
    Took my first dose of Torem 120mg yesterday. Woke up with MAD morning wood. Going to continue this dose as i may need it due to AAS abuse.

    Although im happy, because this means my body is responding to the Torem. Now for todays GnRH injection. We shall see where this takes me. Im going to continue use of Torem 120mg a day for the rest of the week and then drop it to 60 and play the waiting game.

    Hopefully HGH and these peptides keep the size on me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Ok so im going to do a log with GnRH since there isnt many on the internet to begin with and im sure people want to know what exactly the hell is going on with this stuff.

    So i should be getting it tomorrow. Ive been on cycle for over a year, with lots of different compounds thrown in at high doses.

    So a normal PCT would NOT suffice for me. This is pretty much my only shot as bringing it back..

    PCT As Follows:

    100mcg Triptorelin
    Nolvadex 20mg ED for 4 weeks (OR Torem 60mg every day, havent figured it out yet. Although id probably be better doing 120mg ED of Torem.)
    HGH 3iu a day (been on for 2 months so far, looking alot more cut)
    IGF-1 DES 50mcg day (Going to run this for 10 weeks straight)
    GHRP-6 400mcg a day(Primarily before bed, going to run this till i run out, good for hunger which is most def needed in PCT)

    Might add some sustain alpha or PES-ERASE for the extra boost idk yet though.

    Curious might be adding clen.

    Anyways mood has been shown to change in 2-3 days after administration. I will keep this log as updated as possible. And im going to post blood work results on July 10th. 1 shot of Triptorelin and 1 month of 20mg nolvadex.

    Was worried about sex drive but i got a SHITLOAD of cialis so i really dont care about that right now.

    Ill keep you updated!
    u've been on a constant cycle for over a year..? r u insane man? the longest i've heard of is 26 weeks, which was specualted as arnie's cycle length back when they didnt have a clue about PCT.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Gucks View Post
    u've been on a constant cycle for over a year..? r u insane man? the longest i've heard of is 26 weeks, which was specualted as arnie's cycle length back when they didnt have a clue about PCT.
    Theres no way in hell Arnold ever cycled off to stay that size.... lol. And bro people have been on WAY longer than i have. So over a year isnt shit compared to what alot of people do.

    And ive came off for like a month here and there, but never let full recovery.

  7. #7
    By the way will Antibiotics effect peptides? GnRH? I have to take them for a small case of bronchitis only like 4 days worth. This wont effect the GnRH or the Torem right?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Theres no way in hell Arnold ever cycled off to stay that size.... lol. And bro people have been on WAY longer than i have. So over a year isnt shit compared to what alot of people do.

    And ive came off for like a month here and there, but never let full recovery.
    maybe im just naive then :P ive never heard of anyone ok'ing a cycle that length though. was it really worth it? and did u not ask ur doc if the antibiotics would affect the gnrh? :P

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Gucks View Post
    maybe im just naive then :P ive never heard of anyone ok'ing a cycle that length though. was it really worth it? and did u not ask ur doc if the antibiotics would affect the gnrh? :P
    Wtf would he know about it lol. Doctors are all stupid these days anyways.


    Balls feel slightly bigger, sex drive maintaining. Means nothing yet but hopefully there is something to this!

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