Ok so im going to do a log with GnRH since there isnt many on the internet to begin with and im sure people want to know what exactly the hell is going on with this stuff.
So i should be getting it tomorrow. Ive been on cycle for over a year, with lots of different compounds thrown in at high doses.
So a normal PCT would NOT suffice for me. This is pretty much my only shot as bringing it back..
PCT As Follows:
100mcg Triptorelin
Nolvadex 20mg ED for 4 weeks (OR Torem 60mg every day, havent figured it out yet. Although id probably be better doing 120mg ED of Torem.)
HGH 3iu a day (been on for 2 months so far, looking alot more cut)
IGF-1 DES 50mcg day (Going to run this for 10 weeks straight)
GHRP-6 400mcg a day(Primarily before bed, going to run this till i run out, good for hunger which is most def needed in PCT)
Might add some sustain alpha or PES-ERASE for the extra boost idk yet though.
Curious might be adding clen.
Anyways mood has been shown to change in 2-3 days after administration. I will keep this log as updated as possible. And im going to post blood work results on July 10th. 1 shot of Triptorelin and 1 month of 20mg nolvadex.
Was worried about sex drive but i got a SHITLOAD of cialis so i really dont care about that right now.
Ill keep you updated!