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Thread: back injury and work out routines

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Norman, OK

    back injury and work out routines

    Hello everyone,

    I am new here and was interested in some advice. Several years ago ( 6 years ) I sustained a lower back injury while working in the oilfield. I am wanting to start body building and use steroids to increase my lower back muscles. I am looking for a workout regiment that would allow me to start with weights that I can handle, once I have strengthened my back I would like to move on to heavier weights. What would be a good workout routine and steroid's to start out on. I have not lifted weights in many years but I am in fairly good shape. I am 5'10 and 210 lbs, I already have large arms and large chest but would very much like to enhance them greatly. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by techgeek82 View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I am new here and was interested in some advice. Several years ago ( 6 years ) I sustained a lower back injury while working in the oilfield. I am wanting to start body building and use steroids to increase my lower back muscles. I am looking for a workout regiment that would allow me to start with weights that I can handle, once I have strengthened my back I would like to move on to heavier weights. What would be a good workout routine and steroid's to start out on. I have not lifted weights in many years but I am in fairly good shape. I am 5'10 and 210 lbs, I already have large arms and large chest but would very much like to enhance them greatly. If anyone has any ideas I would greatly appreciate it. THANK YOU
    So, by your own admission, you're out of shape and you think steroids will get you back in the game faster? I think you should wait a couple years at least before you start any of them. Train natural and get your diet in check. I've also had a very serious lower back injury. I've had a fusion on my L1. Except for deadlifts, I can pretty much do everything that I did before hand, but it took me many years to fully recover. My advice is to look through different back exercises (various types of rows, back extentions, etc) and experiment with them. Find out which ones put the least amount of impact on the spine. If it hurts to do, don't do it.

    Also, make sure you're medically safe to work out. I don't know the extent of your injuries, but you don't want to cause any more damage to the region.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Norman, OK
    I said I was in fairly GOOD shape, I jog everyday and eat healthy. I do back exercises. I am looking to move on up. I just haven't lifted heavy weights in years. I never said I want to get back in game faster, I just want to strengthen my back and get a lot better tone to myself and if adding steroids to the mix will get me to that point than I don't see a problem. I am looking for someone that could help me with a workout regiment that I can handle. Like how many sets and stuff like that, if you can kinda help in that area that would be great, I'm not looking for a mommy to slap my hand and say no no, just need help getting started.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    The Dude Abides
    Quote Originally Posted by techgeek82 View Post
    I said I was in fairly GOOD shape, I jog everyday and eat healthy. I do back exercises. I am looking to move on up. I just haven't lifted heavy weights in years. I never said I want to get back in game faster, I just want to strengthen my back and get a lot better tone to myself and if adding steroids to the mix will get me to that point than I don't see a problem. I am looking for someone that could help me with a workout regiment that I can handle. Like how many sets and stuff like that, if you can kinda help in that area that would be great, I'm not looking for a mommy to slap my hand and say no no, just need help getting started.
    Bodybuilding and doing a morning jog are two different things. But yeah, you might want to look at the workout section. I split my workout in four days with Chest/triceps day 1, Back and Biceps day 2, legs day 3, and shoulders day 4. There are a whole lot of problems that can arise from taking steroids, like to your ligaments and tendons, your endocrine system, balding, etc. etc. I definitely wouldn't recommend anyone without 2 years of current experience at a minimum to take them. You'll get your back strong and the rest of you tone, if you adhere to a very strict diet (which you can learn from the dieting section and I know you say you eat good, but it takes more than that) and if you train naturally. Hell, you'll make some great newbie gains from being away for so long.

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