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Thread: can i end a test-e cycle with some test-prop?

  1. #1

    can i end a test-e cycle with some test-prop?

    almost finished 8 weeks worth of test-e cycle.... and i have about 1 weeks worth of test-prop left from another cycle ages ago... was wondering if i can use it at the end of this cycle im doing, if so how long should i wait to start to jab it after ive done my last test-e injection?

    and im also thinking of buying another bottle either 1 more test-e or a test-p cus 8-9 weeks is a bit short i wanna go to about 12-13 would be better dont u reckon? then start pct of course..

    any tips or feed back would be greatly appreciated thank u.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Kahnawake, Quebec
    yes, in fact I think it's ideal to do it that way. I would start pinning 3 days after your last test inj and run the prop for 2 weeks or longer until pct.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by aussie_bodybuilda View Post
    almost finished 8 weeks worth of test-e cycle.... and i have about 1 weeks worth of test-prop left from another cycle ages ago... was wondering if i can use it at the end of this cycle im doing, if so how long should i wait to start to jab it after ive done my last test-e injection?

    and im also thinking of buying another bottle either 1 more test-e or a test-p cus 8-9 weeks is a bit short i wanna go to about 12-13 would be better dont u reckon? then start pct of course..

    any tips or feed back would be greatly appreciated thank u.
    This is exactly why you should have planned your cycle better and in advance. Test E takes 4-6 weeks just to kick in typically. Needs to be run for 10-14 weeks to be effective. If you can get Test E at your doorstep before your cycle ends then do it and continue for another 4 weeks for a total of 12 weeks. What is your planned PCT ? If you can't get Test P or E before the end of your 8th week you essentially shut yourself down and wasted all that money for nothing imo.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    If you do switch over to test prop then remember you have a different start time for your pct....It would be 1-2 days after your last shot

  5. #5
    2ml a week of test-e split up into 2 injections for a total of 500mg a week. i have half a bottle of test-prop left over from a previous cycle which will last about 1 week so i want to use it at the end of this cycle so im thinking 1 more bottle of test-prop would be good to my cycle which will make it about 11 weeks all up. and yes i can get both test-e and test-p b4 then just checking too see wat u guys think would be better to finish off.

    and for pct i have nolva n clomid of course.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    I always do this, absolutely love it. Great way to really clean up at the end of a cycle; my personal favourite:

    test e: 1-8 weeks
    test p: 9-14 weeks
    tren a: 9-14 weeks

  7. #7
    cool, was wondering also if i could end it with sustanon, and mix my half a bottle of prop into the sus bottle and just inject 2 ml of that a week ? would that work well u reckon?

  8. #8
    anyone plz need to know asap!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by aussie_bodybuilda View Post
    cool, was wondering also if i could end it with sustanon, and mix my half a bottle of prop into the sus bottle and just inject 2 ml of that a week ? would that work well u reckon?
    Why would you want to end it with the Sust? That would kind of defeat the purpose of using a short ester Test like Prop to finish it out...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Brissy, Aus
    Bro dont discuss prices on here.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by aussie_bodybuilda View Post
    i only have 4-5ml of prop which is enuff for 1 week... and sus is the best source of gear / price i can find right now ... $ for 10ml of sus that is good gear compared to $ for only enthan or prop which i dont even know will be goood .... so obviously sus would be the smarter buy... but of course id rather use just prop to finish off but i duno wat u reckon is best option..
    no price discussion. edit your post

  12. #12
    kk my bad but wat do u rekon bout my situation? sus will work fine still? and wen should i use the prop to finish it off?

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