Here's my situation......I'm a football player and need to get bigger, stronger and faster for next season. In the league that I play in, during the season there is a chance that I could be drug tested, I've read alot on here about how to beat the tests and all that, but if I do a cycle this winter, which I'm really thinking about right now I want to do it soon. My guy at the gym that can get me the gear recommended Sust 250 with D-bol, then Clomid or Nolvadex treatment......a few of my other bro's at the gym said to stay away from the D-bol/Sust 250 stack because u lose alot of ur gains when u come of it and go with the Sust/Deca Stack. I'm around 185 lbs right now and want to play at 200-205 next year. Any help here would be appreciated!!
My Stats:
Currently 19...going to be 20 in like 4 weeks
185 lbs