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  1. #1
    tegzy's Avatar
    tegzy is offline New Member
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    First cycle questions

    Hey guys, I just finished up reading through the stickies and found some very useful info there! But i thought i'd ask a few questions as everyone is different and at different stages...

    This will be my first (proper) cycle, after using winny about 2 years ago.. (silly mistake)

    I'm 21 years old, 83kgs, not too sure about BF %, its been about 6 months since i did my last test but i think im around 15% atm.. I'm pretty tall, 6ft something.. and have been bulking for about 2-3 months. (All up i've been training for about 2.5 years and i think its time for my first cycle)

    I've got a few friends that have hit a few cycles and know a thing or two, but i'd rather ask some big boys just in case, i really don't want to mess this up and want as much info as possible! Any advice/Tips will be really appreciated as im pretty noob at this sort of stuff...

    I've heard good things about test p stacked with dbol ? Any ideas/thoughts? also the amount to take and the duration?

    I'm sure this forum gets bombarded with people asking these questions, but i'm really motivated and love hittin the gym 3-4 times a week.. So the advice would help alot!


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    This board's all about safety. At 21 there's still a really good chance your endocrine system is still developing. If you take steroids at this time you could hurt yourself. I've read too many 21 yo users asking for help because they can't maintain an erection during sex. Bro, it's just not worth a lifetime of frustration for a cycle of muscles. Give yourself a few years before you start AAS. Be safe.

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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  4. #4
    tegzy's Avatar
    tegzy is offline New Member
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    I hear you, thats a really good point. So is it a high risk that imptency will occur? I haven't heard of that amongst any of my mates.. But its not something i would want. and does this cover all types of AAS?

  5. #5
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    its probably not a high chance but im my opinion even if it was 10% i wouldnt do it...i mean if u cant get an erection for the rest of your life you are done. i might kill my self hahahaha
    i turned 23 few months ago and i wont start until im at least 25 or 26 . be patience and work hard

  6. #6
    Granovich's Avatar
    Granovich is offline Senior Member
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    its probably not a high chance but im my opinion even if it was 10% i wouldnt do it...i mean if u cant get an erection for the rest of your life you are done. i might kill my self hahahaha
    i turned 23 few months ago and i wont start until im at least 25 or 26 . be patience and work hard

  7. #7
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Hi teazy,
    There really is no effective way to assign risk for using aas prior to full development of your hormonal system. This would require scientific data, and none of the big pharma companies are going to shell out the clams unless there is a profit motive for them.

    If you hold off and just read some of the "first cycle" posts such as yours, you'll also see other members come here asking questions such as... I screwed up by taking aas too young, now I have ED issues, or interest in sex doesnt' seem to be returning no matter how much I pct. and the question is "What should I do?"

    So we get it from both sides of the road here... some youngsters feeling immortal and it can't happen to them, and the others that have already traveled down that path, are very sorry, and now need to figure out how to undue the damage.

    See, these issues really are "old man" issues, and it really is a shame when a kid your age begins to experience these symptoms. My son is your age, and we've already sat down and had a father/son talk about aas, and now he understands. he's a big kid, pushing 6'2", 210, played HS football, all that. He's had friends take aas. And since now he knows, he will not. Pretty good kid actually.

    You could get lucky and nothing happens. Or something could happen.

    If you are the type that is willing to listen to advice, then our advice is wait until you are older, mid 20's at the earliest (25). And while you are waiting, no sense in not making the most of it. Build your natural foundation with proper diet and good old fashion weight lifting. We have sections on the board you should read. Go there, read, ask questions, and get your groove dialed in.

    Hope this helps

  8. #8
    tegzy's Avatar
    tegzy is offline New Member
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    Hey Roman,

    Thanks very much for your reply. I've been reading around the forums for the past 2 hours now, and i have definitley come to the conclusion that i'm not going to be starting any cycle anytime soon, (maybe when i reach the right ge!). I had no idea about any of these horrible side effects, and would never want to have to endure any of them just so i can put on a bit of size.

    I actually am right now a pretty dedicated lifter, as i train on my own 3-4 times a week (my gym partner got lazy a few months ago), and always try and push myself, asking for a spot from other lifters in the gym also asking alot of questions, eating well and taking the right supplements (legal ofcourse)...

    I just thought a cycle would help me reach my goals a little bit quicker and help me push some extra weight! But i have no problem at all with the good ol' fashion lifting, i really do enjoy it anyway. I just put up my routine in the workout questions area as well, so im hoping to get some feedback on that

    Thanks alot guys, i think i've made the right decision here, and i'll be sticking around to get some more advice and possibly help others in the future!



  9. #9
    vtach12's Avatar
    vtach12 is offline Associate Member
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    You could get some really good gains by hitting the gym a day or 2 more a week, and by getting a handle on your diet. You say you have been bulking up and at 6'+ and and 83kg#/15% bf, it needs work. At your age your natural test is at its best right now, take advantage of it! Then you will have a great base in a few years if you still want to pursue AAS.

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