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Ok, so, today I ate:
Breakfast: Bowl of porridge and a banana, and a couple of slices of cracker bread with a light spreading of peanut butter
Snack after gym: Some peanuts and a protein shake
Lunch: Scrambled egg (2 eggs) with some green olives and a fruit corner yogurt
Snack: Ham salad sandwich brown bread
Dinner: Soya meat lasagne, roast potatoes and salad
so thats what i have ate so far and later before bed i will probably have a weight gainer shake and perhaps a brown homemade bread sandwich or crackerbread or something
Thats a kind of standard day...I dont know how I would eat more as I just dont have the time to fit in more meal times and cant stomach any more at each mealtime
It is a good diet as far as I am concerned, I am young, fit and healthy... I understand it is probably not strict enough for a real bodybuilding diet but thats not my intentions anyway...
I think some of the suggestions up there are far too serious for me...also, someone has said i dont "need" steroids....no one really does do they? People essentially take them to cheat physical ability or to look good, so no one really needs them, nor should we really be taking them... but all I am after is a bit of a "cheat" way to look a bit better... I dont plan on entering competitions or anything or getting too big or ripped....I just want a good athletic build (soccer player-esque) with a decent muscle definition....
soo, I think i will just crack on with the gym and try these oxys...if they work they work, if they dont, I think I will just scrap the whole idea because I dont really fancy getting too in depth into it all lol
alsong as I am not going to kill myself or cause long term liver problems on a 4-7 week course?