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  1. #41
    PK-V's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post
    Why does peanut butter taste so good?
    Because it contains a generously high amount of fat and protein

    Your body been primarily an energy storage system will intake as much storage fat and calories from nutrient dense sources as it can to improve your chances of survival

    Your body releases dopamine when you eat a spoon, your brains way of rewarding you to make you eat more

    Unfortunately your body doesn't know there's a wallmart around the corner and that you have a better chance of dying from getting hit my a moving piece of metal on wheels than you do from dying from hunger

  2. #42
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    ahh the old ' im studying health and phycology' excuse

  3. #43
    vtach12's Avatar
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    Additionally, many of us have legal scripts for steroids . So factor in that one is doing nothing illegal along with all the fun, why not?

  4. #44
    mustang331's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcd045 View Post
    Cigarettes and alcohol, although are more dangerous in my mind, and I see what you guys are saying and all, but there is a train of thought saying this... smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol do damage your body overall wayy more than steroids do, agreed. But the problem is is this

    With cigarettes and alcohol, the effects, unless done heavily for years on end, can be reversible. Although alot of people will say steroids do not have irreversible damage, you are still manipulating the sensitve endocrine system, which sometimes may not always be cured. Why would you guys take the risk with a drug that you do not for any monetary gain? I know they can be taken safely, as I have stated before, every drug has a side effect, plain and simple. When your dealing with powerful hormones that in all intensive purpose you do not need, it just seems like something that can end poorly.

    And for the record I am not looking down on anyone whose taking these, on top of a Exercise Science major I am a minor in physcology, so this all helps

    Wait.. You're a Science major and you think that Cancer and Liver Disease is reversible?? Really?? Come on dude, WTF is wrong with you? did you miss those days in school?

    Its a hobby, just like sky diving and many other MORE dangerous hobbies out there.. Its something people get "enjoyment" from... Only the side effects to our hobby is WE LOOK GREAT!

    Did you say you saw that movie.. Did you understand how most Dr's cannot agree that Steroids when done properly is not dangerous.. At least not in the respect that the media makes it out to be..

    Asprin can be dangerous as well, if abused.. and like anything, anything abused will get attention.. But the fact is, the unknown is always the bad for you more than the known...

  5. #45
    mcd045 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mani_bono View Post
    that's a BS Conclusion! All the PROS have been gym rats some day.
    gym rats today = PROS of future ...
    that is false, Jay Cutler pretty much came out of the womb winning bodybuilding contests

  6. #46
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  7. #47
    mcd045 is offline New Member
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    hence how i said heavy use over years... getting at cancer. Years of cigarette and alcohol abuse will give irreversible damage to your body, that is common sense these days, you just read what you wanted to read. i think your trying to put words in my mouth, and I think I hit a soft spot with some of you guys here with the low self esteem who took them to help fuel their poor self confidence. Read what I wrote, I know what they do, I know they can be done safely, thank you Mustang for putting words in my mouth.

    In my opinon most of the dietary supplements that are on the market are FAR more dangerous than anabolic steroids . Mustang, some people came on here and gave great responses to this (in my mind) million dollar question. YOU though, you just came in here and gave a little insecure little justification as to why you take steroids saying the cliche "their safe if done correctly" or "anything can be dangerous if abused" WE'VE ALL HEARD THOSE THINGS! Insecurity drags our society down.

  8. #48
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    I think deep down, we all have our reasons, good or bad. Most probably take them for self image factor caused by some type of societal abuse. Others take them cause of physicalities that have been placed by human nature. Its really hard to grasp a perfect reason, but as humans we learn by trial and error.

  9. #49
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    When you're older, you'll understand better.

  10. #50
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    Oh, and your minor is in Psychology.

  11. #51
    GGot FFina? is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    Why do women get breast augmentations and lipo who aren't in the porn/stripper business?
    Why do people tan?
    Could not have said it better. I think with a little common sense, and a little thought on your part you could have answered this question on your own.

  12. #52
    master_4 is offline New Member
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    Testosterone improves libido, development, energy, weight control, emotions, etc.

    So your telling me I can feel better AND get bigger? This is just a win/win in my eyes. There are consequences and benefits to everything we do in life. If you can manage to responsibly use the product, you will get great results. Abusing it is what can lead to issues, but that goes along with everything in life

  13. #53
    nguadagno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    I think deep down, we all have our reasons, good or bad. Most probably take them for self image factor caused by some type of societal abuse. Others take them cause of physicalities that have been placed by human nature. Its really hard to grasp a perfect reason, but as humans we learn by trial and error.
    i 100% agree with this, everyone does it for a reason, if they want to be stronger, if they just want to look better cause there obsessed with their image, or just because its a hobby thats better then doing hard core drugs, thats what i tell people whne there like why do you workout, i say cause its better then being a burn out like you

    people focus on the wrong shit to hate, prime example is the alcohol and ciggarettes, why are those legal? and why are other drugs like steroids or like pot or whatever not legal when they cause less damage? im not trying to start a drug argument im just saying, people tend to make scapegoats for things and you notice them more when your more educated on the subject

    like i hate when i hear people say oh your on creatine? that just fills your muscles up with water and makes you look big it doesnt even do anything, there just ignorant, or the thousands of steroid analogies, like some lady in shoprite saying wow these cantoloupes are on steroids, just little things like that engraved into our society are what irritate me

    (PS sorry for the drug references idk if thats against the rules, was just trying to make a point)

  14. #54
    386 Local is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by LGM View Post
    Oh, and your minor is in Psychology.
    I was about to post that.

    I major in pharmacology and minor in sociology.

    You become a lot more credible when you can actually type a grammatically correct sentence, especially when claiming to be college educated ( lol )

    I used AAS because of my insecurities, my step dad liked to beat my ass and convince me I was worthless so basically I felt so weak it seemed like a way out I suppose... There isn't much in my genetic code to work with when it comes to athletic ability and strength. Throw in some blind ignorance and some imbecilic mfers in their 20's willing to sell to me at the time.... and you have a teen on AAS.

    I guess it worked, since I broke his left orbital (on cycle) after slapping on 18 pounds of lean muscle ( sust ftw? ) but if I could take it all back of course I would. Got robbed of a few inches of height i'm sure...

    I guess it all comes down to what you see on the discovery channel, we all want to be the alpha male.

  15. #55
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    Because without. Them im above average. With them im on a different level

  16. #56
    DGK is offline Member
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    Well i take them bc my nuts were too big and uncomfortable to carry around, so i take aas to slim em down

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by DGK View Post
    Well i take them bc my nuts were too big and uncomfortable to carry around, so i take aas to slim em down
    hes just trying to not embarrass us, thanks man what a friend

  18. #58
    RoidReaper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    Because it contains a generously high amount of fat and protein

    Your body been primarily an energy storage system will intake as much storage fat and calories from nutrient dense sources as it can to improve your chances of survival

    Your body releases dopamine when you eat a spoon, your brains way of rewarding you to make you eat more

    Unfortunately your body doesn't know there's a wallmart around the corner and that you have a better chance of dying from getting hit my a moving piece of metal on wheels than you do from dying from hunger
    You do realize i was being a sarcastic smartass right?

  19. #59
    Sulixe is offline Banned
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    I juice because i am paranoid and unable to socialize correctly, and having big arms help make me feel more secure when i have to go buy groceries, alone, incase i have to walk by groups of weed-smoking and cocky teenagers.
    Last edited by Sulixe; 06-18-2011 at 07:44 PM.

  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    I juice because i am paranoid and unable to socialize correctly, and having big arms help make me feel more secure when i have to go buy groceries, alone, incase i have to walk by groups of weed-smoking and cocky teenagers.
    That was a joke, right?

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcd045 View Post
    I, for the record am not against steroid use amonst athletes and bodybuilders and what not. But the thing that is killing me is this,

    If you are just an average gym rat who isnt making money on how they look in anyway, why would you juice? Ive seen bigger, Stronger, Faster. I have friends who take them for college football (division III) so I have good first hand perspective. I know there are people out there who are curious, and even a cycle of roids or two as long as they're taken appropriately can allow you to live your life with very few problems. But again, but to my question. What is it that you feel is alright with taking steroids , putting yourself at risk not only physically, but legally too, as being caught can more than likely land you with serious legal trouble?

    Also on another question, why do TEENS take roids? If you arent an athlete who wants to get that D1 scholarship and potentially get your entire college paid for, why would you take them? when the side effects can be even more damaging down the road?

    It would be nice if someone could explain this to me and no just rant on about how I know nothing about what they do. I am by no means your average american idiot, I know what these things do and know that they do have an unreasonably bad rap.
    If you have friends who use why not ask them?
    "I know there are people out there who are curious, and even a cycle of roids or two as long as they're taken appropriately can allow you to live your life with very few problems" How about most people who take them appropriately live a long and normal life with NO side effects or problems. If you statement was correct then we would see and hear about a LOT more problems than we do and the problems we do hear about on the news is either legal or mixed up with other substances. Strange statement. Seems to me you already have your mind made up and you are looking for a reason to argue.

    Do you know in several countries there is NO legal issue since it's no illegal. In the US it is also not illegal with a RX like many of us here have due to low T. It's no different than any other hormone if your body stops producing it prematurely then it's supplemented and gets your body back on track.

    What is a typical gym rat? was I a typical gym rat going to the gym 5x a week for 10+ years pretty much non stop? BTW not once did I use and steroids and I think most dont even a lot of the BIG guys. They dont get big by using, they get big due to knowledge mostly about diet.

    The typical gym rat as you put it and teenagers who use them are for ever reason you can imagine but mostly due to lack of knowledge and that is why there are sites such as this one to educate people and share personal experiences.

    So what is your personal view on the whole working out, body building, athletic community? It sounds like you may be sort of the odd man out in your group. You know people who play football decision III but you are not one of them, you know gym rats but you dont seem to be one or some of these questions would be redundant and you seem to get offended easily when someone contradicts your analogy on smoking and drinking.

    Like we usually ask most new members, what are your stats?
    body fat
    lifting experience
    aas experience

  22. #62
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Why do people ask questions they already know the answer to?

  23. #63
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    Why ask why?

  24. #64
    Sulixe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bonaparte View Post
    That was a joke, right?

    i wish it was

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    i wish it was
    Does it come from rec. abuse?

  26. #66
    Sulixe is offline Banned
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    Yeh. Been abused from 6 years old to 18 and from the very moment i stepped into school. haven't had any friend before 17 years old. feelsbadbro.

    Abuse can mess up your brain pretty bad 4 life.

  27. #67
    MR-FQ320's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    I juice because i am paranoid and unable to socialize correctly, and having big arms help make me feel more secure when i have to go buy groceries, alone, incase i have to walk by groups of weed-smoking and cocky teenagers.
    I hear ya bro. you have pm.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    Yeh. Been abused from 6 years old to 18 and from the very moment i stepped into school. haven't had any friend before 17 years old. feelsbadbro.

    Abuse can mess up your brain pretty bad 4 life.
    I meant Recreational drug abuse, but u´re talking about psychological abuse.
    If bigger shoulders and arms, alleviates some of that social anxiety, I would say that´s a good reason for juicing.
    We all juice to get bigger shoulders and arms for a variety of mostly social reasons anyway.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by mcd045 View Post
    that is false, Jay Cutler pretty much came out of the womb winning bodybuilding contests

  30. #70
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    I actually have an injury as do many others, some forms of steroids help in the healing process of an injury. Just gotta research which ones are the best to help a person recover from sometimes a life altering injury.

  31. #71
    Sulixe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    thats jay? you can't be serious lol

  32. #72
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    Thats Markus Ruhl

  33. #73
    Sulixe is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoidReaper View Post

    Thats Markus Ruhl
    Had a much nicer facial back then.

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    Had a much nicer facial back then.
    yeah now hes a ugly mother ****er lol.

  35. #75
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    Allows my inner aggression to freak the **** out on the idiots that deserve it ...... While off test I'm calm and excepting . I love it !!!

  36. #76
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    Quote Originally Posted by PK-V View Post
    how old do you think he is here?

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by nguadagno View Post
    how old do you think he is here?
    16 maybe. Most of us get uglier with age after a certain point except for us few who become more distinguished. LOL

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    16 maybe. Most of us get uglier with age after a certain point except for us few who become more distinguished. LOL
    that gives me hope

  39. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaininghard View Post
    I like roids because i like hitting people one time and the fight be over if they start running their mouths. I dont just go around hittin people by the way. also feeling yoked when you walk around is much better than being embarrassed because you look like a puss!

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sulixe View Post
    I juice because i am paranoid and unable to socialize correctly, and having big arms help make me feel more secure when i have to go buy groceries, alone, incase i have to walk by groups of weed-smoking and cocky teenagers.
    hahaha ya cuz a bunch of pot heads are super intimidating

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