if you'd of been beaten and robbed all your life by teenagers, you'd find them intimidating.
if you'd of been beaten and robbed all your life by teenagers, you'd find them intimidating.
love the size and strength gains
enjoy the attention and compliments
but nothing compares to the enjoyment that the ultra-high libido brings
all of my fondest memories on cycle have always been about the sex
The Only way to answer that is to get that oil in you, Its growing season!!!
I'm wanting to start juicing but I started bodybuilding because I got tired of people eyeing my girlfriend because we got pretty serious and guys always try to hit on her so I started bulking up to intimidate them sad but true, then it became a hobby but my motive still stands to this day!
side question why wont it let me pm people :|
^ because you need 50 posts to PM
Ok, i apologize for the long time draught,
age: 20
height: 5'10"
Weight: 205
Body fat: have honestly never checked, I've lost 15 pounds in about 2-3 months so I have no idea what it is now
Experience: 6 years technically, have been serious for 4 years
AAS experience: why would I ask the question if I had taken them? I aint the "odd one out" in my group, I am the only one who happends to know how to put on weight through proper dieting and proper training, they take the roids as more to off set the fact that they eat terrible.
First off who ever said that the effects of smoking and drinking are reversable? Most times there are always long term effects. Take it from me...I know!
Second...I use AS to help my body do the things it cannot on a genetic level. I hate being small. Call it what you like. Napoleon Complex, chip on my shoulder etc... but until your on my side of the looking glass, you cannot judge. I thought and worked a long time to get myself to the point I'm at (using AS). So it wasn't a snap judgement, where one day the preverbial lightbulb went on. Never ask a question without first expecting many answers.
my balls are to big and i wanted to shrink them
Theres a level of aggresion that i have inside and Test makes me feel like i can break through any barrier, whether it be in the gym or the octagon
to be bigger, stronger, and leaner then i could naturally. all superficial/vain reasons.
I'm a bartender, better physique better money. I can remember more orders at once, better money. It elevates my mood, better money. Mostly I trained very hard for about a decade then couldn't break through to the next level juice helped that and every other aspect of my life. Juice makes me a better person who is more productive and happy.
or maybe some peaple juice because they are trying to compete in bodybuilding at a higher level (reason why i will be doing them in the future)
tbh i dont fukn know anymore why i do and wish id never have bothered my ass starting
To get more Girls; having talk less to do it
Im not because no one on this forum seem to want to help when you ask questions
well maybe cause the one question was asked in the new members section. Thats pretty much just to say hi., not to get into cycle discussions.
Your other thread got off track because some people were giving out horrible advice, so it turned more into them.
also you did give enough info to answer the question. 1ml of each doenst mean anything. we need to know how many mg's.
so dont blame the board
well at the time i didn't no what was what, being totally new to the subject of Steroids.But since then have been reading up on the subject And now i am taking 1ml/100mg of Nandrolone deca - Norma a week for my Joint.how long can i do this so many conflicting answers out there
choker28, i'd start by making my own thread instead of jacking someone elses. just saying.
as far as the original post:
i love the way i feel on test. like i'm on top of the world. you feel great all day everyday, sex is amazing, pumps are much longer and more intense, recovery is ridiculous, and you grow... i think it started because i was 140 when i graduated and lifted for about 5 years and gained 35 from reading flex and muscle fitness and eating properly. did my first cycle last year at 27 after 3 years of research and honestly too scared to do it and i'm sure i'll do this until i die. the end
regardless of what some of you guys might think of this guy asking the question, the thread is pretty interesting and funny for some of the responses... but holy ****. that cutler pic is insane. great thread!
Last edited by mwilkinson; 07-13-2011 at 12:12 AM.
i just hate having to wait hahah its the worst, im so impatient, and to be honest, its because i feel like i cant stand up for myself, its a confidence thing, and i feel like its going to get to me before im 25, just the feeling that if someone tried doing something to me, i wouldnt be able to do anything about it
Dude... College football players shouldn't even be taking it to begin with. They are too young.
For a grown man, who does it responsibly, there is very little chance a serious condition will develop from it. That's what sites like this are for... to educate people. The ONLY reason steroids are illegal is because of politics not because of how "dangerous" they are. If that were the case cigarettes would have been banned long ago.
You are forgetting many people are on Hormone Replacement Therapy too. Once a man reaches a certain age, testosterone drops, sometimes significantly. This can cause a variety of problems and has been linked to heart disease and diabetes, not to mention loss of sexual desire and function, low energy, depression..etc. They call this andropause, the male version of menopause. Look it up, educate yourself.
For most on this site, steroids are taken to get to that next level whether strength, looks..etc whatever floats your boat. One reason is not better than another. Why do women get plastic surgery? bigger boobs? face lift? Steroids are safer than going through an operation. How many people have died directly from steroid use? How many people have died in surgery or from infections afterwards? Look up the stats and quit reading government warnings (propaganda) on how steroids are the worst thing in the world.
As far as teens go... No one here would support that. Teens have no business doing steroids just as they have no business drinking, smoking weed, sniffing coke or popping pills... but guess what, they do anyways. No one advocates teenage steroid use other than very few extremely ignorant high school coaches.
Last edited by cb714; 07-15-2011 at 12:53 PM.
I'm sorry I ever started doing them. It has been nothing but hell for me. First off I've had to buy all new clothes cause the old ones no longer fit. Both sexes are always now hitting on me. Next I'm always horny and have to have sex all the time. Then there is the food I have to buy. I'm so much more driven in the gym to go all out. And I can't take any anti depressants cause I'm not mood depressed. I'm more self assured and confident in all my decisions I now make. It's just bad all the way around and I would never advise anyone to ever take them.....
because when they see me they squirm in jealousy. I like it when they squirm.
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