Hello all,
I recently joined this forum but have been researching aas for years. I started lifting weights at 18 years old to get bigger. I am now 24 years old and feel I am ready for my first cycle.
Testosterone Enanthate and Dianabol
1-12 Test Enanthate (500mg/wk)
1-5 Dbol (30mg/ED)
2-14 Aromasin (12.5mg/EOD)
14-18 PCT of clomid and nolva
nolva 40/40/20/20
clomid 100/100/50/50 Should PCT be 4 or 5 weeks in duration???
This cycle will be my first. I have put in a lot of planning. It is rather basic. I plan on bulking up 15 lbs of muscle.
-enth will be spread out into 2 injections per week (mon/thurs)
-dbol will be spread out throughout the day (10 mg pills)
-running stane to keep down the bloat and incase of gyno
- serms and ai are from ar-r
-serious mass weight gainer
-casien protein
-animal pak multi (has milk thistle and Uni-Liver)
-milk thistle (for liver due to 17aa dbol)
-vitamin c (during pct to lower cortisol levels)
On cycle my diet will be based off of mostly energy sustaining complex carbs and varying protein sources. The staple for my carbs are oats, sweet potatoes, potatoes, brown rice and whoele grain pastas. Vegetables will also be eaten with meals. Proteins sources will include chicken breast, ground beef, steak, eggs(whole and whites), fish (mostly salmona dn haddock), tuno turkey, casien shakes, weight gainer shakes. Fats will include lots of olive oil, peanut butter and almonds. Also, a glass of ilk in the morning and a banana post workout as a source of simple sugars. Cottage cheese before bed time as a snack. Diet will be spread out into 6+ decent meals a day. Caloric intake is 4000-4500 per day(will increase if needed) Macros will be 40/35/25 (c/p/f).
Lastly STATS
6.1 ft
1st aas cycle
training 6 years (3 seriously training)
ecto body type