its been exacly 1 week since my first pin, 150mg prop and 100mg mast EOD, so 4 pins to date, so far a little higher libido, some vascularity, added 9 lbs on ( iv not eaten 30,000 calories so that must be due to water), i mean its ok but not the stuff i had last time and i increased from 350 mg of prop laST time out. i do feel pumped or it could just be higher blood pressure ( not checked). the prop seems a little more watery than what i had before and its not as sore for as long at site injection, i have 11 weeks left so plenty to salvage yet,
So where do i go from here ?
A: wait another week and see what happens ?
B: double up my dosages to ED, order from original supplier and continue with fresh batch
C : as above and add some var into the mix also, i have about 16 days at 60 mg, should see me through until next order comes.
D: any more ideas ?