I didn't know where to put this, so I'll try here. Mods, if this isn't a good place, please move the thread for me. Thanks
Basically, as the thread title states, I'm 24 years old, and I am absolutely bare under my armpits. I have hair everywhere else, but just not my armpit. I was wondering what could be the reason? In terms of my body, everything has always developed normally, but I would say my musculature has always been developed even at a young age. When I was really young, I mean around 10 or so, I already had well defined muscles. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not. Many people would ask if I lift weights often before I had even hit the gym. I'm wondering if maybe my body is out of whack and that is what is causing my armpits to have absolutely no body hair.
Thanks for any advice.