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Thread: N00b Looking into Oral Steroids

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    N00b Looking into Oral Steroids

    Hey everyone, I'm 23, 175 lbs, in above average shape. I know I'm supposed to build up a great base etc before I start taking anything anabolic, but I have also heard the argument that steroids help you build that base more easily. I'm not looking for people telling me not to take steroids until I improve my training regimen or anything like that because I have made up my mind on that issue. Instead, I'm looking for people to tell me what they think I should get when I pick some up. I am not interested in anything that requires injection. I've heard oral steroids raise more problems than just using something like test-e, but I'm not comfortable with injecting right now. I am also not looking for anything I can't easily get over the border or legally online.

    Anyway, right now I was thinking of doing just a 6 week cycle of Dianabol at 25 mg per day. I'd like thoughts on that simple cycle and whether or not I should stack another oral steroid with it.

    I have read up on Nolvadex, HCG, etc, and I am wondering what if any of this stuff you think I should have. I need to stay sexually active during the cycle, and I think it goes without saying I don't want any permanent ball shrinkage, and I'd like to protect myself against gynecomastia.
    Last edited by st29; 06-18-2011 at 09:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    oh my.. dude one tip please follow this, read more before you attempt a cycle you, theres a bunch of stickys and info threads

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Cycling without test as your base is 100% pointless in every aspect. That is unless youre just looking for temporary results that add only water bloat and not muscle. If youre not ready to use a needle (and youre NOT!) then you have absolutely NO business using steroids to begin with! Sorry, i know you only wanted to hear what you wanted to hear but your messing with your body here. I wont assist in "helping" another person do something that is bad for themselves, to me this is just wrong, morally. Good luck...and please, do more research.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    Welcome and research.

    ps: Food is your best chemical.
    Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.
    Author Unknown

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    So yungone501 you are saying there is no way to cycle without injecting? I was wondering what the best test is in pill form, I think Andriol was one but it was reviewed as overpriced, generally ineffective, and maybe more difficult to find. I just read here that he received great results in his first cycle while using only Dianabol.

    Here's the quote: "I can only agree, having found this to be the case for me when I did my first cycle (which was 6 weeks of dbol alone at 25mgs/day), I gained roughly 25lbs and kept nearly of it. Since then, Dianabol has always had a special place in my heart."

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Also the reason I'm not ready for injections is I don't have anybody I trust to inject me, and I am not comfortable with the whole process of aspirating to ensure that I haven't hit a blood vessel, the possibility of hitting the sciatic nerve, and also not going in deep enough and creating an abscess. My understanding is the liver heals itself better than any other necessary organ and I'm a pretty healthy dude so I figured the toxicity of Dianabol probably wont be an issue with a short 6 week cycle.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    dbol only cycle is like filling a water baloon. u look good on it, but once u stop it pops.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Well alright so is there anyway to avoid injections and not pull a water balloon?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by st29 View Post
    I'm not comfortable with injecting right now.
    Get comfortable with it or get AAS out of your head.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Alright well lets say (hypothetically now) I wanted to do a D-bol cycle to sort of test the roid waters. Other than potential loss of muscle gains after cycle and liver toxicity, what are the other downsides to a D-bol only cycle versus D-bol stacked with say Test-e? Is there a greater chance of negative side effects with a D-bol only cycle?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    You never "test the roid waters".
    Either dive right in, or dont swim at all.
    I played highschool football and watched my teammates take dbol. They get big fast, then almost instantly lose it all when they stop, and most got serious gyno because they had no clue what they were doing.
    The only way I would run dbol, if at all, would be with a large amount of test and make it a good frontload for the cycle.
    So either get comfortable with injecting, or forget the whole idea of steroids.
    If needles scare you, have a friend do it who has done it before. I knew a nurse to give my first injection, and after that I did it myself with no problem.

  12. #12
    if your ready to use steroids your ready to use the search feature.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by Darksyde View Post
    if your ready to use steroids your ready to use the search feature.
    100% This.

    Sorry, you cannot use steroids without Testosterone and there is no pill form. It's that simple. Why don't you start by telling us:

    - Age
    - Weight
    - Height
    - Bodyfat%
    - What does your diet look like
    - How many years have you been seriously training (3-5 days/week at the gym without breaks)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    im not disagreeing with any of you more experienced guys but i done a oral only cycle on dbol and found i got good gains and kept most of them. i think a dbol only cycle is good to start off. from my own personal experience, but everyone is different. and lets be honest he gna do it wether advice is given here or not

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Ive used just about every compound out there. For me, and most others, nothing gives better results then a test cycle (or atleast test base) in conjunction with a great diet...nothing! It wasnt until i found this website (whom preaches diet over all and test base) that ive made great and steady results. Ive tried many variations and methods before finally coming content with these as my 'golden rule'.

    Diet over all.

    Test based cycles.

    Thats it.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    im not disagreeing with that rule i belive in that 2, my next cycle is highly test based, and my diet is really tightened up, but im just giving advice on my own personal experience, as a young neive boy, who wanted quick good gains dbol worked well for me, and give me a base to start my next cycle. (which will happen whatever)

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    You said you've already made up your mind and your clearly stubborn about an oral only cycle which has been stated is pointless. Dianabol can and will shut down your HPTA and you risk permanently having low-testosterone problems due to inadequate recovery.

    We gave you advice. Work on your diet and training. This board does not advise steroid use to those under 25 in any case. No offense, but if your not comfortable with injecting or have someone else do it, your best bet would be to live in the diet & workout section and just spend your money on a Cosmopolitan or other girly magazine subscription. From my experience, people who don't want to use needles in relation to steroids typically believe there is a magical pill out there that will transform their body "safely".

    Either take our advice or go do what you think is best "from personal experience" but nobody is going to come here saying dude dianabol only is the best this is what you should do and what kind of pct you need.
    Last edited by Windex; 06-19-2011 at 06:30 PM.

  18. #18
    If you did a dbol only cycle already why are you asking about it?

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