Let's get a quick list of your most recent COMPLETED cycles (not necessarily your best) and the outcome. I see people asking about how much do people gain on each cycle. IT VARRIES FROM PERSON TO PERSON, depending on many factors. It would be nice to get an EASY TO READ list in one place of QUICK, down and dirty facts about people's cycles.
When you respond, please answer all 3 questions:
--What was your cycle (include steroid name, dose, length of cycle)
--How much weight did you gain by the end of the cycle.
--How much did you keep after 3-4 months.
I guess I'll start:
Cycle: 250mg Testosterone Cypionate per week, 12 weeks
Gain (at end of cycle): 15 lbs
Gain (4 months after cycle): lost 5lbs, kept 10 lbs from cycle.