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  1. #1
    apacheman75 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010
    east coast

    Detection Times?

    So I know some long estered stuff can stick around in your system for a while like Deca and EQ come to mind. My question is say Deca for instance if I were to be drug tested would and I wasn't currently using however it was only a few months since I had would they have to run a specific test looking for that or would something show just from a random blood screening?? I guess I'm asking would they have to look for that metabolite?

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by apacheman75 View Post
    So I know some long estered stuff can stick around in your system for a while like Deca and EQ come to mind. My question is say Deca for instance if I were to be drug tested would and I wasn't currently using however it was only a few months since I had would they have to run a specific test looking for that or would something show just from a random blood screening?? I guess I'm asking would they have to look for that metabolite?
    The test would have to be specified to test for AAS metabolites. A general drug screening for say a job will not show AAS. It is a much more expensive test than one for street drugs

  3. #3
    apacheman75 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010
    east coast
    So when they test for the metabolites it's one test that detect any type of AAS use?

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