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Thread: First time help

  1. #1
    keo is offline New Member
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    Jun 2011

    First time help

    hey, need some advice im just palnning my first cylce and to be honest i really dont know what im doing. 10ml test prop, 10ml equipoise , and maybe some anava 10mg thats about all i know.

    im 23yrs old, 6ft, body fat is less than 16% ive been training for 4 years and know what im doing, i also do sports therapy at uni so have a good knowledge.

    any help would be apreciated

  2. #2
    Eazy20's Avatar
    Eazy20 is offline Member
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    The general consensus here is no cycling until 24-25yrs old due to your endocrine system being underdeveloped. So, my advice to you, (besides not doing it) is if you really want to, do your own research and put together your own cycle, because you aren't going to get much help here (at least from people who actually know what they're talking about).

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    At least you're asking and admit that you really don't know what you're doing. First, please put the juice down and don't start this cycle. You're too young, have no idea what you're doing, diet is out of whack and i could go on and on.
    Research is your best friend. I suggest you do plenty of it.
    Good luck.

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    you left out your weight

  5. #5
    keo is offline New Member
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    my walking around weight is 78kg and i fight at 70kg. i know im not the right age to be starting anything like this but im wanting this to be a bit of a boost and not to get to great a gain

  6. #6
    keo is offline New Member
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  7. #7
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    I'm sorry but a 6ft and 170lbs and 16% bf you need to straighten out your diet and training first. You can do alot better naturally,

    and besides the point but you dont have enough stuff to do anything.

  8. #8
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
    Dr Pepper is offline Anabolic Member
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    Brother go visit the diet forum work out a good diet according to your goals. Get a good base wait another year or so do some more research then re think using aas at that stage...

  9. #9
    sxxen is offline Associate Member
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    edit - wrong person

  10. #10
    keo is offline New Member
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    What do you mean by stuff. I don't actually know what my bf is I was saying its under 16% because i was at that when I was a good bit heavier. Each fight I have cut down to 6%.

    The reason I'm on this asking is because I want a second opinion on what the guy at the gym has said. A lot of the guys I know are using deca 300 and test 400 and I am not wanting to be on that kind of cycle

  11. #11
    keo is offline New Member
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    What do you mean by stuff. I don't actually know what my bf is I was saying its under 16% because i was at that when I was a good bit heavier. Each fight I have cut down to 6%.

    The reason I'm on this asking is because I want a second opinion on what the guy at the gym has said. A lot of the guys I know are using deca 300 and test 400 and I am not wanting to be on that kind of cycle

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Bro this is how people mess up their body.They listen to a friend or a guy at the gym.They get 1/2 the info they need.NEVER do they get info on the sides and wat to do.Just by reading your post I can see you dont know nothing.This isnt a slamwe tell everyone to do research.Learn about wat you are putting into your body and wat the risks are.Read on pct beginners cycles.And hit the profile section while you are at it.Dont go by word of mouth it hell for a guy to grow a set of bobbs while trying to get info on here in the middle of the nite.Learn wat gyno is and how to treat it.So as you can see there is no easy answer.And I didnt even touch ED! everything has a price.Good luck.

  13. #13
    Damuscleman2011 is offline Junior Member
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    Im sure this isnt what you want to hear, the trueth rarely is. thought these guys were a bunch of douches and douchets, and some are. But they know this shit and we see the same questions asked by different alpha males all the time. First off when you ARE old enough, start out with some test c or e, see if you can live with the side effects and than you can add one new chemical each cycle. If you have a new side effect than u know its the new juice you tried. But if you try 3 ot 4 new kinds of juice at a time you dont know what to judge the gains or side effects by. We are only looking out for you! Ive been wo working on my diet for a few days now, and im not fat, but I am learning a new life style not taking a magic pill.

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