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  1. #1
    electro is offline New Member
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    Jun 2011

    Liquid Anavar 60ml / 25mg

    Hey guys newbie here... im 33 years old and about 175 lbs...

    Just got some of this from a friend and based on what I've found on my research the dosage means each 60ml, you get 25mg of anavar ... but it seems like this bottle only has 60 ml (cc) in it. I got the oral syringe and its a 10ml syringe...

    This tells me that it would take SIX syringes full of these to get 25mg ...something doesn't add up... any thoughts?

    My goal is to lose the layer of fat and trim up and put some meat on my arms....

    Thanks for the advise in advance!
    Last edited by electro; 06-22-2011 at 08:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    You need to read the rules. Lab names should not be posted on this board

  3. #3
    electro is offline New Member
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    sorry - i have no affiliation to the lab FYI and am not advertising anything...

  4. #4
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    edit the lab name out. and its prob a 60ml bottle and 25mg per ml

  5. #5
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    edit lab name. whats your height? Diet? Pct? You are not ready

  6. #6
    electro is offline New Member
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    I'm 6'4" trying to start on a healthier diet... but I can eat like a horse and not gain a pound. Thats been my problem my entire life... but now that im getting older I see the beer belly going into effect and I want to be proactive.. Doing cardio 3-4 times a week. I'm just getting started. This is week 2.

  7. #7
    10nispro's Avatar
    10nispro is offline Productive Member
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    You dont need gear. There is something wrong with your diet. Post a days diet.

  8. #8
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If you are just getting started then hold off on AAS.

    A good diet and proper training can do wonders. Head over to the diet section and start a thread there with your current diet including macros. From there you will get the best info for building muscle and getting lean

  9. #9
    electro is offline New Member
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    Thanks guys - this is not my first attempt at gaining muscle... my entire life I've tried just about everything short of injecting to gain weight.... shakes, crazy workouts... and it worked to a degree but then I would plateau.... And yes I agree w/o proper diet none of it is possible... this is why i wanted to go w/ var since its fairly mild and I've tried most of the other hype without much success...

  10. #10
    electro is offline New Member
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    I rarely eat breakfast - lunch is usually fish or chicken and dinner is probably where its killing me. Too much takeout. I have a grocery list of items that I'm going to get from the store (based off the insanity meal plan) and start there.... the problem is that I have ZERO appetite when I wake up..

  11. #11
    Noles12's Avatar
    Noles12 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by electro View Post
    I rarely eat breakfast - lunch is usually fish or chicken and dinner is probably where its killing me. Too much takeout. I have a grocery list of items that I'm going to get from the store (based off the insanity meal plan) and start there.... the problem is that I have ZERO appetite when I wake up..
    Just from this post i can tell you that your diet is terrible and in no way will promote muscle growth

  12. #12
    DGK is offline Member
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    No your whole diet sucks. u need to be eating 5-6 times a day. consuming 2 grams of protein per lb of weight and 3500 to 4000 calories at least.

  13. #13
    DGK is offline Member
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    how old are you

  14. #14
    electro is offline New Member
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    Yes thats why I said earlier that I'm starting on a new diet this week... I'm 33

  15. #15
    electro is offline New Member
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    I definitely have noticed some gains in my arms and chest with this var... I just want to lose the layer of fat around my mid-section (which would come w/ the new diet hopefully) and then gain more muscle on my forearms...

  16. #16
    GGot FFina? is offline Associate Member
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    I would recommend you spend some time reading and posting in the diet section of this forum. You will get much better results this way than starting a Anavar only cycle. With the diet you posted, this will do nothing for you. You need to forget about the breakfast/lunch/dinner mentality and start eating 8 meals a day consisting of lean proteins and good carbs and fats.

    Head over to the diet section and see what some of the other members are eating, and take it from there.

    Good luck!

  17. #17
    GGot FFina? is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by electro View Post
    I definitely have noticed some gains in my arms and chest with this var... I just want to lose the layer of fat around my mid-section (which would come w/ the new diet hopefully) and then gain more muscle on my forearms...
    The results you are after can be easily obtained with a good diet. No Anavar .

  18. #18
    Ashop's Avatar
    Ashop is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by electro View Post
    Hey guys newbie here... im 33 years old and about 175 lbs...

    Just got some of this from a friend and based on what I've found on my research the dosage means each 60ml, you get 25mg of anavar ... but it seems like this bottle only has 60 ml (cc) in it. I got the oral syringe and its a 10ml syringe...

    This tells me that it would take SIX syringes full of these to get 25mg ...something doesn't add up... any thoughts?

    My goal is to lose the layer of fat and trim up and put some meat on my arms....

    Thanks for the advise in advance!
    Post up a pic of the label. I'm betting its 25mg per ML meaning you have 60, 25mg dosages.

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