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  1. #41
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
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    Does your man do anything else besides cycle? Does me smoke any mj? Reason i'm asking is cause my brother cycles as well, but he likes to smoke mj. Him and his wife were trying to have there 2nd child, tried for 8 months and nothing was happening. She went and got checked out, was offered fertility pills, everything was fine on her end. I had her talk to my mother in law who was once a labor nurse but changed fields and became a pediatrician and my mother in law stated that the aas wasn't really the problem but it was the fact that he smoked mj. He gave up smoking for 3 months, cleaned his system out, wasn't cycling at the time, and she ended up getting pregnant. Obviously not everyone smokes, especially people that enjoy going to the gym. He probably is rejecting the fact to have himself checked out cause he's nervous he might get some negative feedback from the doctor. But that's the only real way to know if it is infact the problem as to why his eggs aren't working.

  2. #42
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    i see. no problem. so if i tell him he needs to take that, will that pretty much keep his sperm production going while cycling? that is the purpose of it right? to prevent complete shutdown during cycling. at least from the threads you provided me with to read, that is what is sounds like.

    also: in your honest opinion, from your experience with gear and their use, do you think that the one 8 week cycle he did back in summer of 2009 would still have an effect on his teste production NOW? like is that a real possibility of WHY i am not getting pregnant, or is it pretty unlikely? i have read so much info online that says it regenerates production after about 3-6 im just honestly curious. I know there is no way to know for sure without a sperm test done, but what is your experience with this? thank you so much!!

  3. #43
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SAMS_DAD View Post
    Does your man do anything else besides cycle? Does me smoke any mj? Reason i'm asking is cause my brother cycles as well, but he likes to smoke mj. Him and his wife were trying to have there 2nd child, tried for 8 months and nothing was happening. She went and got checked out, was offered fertility pills, everything was fine on her end. I had her talk to my mother in law who was once a labor nurse but changed fields and became a pediatrician and my mother in law stated that the aas wasn't really the problem but it was the fact that he smoked mj. He gave up smoking for 3 months, cleaned his system out, wasn't cycling at the time, and she ended up getting pregnant. Obviously not everyone smokes, especially people that enjoy going to the gym. He probably is rejecting the fact to have himself checked out cause he's nervous he might get some negative feedback from the doctor. But that's the only real way to know if it is infact the problem as to why his eggs aren't working.
    He doesnt now. He used to for the majority of our relationship though, up until about 2 years ago. He actually got me pregnant both times while smoking MJ reguraly, go figure lol. He stopped after our son was born. and then started again for a few months while he was cycling back in 2009 cause he had trouble sleeping. but after that he stopped and hasnt smoked again since.

    thank you though for sharing

  4. #44
    mustang331's Avatar
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    Im picturing the both of you in front of your computer.. with his one vial of gear.. While searching online to read about it.. As you said you guys did..

    Seriously.. your man sounds like he has no clue about this stuff.. Basic knowledge is at least needed.. you don't need to be an expert like these most of these guys.. But just knowing what things are, is seriously important..

    You live in FL.. where about I know plenty of DR's you guys could see.. Im in South Florida.. Fort Lauderdale area

  5. #45
    songdog's Avatar
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    Well its plain to see he isnt telling her everything or she is forgetting wat he told her.This is really a touchy subject.One that the two of you need to settle.This kind of issue can end and has a marriage.Now its easy for guys to say give her wat she wants.But it takes two.And you said he isnt all that thrilled.Well sometimes also trying to hard aint a good thing.All good things happen in time.I hope you get wat you want.God knows it will make life easier at home if he gives in.He will learn this in time But keep us posted.And let us know when you get PG.And you will good luck and God Bless

  6. #46
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331 View Post
    Im picturing the both of you in front of your computer.. with his one vial of gear.. While searching online to read about it.. As you said you guys did..

    Seriously.. your man sounds like he has no clue about this stuff.. Basic knowledge is at least needed.. you don't need to be an expert like these most of these guys.. But just knowing what things are, is seriously important..

    You live in FL.. where about I know plenty of DR's you guys could see.. Im in South Florida.. Fort Lauderdale area
    You are right. he knows the basics, but not enough. when he first did it back in 2009, he didnt tell me he was even on it. i just recently found it. i was so against it and he knew i would be upset. so he just never told me. he told me the beginning of this year and we got into a huge stink about it. but, i got over it. and looked up stuff online and while i am still not OK with him doing it again, I feel better now b/c I can help him research it more thorough and I will know what he is taking, etc and he feels better now that he is being open about it. We are in Fort Myers area.

    He said whatever he took back in 09 was like "mexican steroids " and "strong shit". I dont know. I never really noticied any real difference in him as far as attitude or aggressiveness. if anything, he was so much nicer

    I do feel better now that I know what he wants to do even if I dont agree with it b/c I am much more knowledgeable then he is when it comes to stuff like this.

  7. #47
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well its plain to see he isnt telling her everything or she is forgetting wat he told her.This is really a touchy subject.One that the two of you need to settle.This kind of issue can end and has a marriage.Now its easy for guys to say give her wat she wants.But it takes two.And you said he isnt all that thrilled.Well sometimes also trying to hard aint a good thing.All good things happen in time.I hope you get wat you want.God knows it will make life easier at home if he gives in.He will learn this in time But keep us posted.And let us know when you get PG.And you will good luck and God Bless
    we have been together for 13 years and have gotten through alot of things. i dont think something like this will end our marriage. we have a very strong marriage and relationship. When you said sometimes trying too hard aint a good thing, i agree, and yet another reason why i thought, what the heck, he'll prob start cycling and ill end up preggo, watch. cause that is how it work lol, when you are not trying.

  8. #48
    spywizard's Avatar
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    got mine prego while on and i was 46 yrs old.. and had had a reversal..

    my sperm count was 100k which if you ask a fertility doc that means i'm basically sterile..

    50mg clomid for 30 days and i was shooting 6 million.. and bam, she was prego..

    with that said.. have you had your thyroid tested?? if it's slow or high (Hypo or hyper) it will be more difficult for you to conceive..
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  9. #49
    songdog's Avatar
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    Thats good you take a active part in this.We have a profile section here so you can see wat different compounds do.I will say this if he took them and you didnt know.He had junk or his diet was off.Beacuse on a 1st cycle you blow up.Mexican gear isnt that good anymore from wat I have read.Back in the 80s it was great.But they had a big bust down there.So things went sour.Now you said he was shootin once every 2 weeks.I know of nothing in which you do that.Test cyp or Eth is once a week.Have him do some research before he pins next time.Results will be better.Good luck on the babyStay in touch.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    50mg clomid for 30 days and i was shooting 6 million.. and bam, she was prego..
    heres your answer floridagirl
    have him take some clomid first, as its a fertility drug
    once he knocks u up, he can jump right on, and clomid should speed up the process

  11. #51
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I have 2 kids. Boy is 8 and my little girl is going to be 6 next week.
    Was on Deca /Test when my boy was conceived.
    Was on Test/Tren when my little girl was conceived.
    No HCG ,Clomid or nolva was being used at the time and both children are (and always have been) very healthy with no issues at all.
    Just my .02.
    Good luck to you and your man.

  12. #52
    terraj's Avatar
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    For real? Tell the prick to think of his family instead of himself.

    We are trying for kid at the moment also, there is no way I would weaken my sperm by running a cycle before that happens....your man is been selfish.

  13. #53
    408gt91's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I have 2 kids. Boy is 8 and my little girl is going to be 6 next week.
    Was on Deca /Test when my boy was conceived.
    Was on Test/Tren when my little girl was conceived.
    No HCG ,Clomid or nolva was being used at the time and both children are (and always have been) very healthy with no issues at all.
    Just my .02.
    Good luck to you and your man.
    Yea i have a healthy 7 year old little girl and i was on cycle (sust/deca 5 months in when she was conceived. Shes jacked but that has nothing to do with the!!

  14. #54
    spywizard's Avatar
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    my best advice ( depending on what' cycle he wants to do now) is a test only cycle... 250mg week.. that would be a cutting cycle.. there are many cycles that can be effective..

    can what he did in 2009 be effecting him now?? not likely but possible, only a blood work from then and compare to now would really say.. if he is younger, then he should have recovered by now naturally without a pct, but on the other hand he could still be suppressed.. that's why they call it "Practicing Medicine" every person and at different times in their life span will respond differently..

    Get things working well now and continue on with your life..

    why is he doing a cycle?? what does he hope to accomplish?? has he exhausted is genetic capability?? or is he just in a hurry to be average??

    tell us more..
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  15. #55
    powerliftmike's Avatar
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    A responsible husband that wanted a child would get a fertility test done, I know I would. If results were very poor Im sure the doctor would prescribe clomid. It really sounds to me you want another kid, not him. As mentioned before a sit-down talk should be done. It could be nothing to do with a sperm count at all, but we need some lab work done instead of just speculating. Again he needs to show more interest if he serious about another kid and will need to see a doctor.

  16. #56
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    got mine prego while on and i was 46 yrs old.. and had had a reversal..

    my sperm count was 100k which if you ask a fertility doc that means i'm basically sterile..

    50mg clomid for 30 days and i was shooting 6 million.. and bam, she was prego..

    with that said.. have you had your thyroid tested?? if it's slow or high (Hypo or hyper) it will be more difficult for you to conceive..
    yes it have. i have already had a bunch of labs done, all which were normal. thank you though!

  17. #57
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Thats good you take a active part in this.We have a profile section here so you can see wat different compounds do.I will say this if he took them and you didnt know.He had junk or his diet was off.Beacuse on a 1st cycle you blow up.Mexican gear isnt that good anymore from wat I have read.Back in the 80s it was great.But they had a big bust down there.So things went sour.Now you said he was shootin once every 2 weeks.I know of nothing in which you do that.Test cyp or Eth is once a week.Have him do some research before he pins next time.Results will be better.Good luck on the babyStay in touch.
    no, when he did it back in 2009 it was one shot every week for 8 weeks. what he wants to do now he is saying whoever he got it from its better to do one shot every other week for 12 weeks...i think he did say it is test..200 or something like that...its the "cutting kind' from what he told me.

  18. #58
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    my best advice ( depending on what' cycle he wants to do now) is a test only cycle... 250mg week.. that would be a cutting cycle.. there are many cycles that can be effective..

    can what he did in 2009 be effecting him now?? not likely but possible, only a blood work from then and compare to now would really say.. if he is younger, then he should have recovered by now naturally without a pct, but on the other hand he could still be suppressed.. that's why they call it "Practicing Medicine" every person and at different times in their life span will respond differently..

    Get things working well now and continue on with your life..

    why is he doing a cycle?? what does he hope to accomplish?? has he exhausted is genetic capability?? or is he just in a hurry to be average??

    tell us more..
    he is wanting to do another cycle this time to just help he get where he wants to be, cut him up a bit more, etc. hes been working out hard for almost 2-3 months now. he already has gained 3 inches on his bicep from just doing an at home workout and taking super pump and cytogainer.

    btw..your little boy, is adorable

  19. #59
    Standby's Avatar
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    sorry but your husband sound like a complete penis.
    he wont get his spunk checked out? what a tool. if i was you id quit the kid thing cause your husband sure as fvck doesnt want one
    he is saying for his next he is gunna take 1 shot every 2 weeks, what the hell? he has no idea. tell him you want to actually see him gain some muscle and to go read on how to do a so called "strong cycle"

    anyways good luck with the baby we can see how badly you want another, you are here learning. but im telling you he doesnt want one.
    actually with what youve said i would be surprised if he got snipped and just isnt telling you about it

  20. #60
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    sorry but your husband sound like a complete penis.
    he wont get his spunk checked out? what a tool. if i was you id quit the kid thing cause your husband sure as fvck doesnt want one
    he is saying for his next he is gunna take 1 shot every 2 weeks, what the hell? he has no idea. tell him you want to actually see him gain some muscle and to go read on how to do a so called "strong cycle"

    anyways good luck with the baby we can see how badly you want another, you are here learning. but im telling you he doesnt want one.
    actually with what youve said i would be surprised if he got snipped and just isnt telling you about it
    if you read the first post and the whole thread, you would see what i said. yes, he really doesnt want another baby. he agreed to start trying the beginning of this year. he would rather not have anymore, but is agreeing b/c he knows how much i do want another one, and he also says he does want our son to have a sibling. he never wanted children at all. our son was a surprise.

    i already questioned him about having gotten snipped. he says he didnt, plus, you have to have the wife's consent now if you are married. i guess something with liability

  21. #61
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    i did read your whole thread right before i posted, everything i said is still the same.

    youve been given many ideas here in this thread such as hcg and clomid. i say fvck that force his ass to get some test done then hey heres and idea get the test done figure out you have no sperm and there wont ever be a kid so you can take your cycle now! or you have some sperm but not much so here the doctor will help you out and then bam you can start your cycle sooner.

    your his wife tell him what to do just like everyone elses wife does

  22. #62
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    I'm sorry to hear about the kid thing, i feel like everything that can be done has been posted here.

    My issue though is his next proposed cycle. I think you should convince him to make an account here so he can become more informed on what he is doing

    There is no steroid that should be shot every 2 weeks while on cycle. That much time in between shots, no matter what the ester, will create very unstable blood levels of his hormones

  23. #63
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    another guess i have is he wont get the tests done cause he knows if he is low he will get something to make the count go up and he doesnt get to "practice" making babies with you anymore. id tell him to get the test or start the cycle now but you wont be giving him any sex while he is on cycle and horny as fvck. im sure hell get the tests

  24. #64
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    thanks everyone. i really sppreciate it.

    i told him if we tried for 2 more months, [this month and then next month] and i still wasnt pg, that he may need to go get tested, he didnt refuse to go, but didnt easily agree either. i talked to him last night about the hcg and how it can make it almost back to normal while on a cycle. he called his buddy that he got the gear from and asked his buddy if what he did back in 09 would make him sterile and he said "no way". i told my husband that is not what i was worried about, i was more concerned about this next one and it not helping the situation. if *I* let him start this new cycle, I will make him take whatever he needs to take to keep his sperm production up. if he wont, then im not going to let him do it. plain and simple. i didnt know there was something you can take while on it to keep up. now that i know that, thats a whole other story

  25. #65
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    there you go. youve got a good start going but id say one more month then he has to go get tests or you just cut his balls off and he wont have to worry again

  26. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by floridachick View Post
    if you read the first post and the whole thread, you would see what i said. yes, he really doesnt want another baby. he agreed to start trying the beginning of this year. he would rather not have anymore, but is agreeing b/c he knows how much i do want another one, and he also says he does want our son to have a sibling. he never wanted children at all. our son was a surprise.

    i already questioned him about having gotten snipped. he says he didnt, plus, you have to have the wife's consent now if you are married. i guess something with liability
    BULLL ****ING SHIT!!! Where the **** did you read that you have to have the wifes consent to get snipped??

  27. #67
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    please read page #186 here

    Sorry about attacking about this.. Im very biased for a very personal reason.. lets just say this... Woman can kill their child and the fathers child all by herself.. Regardless of what the father says.. Seriously..

    When I read what you wrote I almost lost it.. Because if that was the case it would be the craziest shit I've ever heard of (I knew for a fact that wasn't the case though)

    Anyway.. Its a Myth from what you were thinking. and NOT true!

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Standby View Post
    i did read your whole thread right before i posted, everything i said is still the same.

    youve been given many ideas here in this thread such as hcg and clomid. i say fvck that force his ass to get some test done then hey heres and idea get the test done figure out you have no sperm and there wont ever be a kid so you can take your cycle now! or you have some sperm but not much so here the doctor will help you out and then bam you can start your cycle sooner.

    your his wife tell him what to do just like everyone elses wife does
    Dude seriously?? They've been married over 10 years.. HE DOESNT WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER KID!!! HE never even wanted the first one.. and a miracle happened and they had a boy..

    But why does every guy simply just take the woman's side in every subject... Woman they don't know that is...

    Almost every guy is is basically like "The guy is so selfish" "Force him to get tests done"

    Really? Force him? Its as if you and you're wife were arguing over going to Italy for vacation, you said no, a month later she's asking you to get your passport.. She's going to FORCE you to? seriously?

    Even though thats different.. This is a CHILD!! Hes not ready or maybe doesn't anymore..

    Florida Chick.. HOw old are you? Seriously? maybe if you guys are still young you can wait a couple more years.. Relax... based from what Im seeing here.. You're so desperate on getting preggos you're willing to go any length.. including going behind his back on some message board (I know he doesnt know about this topic)

    You're forcing a man to do something he doesn't want to do.. in a world where woman rule when it comes to kids because... thats just the way the world looks at woman. Titty feeders...

    Good luck though

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331;56***22
    Dude seriously?? They've been married over 10 years.. HE DOESNT WANT TO HAVE ANOTHER KID!!! HE never even wanted the first one.. and a miracle happened and they had a boy..

    But why does every guy simply just take the woman's side in every subject... Woman they don't know that is...

    Almost every guy is is basically like "The guy is so selfish" "Force him to get tests done"

    Really? Force him? Its as if you and you're wife were arguing over going to Italy for vacation, you said no, a month later she's asking you to get your passport.. She's going to FORCE you to? seriously?

    Even though thats different.. This is a CHILD!! Hes not ready or maybe doesn't anymore..

    Florida Chick.. HOw old are you? Seriously? maybe if you guys are still young you can wait a couple more years.. Relax... based from what Im seeing here.. You're so desperate on getting preggos you're willing to go any length.. including going behind his back on some message board (I know he doesnt know about this topic)

    You're forcing a man to do something he doesn't want to do.. in a world where woman rule when it comes to kids because... thats just the way the world looks at woman. Titty feeders...

    Good luck though
    i didnt say anythign about a child i said tests... 1 of 2 things will happen he will get the tests or he will man the fvck up and say he doesnt want the kid. trust me i dont want to see him have another kid so his future child support payment can double

  30. #70
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    He already maned up.. He told her he doesn't want another kid.. But shes a woman.. and doing her womanly role.. Hes being the good husband by at least trying for her.. But she knows this.. She knows for a fact he doesn't want another kid...

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331;56***54
    He already maned up.. He told her he doesn't want another kid.. But shes a woman.. and doing her womanly role.. Hes being the good husband by at least trying for her.. But she knows this.. She knows for a fact he doesn't want another kid...
    i agree your husband does not want another kid as you say.
    So YOU really to sit back and think is having another kid a good idea if the father doesnt want one. Dont force someone to be a dad.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by mustang331;56***54
    He already maned up.. He told her he doesn't want another kid.. But shes a woman.. and doing her womanly role.. Hes being the good husband by at least trying for her.. But she knows this.. She knows for a fact he doesn't want another kid...
    touche sir

  33. #73
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    Hi and WELCOME!!!

    The first thing I would do is to find out EXACTLY "what" that "vial" says. Can you get it in your hands and come back here and tell the guys what your husband actually has? Not the lab name but what type of test he plans on injecting?

    I hope you work out the differences re: wanting another child or not. That is an entirely different subject.

    What is his age? and yours if you do not mind sharing.

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  34. #74
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe;56***99
    Hi and WELCOME!!!

    The first thing I would do is to find out EXACTLY "what" that "vial" says. Can you get it in your hands and come back here and tell the guys what your husband actually has? Not the lab name but what type of test he plans on injecting?

    I hope you work out the differences re: wanting another child or not. That is an entirely different subject.

    What is his age? and yours if you do not mind sharing.

    He showed me the vial not too long ago. at the time i didnt know about this website. but now that I do, next time he shows it to me or I will ask him and update you with EXACTLY what it says on it.

    he will be 33 in sept. i will be 29 next month.

  35. #75
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    Sounds good to me..

    How did you find out about this website? came to the best!
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  36. #76
    floridachick is offline Banned
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    lol..i just did a google search. glad to know its the best there is

  37. #77
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    ^^^ that's how most find it I assume....I did. As I was researching the site popped up....THANK GOODNESS!
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  38. #78
    dieseljimmy is offline Associate Member
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    Another theory... My wifes sex dive sucks- I guess that is relative ,so a best statement would be- her sex drive is far less then mine. If she told me that she wanted to try to have another baby I might consider take some steps to ensure that this did not happen quickly. So we could "try" for months. See where I am going with this. Just a thought.

  39. #79
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by dieseljimmy View Post
    Another theory... My wifes sex dive sucks- I guess that is relative ,so a best statement would be- her sex drive is far less then mine. If she told me that she wanted to try to have another baby I might consider take some steps to ensure that this did not happen quickly. So we could "try" for months. See where I am going with this. Just a thought.
    i see, get on cycle, plow 2-3 times a day while shooting blanks, and act clueless when she cant figure out why she wont get preggo

    i like this idea

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by floridachick View Post
    lol..i just did a google search. glad to know its the best there is
    Do you want my honest opinion on what I feel what be the best advice for you?

    I seriously thought you were going to say you were in your late 30's maybe even early 40's...

    I know you want a sibling for your son.. God knows how great it is to have a tight niche family and when the ages of siblings is close it creates that niche..

    But... even if there is a big gap, its still there.... My sister has a 3 year old, 17 year old and 14 year old.. And the family values are even better..

    You guys have SOOO much time to have children.. Really you do... I would personally go up to him right now and tell him.. "Do what you want.. (but direct him to this site so we can critique his cycle for his OWN good) we're young and we can have kids in time, for now no pressure, we will just have wild sex and let nature and god choose what path we should take, in a few years from now we will try and find out if we need to get checked out"

    It takes all the pressure off of him, but more importantly YOU.. right now your clock is ticking, and you're begging for preggos, the second you decide... maybe having a kid RIGHT NOW and it not happening is not a bad thing.. BAMN!! you're preggos.. and now your husband will welcome it, not saying he didn't before, but when a man is pressured it messes with their dignity and self-esteem..

    seriously.. you're not even 30 yet, you guys have years to go before you need to start freaking out about why your not getting pregnant..

    Enjoy life.. Spoil your kid.. and husband...

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