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  1. #1
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    How Testosterone affects me


    I've been on TRT for almost 2 years now. I am primary hypo-gonadal, so I'm shutdown (Not sure when, why or how this happened, but it was not because of AAS. I hadn't touched an anabolic until after I started TRT).

    I've done 3 cycles thus far (or "blasts" if you will in the TRT community).
    1st was Test Cyp @ 400mg & Deca @ 400mg for 14 weeks. Great cycle, gained quite a bit of mass.

    2nd cycle was Test Cyp @ 500mg & EQ @ 600mg for 14 weeks. This, surprisingly, was more of a cutter. Lost some fat while retaining (maybe gained a few lbs.) of muscle. (I know EQ is weak and hated here, and I agree its weak as shit, but I did notice a big increase in my muscle endurance.

    3rd cycle was Test Cyp @ 600mg for 12 weeks & DBol 50mg for 4 weeks. Nothing. Standard strength and a few lbs. increase from Dbol, but that's it. Nothing from the test. It all went away after I finished the 4th week of Dbol.


    Looking back at the first two cycles makes we wonder just how much, if any, the test even helped. I hear a lot of people say how awesome test is (as far as cycle gains go). I just don't feel it. I feel the same on my TRT dose of 160mg a week than I did on the 600mg a week (and btw its pharm grade so I know its not bunk). Compared to the last cycle I ran, I can tell how much a difference the Deca made in the first. I can even tell a difference when I was taking the EQ. Is there a possibility of receptor downgrade from being on TRT? I've heard rumors about that, but then I've also heard them being dismissed. Makes me want to try my 4th cycle with a low dose (TRT dose of 200mg or so) of test and then add another compound. Anyone have any info related to this or experiences?

  2. #2
    5x10's Avatar
    5x10 is offline Associate Member
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    to sum it up, sounds like you got better results from different compounds

    i agree with you, ive always thought adding something to low dosed test was always better than running 500mgs of test by itself, in terms of effectiveness

    imo, test is overrated

  3. #3
    lc1213 is offline Associate Member
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    i don't have as much experience with other compounds other than test e nor do i have a lot of cycle experience (1 st). i am 6 weeks in on a 12 week 500mg test e only cycle and honestly, not seen much difference other than a little increase in my squat and a lot of pimples on my chest and back. Haven't experienced the increase in libido or strength or the energy boost or even the feeling of enlightenment. Maybe it hasn't kicked in yet but i have seen other guys talk about how there test has kicked in 3-4 weeks and that they love it. For future cycles, gonna run something else with test and see how it works then.

  4. #4
    Pac Man's Avatar
    Pac Man is offline Senior Member
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    I too feel the same on trt doses. Sometimes even better!

  5. #5
    Choppers's Avatar
    Choppers is offline Associate Member
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    Are you eating enough? if you ate more on the first cycle and put on a bit of muscle and didn't eat substantially more of the other cycles then perhaps gains might not have been as forthcoming because you didn't have the excess cals to fuel growth, hence dosage might not be the problem.

    Though on the other hand, I do know what you mean. Just on cycle 3 now of test prop only after a last cycle of prop/npp and am definitely noticing how good npp was last time. Strength well down despite same dose of prop. All along last time I thought it was the prop!

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    This is a question I have been meaning to ask as well: I feel the exact same on 200mg TRT as I do on 500mg blast. I am not sure if my gains are better on the higher dose either.

  7. #7
    Black's Avatar
    Black is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5x10 View Post
    to sum it up, sounds like you got better results from different compounds

    i agree with you, ive always thought adding something to low dosed test was always better than running 500mgs of test by itself, in terms of effectiveness

    imo, test is overrated
    I'm glad I'm not the only one. My next cycle I'm going to try a low dose of test (since I'm on TRT as well) and just add a compound or two.

    Quote Originally Posted by Choppers View Post
    Are you eating enough? if you ate more on the first cycle and put on a bit of muscle and didn't eat substantially more of the other cycles then perhaps gains might not have been as forthcoming because you didn't have the excess cals to fuel growth, hence dosage might not be the problem.

    Though on the other hand, I do know what you mean. Just on cycle 3 now of test prop only after a last cycle of prop/npp and am definitely noticing how good npp was last time. Strength well down despite same dose of prop. All along last time I thought it was the prop!
    Definitely eating enough. I clean bulk, so all my cycles are well above maintenance (except for the actual cutting cycle I did). Feeling and strength wise was even better on my cutter than on this last test only cycle. Maybe there is something to be said about the rumored cycles that bodybuilders in the 60s, 70s and 80s did.

    Quote Originally Posted by JohnnyVegas View Post
    This is a question I have been meaning to ask as well: I feel the exact same on 200mg TRT as I do on 500mg blast. I am not sure if my gains are better on the higher dose either.
    I'll probably never do just one compound (test only) again. Definitely not worth the money nor is it very beneficial (to each their own though). Especially for us TRT guys. At the very least, its questionable. If you can Johnny, try to add another compound on your next blast and see if you "feel" anything better/different. It was pretty much a night and day difference for me (and just to reiterate, all my gear is pharmaceutical grade).

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