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Thread: Thinking about a first cycle....Candidate?

  1. #1

    Thinking about a first cycle....Candidate?

    Just wanted to get my first post out of the way. I've been surfing this website and reading a lot of info over the last few months. I'm thinking about a first cycle, possibly sometime after the summer (Sept/Oct).

    Background - 30, 5'9, 180#'s. Have been working out for about 4 years. But really focused over the last 1.5 year. When I started out I was the typical 140# skinny kid that had a hard time gaining weight lol. I'd like to get up to 190# before a cycle, but it seems I've hit a bit of a road block. Gains are harder to achieve now.

    If/when I do cycle, it will be a test only cycle with HCG and a solid PCT.

    Anyways, just a few questions.n

    For blood tests in Canada, are there places I can just walk into and ask to get some blood work done? In the past for blood tests and such, I had to go to the Doc, get a slip and then go for the blood work. Just curious about this.

    Second, if I'm pinning twice per week with the test and twice per week with the HCG, it seems like quite a bit of pinning. 4 times per week! Any insight into this? I dunno, maybe I'll get use to it and its not really a big deal
    Last thing that I'm thinking about, if I'm ordering online (no other sources), I have a fear that when the gear shows up, how do I know its test inside and not some poison inside or something? Maybe I've overthinking this,
    Anyways, any comments/suggestions are appreciated....
    Last edited by PT; 06-26-2011 at 03:23 AM. Reason: fishing

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    The South West
    a) don't know about blood work in Canada
    b) pinning 4 times a week is nothing you'll get used to it
    c) ordering online is always a risk.....maybe by the time your ready you'll have enough posts to do a source check with a willing mod....until then don't by from anyone who pm's you because you set yourself up as fishing a bit for a source which isn't allowed

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    HCG Pins are cake. Make sure you just slin pin and Pinch your Fat below your belly button and thank me later.

    1.5inch pins in glutes if done right go in smooth as a hot knife threw butter.

    Test and HCG cycle is nothing compared to the amount some people pin on Stacked cycles.

  4. #4
    Cool thx for the posts guys. I still have a lot more research to do, didn't realize HCG pins were done on your stomach

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Arctic Circle
    Quote Originally Posted by canadianbrah View Post
    Just wanted to get my first post out of the way. I've been surfing this website and reading a lot of info over the last few months. I'm thinking about a first cycle, possibly sometime after the summer (Sept/Oct).

    Background - 30, 5'9, 180#'s. Have been working out for about 4 years. But really focused over the last 1.5 year. When I started out I was the typical 140# skinny kid that had a hard time gaining weight lol. I'd like to get up to 190# before a cycle, but it seems I've hit a bit of a road block. Gains are harder to achieve now.

    If/when I do cycle, it will be a test only cycle with HCG and a solid PCT.

    Anyways, just a few questions.n

    For blood tests in Canada, are there places I can just walk into and ask to get some blood work done? In the past for blood tests and such, I had to go to the Doc, get a slip and then go for the blood work. Just curious about this.

    Second, if I'm pinning twice per week with the test and twice per week with the HCG, it seems like quite a bit of pinning. 4 times per week! Any insight into this? I dunno, maybe I'll get use to it and its not really a big deal
    Last thing that I'm thinking about, if I'm ordering online (no other sources), I have a fear that when the gear shows up, how do I know its test inside and not some poison inside or something? Maybe I've overthinking this,
    Anyways, any comments/suggestions are appreciated....
    Should focus on dieting and training only at this point in my opinion. Let your tendons and ligaments develop more and build a better base. Furthermore, what does your diet look like right now ? I'd strongly encourage you to post your current diet in the diet section of the forum to be critiqued. Realize that dieting is the foundation of bodybuilding and you are not only wasting your time and money, but putting yourself in danger and will end up looking worse without a proper diet. If gains are getting harder to achieve that means you need to refocus and improve on your diet. If you cannot gain weight naturally you will lose any weight you put on doing your cycle before your PCT even finishes.

    Pinning 4 times a week is nothing mate. Some people pin every day for Prop + HCG 2x week(9 pins/week)

    As per bloodwork in Canada, no you cannot simply walk in anywhere and get hormone levels checked. Unfortunately as far as bodybuilders are concerned in Canada, the health care system is sortof a double edged sword. This is because getting bloodwork and other similar things done is free and is covered by our health care system, unlike in the states you would have to pay in most states I believe. However, the problem is that because the government is paying for these, which cost hundreds of dollars per test (only the hormone tests are expensive) they are not going to hand out requisitions for bloodwork. Basically, the only circumstances you would be given a requisition to get a male hormone panel done is one of the following:

    (1) You are on Testosterone replacement therapy
    (2) You are considering a sex change
    (3) You have symptoms of low testosterone and are a middle-aged male
    (4) You have done, are currently doing, or are considering taking androgenic-anabolic steroids. (PS don't tell your doctor you want to juice, it's illegal)

    If you search my post history you will see how I managed to get bloodwork done because I did not fall under those categories.

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