if someone was stacking durabol an testo
how many mg of each would be recomended a day or taking it every other day?
if someone was stacking durabol an testo
how many mg of each would be recomended a day or taking it every other day?
Last edited by christopher03; 06-27-2011 at 06:47 PM.
you already posted the exact same questions.
what are your stats?
AR Monitor Extraordinaire !!!
His 18, steriods Are a no no
Hmm 18 and all natty and what looks like a great starting build.
Bro, don't jump on the sauce just yet. You got potential but have patience.
yeas i no im young but iv been stuck at the same weight for about 4 or 5 months now iv changed my routines, diets my mom and dad are rlly small so i dont think im going to get much bigger naturally
about 5 10 180lbs
now i truthfully dont no how much to take just what iv read up on and i cant find any reliable source to tell me everything seems to high or to low
so thats why i have come to this site i just want to take it right
You will. I couldn't break a plateau until I was 22. Than I went from 190-230 natty.
thats a long wait tho![]()
2 threads back to back!
I hope you re-think your plan. PLEASE.
Life is too short, so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly and forgive quickly.Author Unknown
Christopher 3 i know very little and learning a lot from folks here. Your ambitious for gains i get that, but i agree your way too young!
where at in ontario you around? you dont gotta tell if you dont want to. just cant pm yet
Waiting to cycle isnt about how large you are before you start cycling. Your still just a kid and have MUCH development left. If you start juicing at 18 chance you will be looking at HRT for the rest of your life. Has nothing to do with your size at your age, need to wait till your 25 my man.
Yea but you'll be better for it in the long run.
I'm glad I waited till I was 25 to start my first cycle. I've been a member on this site since I was 18 (10yrs), just forgot my password to my other account.
If I would have cycled at 18 like I wanted to, I know I would be ****ed today. Now I've probably got one of the best physiques in my gym and I did most of it natty. Stick around and learn, learn, learn. You'll be better for it in the future.
but do you rlly think 5 weeeks of just testo would mess me up for the rest of my life tho
cuz u read another post you posted on and this guy was 18 and only 145 pounds and he had a list of stuff he was going to take
ok well as you can see on the other post ill wait a cupple yeaars
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