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Thread: any major weight loss sucsess stories

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003

    any major weight loss sucsess stories

    im trying to cut from about 250 to about 210. im usign eq to bulk at 400mgs pre week and to conteract the hunger and help drop fat im using xenedriene. looking for some succsess stories. my diet is good lots of protien and few carbs. many small meals.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Well I lost 55 pounds since September. I personally beleive it is mostly based upon how much exercise you do compared to diet until you get to the hard bf to get such as that last 3 or 4% you need to lose to get cut up.
    My diet consisted of:

    Breakfast - two small bowls of cereal with skilm milk, a glass of water, and a pice of fruit.

    Lunch - Turkey sandwich (no mayo) with lettuce and tomato, bowl of cellery, and multiple glasses of water.

    Dinner - Salad, grilled chicken, bowl of cellery, and even more water to drink

    My exercise consisted of

    Morning: 45-60 minutes of cardio in the morning (rowing practice). I do these on a ergometer, I suggest that to any1 who wants to lose weight yet keep muscle since it is more anarobic then aerobic.

    Afternoon: Any decent lifting routine that you want do, and following the lifting another 30 mins of cardio either on a bike or eliptical.

    Now many diets will work this one has worked for me but only with exercise the diet will actually work from my own opinion.

    Lastly you might want to try to shock your body by doing the direct opposite before you start the diet, for example my body was so used to this routine that when I went on spring break and wound up eating only protein (steaks and shrimp) with very little carbs I wound up losing a inch off my waist line eating like a slob so to speak. Little did I know it was a Ketogenic diet becuase of the state of ketosis my body went into.

    Just my 2 cents hope this helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Lost 60 2/3 years back.....

    Went from 300 to 240....lost 45 in two months and 15 more over a few months....went off diet. Diet for two months was 3 eggs breakfast, 2 cans tuna at lunch (mayo and relish), 2 cans tuna after work and chicken tuna at night if I got hungry. That was basically the diet....did eat other stuff like substitute 1 piece of pizza at lunch for tuna....or limit myself to 2 pieces of pizza a sitting. Dropped all soda's for diet soda's and started working out twice a day. Only dieted 2 months. I'm up to 265 now....but that was on purpose. :-) Now I'm about to try to cut down to 240'ish again and hopefully have more muscle.

    It can be done....just have to get through the first few days of your stomach shrinking while you diet down.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Oh yeah......

    At 242 BF was 267 it was time when I was fat and was going to attempt the bill phillips "diet for life" or whatever challenge I was like 260 and BF was like 26%....can't imagine what it was at 300. I was strong though....benched 305 twice at my first workout and hadn't touched wieghts in years. At 265 natural my bench was 370 w/o a spot, 18" arms, 40 jeans.....only 5'8".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I've lost 75 pounds over the last couple of years. I would reccomend that you stay off the AS until you lose more of the fat. the steroids aren't too noticeable if you can't see them good. I used many variations of the atkins diet, more along the ckd extreme side at many points. the pills I found that helped me lose the weight were clenbuterol and T3. but I do stress they 'helped' me since I had to bust my ass in the gym and run 4 miles in the arizona heat eod. it took some time but I'm almost to my goal. started with a waist of 54" currently at 33" want to get bck down to 28-29" eventually.

    good luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    thanx guys this helps. after my eq cycle i think that a clen and eca stack will help me drop more body fat. i droped 16 pound but i have kind of hit wall im 248 now with a 38 waist i really wann egt down to a 33 34 waist and get rid of these male boobs i gottem pretty bad. i did cardio like very day with my diet but i took like 2 weeks off cardio on my vaca and ate normal and found that i have lost more weight w/o cardio. not sure wut the deal is, but im gunn start cardio back up. i do 30 min or 4 miles on the eliptical thing 5 days a diet consist of losing soda pretty much al together with the exeptoin of a few diet cokes a week. and i try and do little fat high protien and low carbs. again thanx for the input

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    lose all carbonated drinks. it helped me get over that wall your stuck at. on dec 15 I was a 38 inch waist as well. no carbonation at all so your stomach stays shrunk. by jan 5 I was a 33 inch waist with t3 alone. your at a wall and your body is going to take its time to let any fat go right now so just stick with it. it'll come off, but you should drop that soda, beer, carbonated drinks...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Lost 90 lbs here...Did the "Body for Life" diet...I will post a pic to show my results...
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	b&a.gif 
Views:	502 
Size:	30.8 KB 
ID:	17223  

  9. #9
    Impressive woodsy! good job

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space
    damn right on woodsy!! do you care to post some of your tequnices?

  11. #11
    Awsome results!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Thumbs up

    nice Bro


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    awsome work. did you strickly do the body for life or did you add in something ?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thats insane results. muscle mag would pay you like $15 bucks for those pictures, but they'd say you did it in 3 short days

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Long Island, NY
    jan 4 03 weight 209 size 36 waist today 194 waist 34 im droping body fat but adding muscle... maybe that why there isnt a crazy weight loss . Now im i just ok my frist shot of Winn and soon prop i will let you know the results in 6 weeks .... diet trian and sleep

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You don't need to know
    Awesome job woodsy ! Dedication is the key , Nothing in life is free except an occasional 100 or so winny a source may throw in your gear box !

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    well i dont think that pic is of woodsy bc that pic is on the poster for that diet at my golds gym. but who ever that is he did a good job. wondering wut woodsy looks like.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by mjrulz67
    well i dont think that pic is of woodsy bc that pic is on the poster for that diet at my golds gym. but who ever that is he did a good job. wondering wut woodsy looks like.
    LOL, you mean I made a poster?? That is me, I will show face shots if I have to prove it...I busted my ass to get down to where I am now.

    Originally posted by justme
    awsome work. did you strickly do the body for life or did you add in something ?
    Strictly the "Body for Life" diet, not the exercise program...I did cardio in the morning, lifted weights at lunch, then went back for more cardio at night...My waist went from a size 42 to a 34.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    well than i guess im wrong. if thats really you im sorry great jog man. hey im down to 245 and keep dropping. its tight being able to wear old clothes that i got to fat for. you think its possible to be 210 or even 200 by may.just curious. and what were the details to your diet. i might give it ago in additoin to my xenadriene and eq.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    i went from 298 to 180 in about 2 and a half months. the only thing i took was hydroxycut and mega men. 45 mins of cardio a day followed by weight training and a very very low carb diet, like 10 carbs a day. it was rough but well worth it. i am up to 200 now after my first cycle of t200 and i am beatiful now.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    d-ray. on my diet i try and very few carbs also. but lately i have been getting the sweats. i wont be doing anything and ill just be dripping in sweat. my freind told me it was from not getting enough carbs and when that happens to eat or drink something with mild carbs. is this the case or are the sweats from something else. ill get them for about 5 min nearly every half hour. they suck suck suck and i wanna get rif of them.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    in the gym
    d-ray...10 carbs a day?? how do u live man? when i low carb it i stay at 50 or less....i get so hungry and weak... anyhoo...thats crazy dude...

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    On 2/01/03, I weighed 228. Today I weighed 206. So I guess I lost 22 pounds in 2 months. & I can still bench over 350!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    outer space

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    11/01/01 I was 267...........6/16/02 I made it to 216. I was dropping weight before going to my 20 yr HS reunion. I did cardio twice a day and weight lifting five days a week. My diet was the bitch but I learned so much about myself with what I can and can't eat. I'd go three weeks with no more than 20 carbs a day then jump off for a day or three and get right back to it. To date I'm right at 220 and holding. I love running into friends I haven't seen in a while and listen to them tell me how much I have changed. Not to mention fitting into pants I haven't worn since college. Next goal is to hold at this weight and drop more fat. I would love to know what a six pack would look like on me.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    super job woodsy

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2003

    All I can say is awesome dude!!!

    This is the type of turn around that should be shown to all those people out there that write in and say "I've got 20% body fat, I'm 285 and 5'11". What can I take to get rid of it"???

    Hard work. Dedication. Diet. Cardio.

    Quikc fixes don't work.

    Good on ya mate!!

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