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Thread: guys help please!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    guys help please!!!!!!!!

    guys help please tell me whats goin im i just started my 6th wk today of my very 1st cylce of 500 test e a wk and taking .25 dex eod for estro up 10 lbs (which looks like mainly muslccle) so im definalty happy about that but my strength is actually down in most exercises which i dont understand .this leads to beleive that maybe im killing off too much estro because i also notice a bit of joint pains ,little bit of lethargy and last cpl days been sweating like a pig (seems like hot flashes cause comes and goess).im prettyy sure i dont have too much estro cause i dont really show any signs of that (bloating,gyno,acne) .i was already pretty strong natural and was really lookin froward to increasing my poundages as well as getting bigger of gonna try and go get some bloodwork done asap and i was thinking about killing my dex in the meantime to see what happens.what do you guys think???thx in advance guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    what's your stat's?

  3. #3
    wow none else has any advice eh.well im 35 yrs old ,5'11 245 10-12% bf (calipers)

  4. #4
    All I know is strengh gains can take time to kik but when it does youll know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    south korea
    I don't really understand your strenghth down during cycle...

    if I were you, i'd go off dex

  6. #6
    thx guys .ya im pretty baffled too and so are my buddies.gonna try goin off dex and get somw bw done.thx for input guys

  7. #7
    Maybe you got some counterfeit? Based on your stats you're a big guy with decent fat to muscle ratio. In week 6 you should be feeling like superman in the gym. This is not your first cycle right? Compare it to the last....sounds to me like you got duped. It's the only thing I can think of....

  8. #8
    more carbs and water (at least 4 litres a day)

  9. #9
    yes it is my 1st cycle and yes i wanna feel like superman since i do look like him.(espeically lately lol )my gear is from reputable source and is pharma as i am 10lbs heavier and looks like all muscle (im sure some is water) but i wanna lift like how i look.i dnt need to be the strongest guy but i def think i should b lifting more than i am.i have a strange feeling i might b killing offf too much estro even though im only takin .25 dex eod .

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by freak1 View Post
    guys help please tell me whats goin im i just started my 6th wk today of my very 1st cylce of 500 test e a wk and taking .25 dex eod for estro up 10 lbs (which looks like mainly muslccle) so im definalty happy about that but my strength is actually down in most exercises which i dont understand .this leads to beleive that maybe im killing off too much estro because i also notice a bit of joint pains ,little bit of lethargy and last cpl days been sweating like a pig (seems like hot flashes cause comes and goess).im prettyy sure i dont have too much estro cause i dont really show any signs of that (bloating,gyno,acne) .i was already pretty strong natural and was really lookin froward to increasing my poundages as well as getting bigger of gonna try and go get some bloodwork done asap and i was thinking about killing my dex in the meantime to see what happens.what do you guys think???thx in advance guys
    Its best to stay off all estro blockers until near or end of cycle....Or as needed...Taking at beginning of cycle will limit gains. And if you're only taking 500 mg of test a week that's not a MASSIVE cycle. You shouldn't need any estro blockers until end of cycle

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    If your doing this for size, who cares how much you lift? It's prob a loss of strength from lower estrogen/water. I'd stay on AI and keep gaining.

  12. #12
    Interesting. Here's another thought; this is your 1st cycle, so you're prolly in the gym 24 hours/day so that you maximize results right??? Lol- Bad idea. Regardless of the fact that you're supplementing your natural levels with an overdose of hormones, your body still needs ample recovery time. I'm assuming you're lifting each muscle every other day, or even every day....just a guess... If this is true, cut back! Lol... Go one week where you only hit each muscle one time, and see how you feel the week after this extra rest. You gotta remember, lifting is actually damaging your muscles (breaking them down) with or w/o gear. Your recoveries should go faster with what you have, but are still essential. So again, decrease your workload for one week and test your strength the next. I will say for me personally, when I hit a plateau I can typically burst through it if I take a week off completely and then test it the next. Just one possible solution...

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