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guys help please tell me whats goin on.so im i just started my 6th wk today of my very 1st cylce of 500 test e a wk and taking .25 dex eod for estro control.im up 10 lbs (which looks like mainly muslccle) so im definalty happy about that but my strength is actually down in most exercises which i dont understand .this leads to beleive that maybe im killing off too much estro because i also notice a bit of joint pains ,little bit of lethargy and last cpl days been sweating like a pig (seems like hot flashes cause comes and goess).im prettyy sure i dont have too much estro cause i dont really show any signs of that (bloating,gyno,acne) .i was already pretty strong natural and was really lookin froward to increasing my poundages as well as getting bigger of course.im gonna try and go get some bloodwork done asap and i was thinking about killing my dex in the meantime to see what happens.what do you guys think???thx in advance guys