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Thread: Anavar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011


    Hey Everyone,

    I have recently been doing a lot of research on the oral steroid Anavar and I have a few questions about it as I may use it after my current cycle later in the year...

    Due to the fact that it is relatively easy on the HPTA and will not shut you down, does it have to be cycled with test or any other compound for that matter?

    What dose should it be run at and for how long?

    Is PCT necessary even though it will not shut you down? If so, how rigorous of a PCT is needed?

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    From what i have read i thought var can shut you down? And you don't HAVE to cycle it with test it depends on what your goals are? Ex: My buddy did 40 mg of var ed with no test for 8 weeks and gained about 15 lbs of muscle no fat and kept his gains after it. And that was just at 40 mg, but obviously upping the dosage = more risk of sides and a greater chance of getting shut down. As far as PCT goes always do one to be safe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    It shut me down with 35mg per day from week 2 or 3. Did it without test and felt like shit from week 3 to 7! so I will never do it again without test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by mani_bono View Post
    It shut me down with 35mg per day from week 2 or 3. Did it without test and felt like shit from week 3 to 7! so I will never do it again without test.
    ^^^^Hes right. I ran it solo at 50mg a day for 60 days and it shut me down. I ran a natural test booster with it (T-Bomb) which may or may not have helped. But after 2 weeks of PCT were done I was shut down. Theres no trouble to tell or feel when you are shut down. You may not be shutdown as long with Anavar only as with test but it can definitely happen.

  5. #5
    I am currently taking 80mg a day and also would like to know if i need to add something with it, ive never heard of anyone being shut down by it till now.

  6. #6
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    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    anavar is suppressive to the hpta but usually wont cause compleate shutdown if its cycled not shure when suppresion becomes shutdown if you take it for long durations as ive never tryed it longer than 8 weeks...that being said if you stack it with test then shutdown will obviously occure cus you body will eventually see that there is more than enough test in your system and cease its own your pct question really depends on what you decide to do...if you just do var then id do a pct with just nolva...if you stack with test then id go with the nolva/clomid protocal, hcg is optional imho depending on if you experiance much testicular atrophy but that is run durring cycle...go to the pct forum and do a little reading then is much valuable info there...good luck...
    Last edited by ghettoboyd; 06-29-2011 at 10:18 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I would like to run it solo for about 6-8 weeks before next summer using it more as a cutting compound with a little lean mass gain. Is it dangerous to run it without test? I will probably run no more than 40mg a day.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by J. Cole View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    I have recently been doing a lot of research on the oral steroid Anavar and I have a few questions about it as I may use it after my current cycle later in the year...

    Due to the fact that it is relatively easy on the HPTA and will not shut you down, does it have to be cycled with test or any other compound for that matter?

    What dose should it be run at and for how long?

    Is PCT necessary even though it will not shut you down? If so, how rigorous of a PCT is needed?

    Thanks guys
    It will still effect your HPTA just no as severely as some of the stronger AAS.

  9. #9
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    lone star state
    It's going to vary from person to person, also you need to factor where your test levels are to start with. Test levels vary a lot, some guys are at 300 and some are naturaly at 1000.

    So get blood work done next time.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    try running it at 60mg for 4 weeks and see if your testicles don't pull up inside your body again.. yes it will shut you down.. 500iu hcg 2x week during will keep everything full and recovery much easier..
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  11. #11
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    I didn't did any BW during my cycle to say If I was shutdown, but experienced extreme low libido and testicle atrophy. and felt pretty lethargic toward end of cycle, that's why i will always stack it with test from now on .. and I was running less than 40 mg a day too.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2011
    my natural test is on the low end of normal i think around 350 if i remember my recent blood work correctly. I will take your advice and run it with some test. What would you guys recommend, winstrol or anavar if i want to still maintain my current weight if not gain a little more weight but just get cut up more?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by J. Cole View Post
    Hey Everyone,

    I have recently been doing a lot of research on the oral steroid Anavar and I have a few questions about it as I may use it after my current cycle later in the year...

    Due to the fact that it is relatively easy on the HPTA and will not shut you down, does it have to be cycled with test or any other compound for that matter?

    What dose should it be run at and for how long?

    Is PCT necessary even though it will not shut you down? If so, how rigorous of a PCT is needed?

    Thanks guys
    Anavar can shut you down, but not everyone does get shut down. It depends on your age also. I cycled Anavar several times and the stuff works great. It goes very well with Test Propionate. My opinion it's an incredible product! I know someone who took 50mgs of Anavar for 3 months and he did not shut down, but he was 29 years old. He gained a lot of quality muscle with it, but a hard training regimen and clean diet were also included. I would say if you do not shut down after one cycle you most probably will if you continue to cycle it without test. At my age it will shut me down, but I am in my mid-50's. Even if you just do 50mgs eod of propionate it would be a safer way to run it. More prop if your not concerned about running test. I guess on the PCT it depends on what you would consider rigorous.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by J. Cole View Post
    my natural test is on the low end of normal i think around 350 if i remember my recent blood work correctly. I will take your advice and run it with some test. What would you guys recommend, winstrol or anavar if i want to still maintain my current weight if not gain a little more weight but just get cut up more?
    Winstrol works great for hardening, but i think it shuts you down much worse than anavar. It is also harder on hair loss for some people. I prefer anavar for having less sides. Hard training and good diet and you won't lose any quality muscle with either.

  15. #15
    Anavar alone cycle's fine but you'll get much better results if combined with even a low dose (200mg/wk) of Test. Anavar alone shut me down somewhat. I mean that my nuts weren't the size of peanuts but they were smaller then normal. I ran 250iu twice a week of HCG and ran a 4 week Nolva/Clomid PCT just in case. Very little side effects and lean dry look. I love Anavar it's good stuff. To darn bad that it's so expensive.

  16. #16
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    Mar 2011
    i noticed that, it is CRAZY expensive! Ill do some more research, I have plenty of time and wont be doing a second cycle until next summer anyway.

    Thanks guys

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lifttolive View Post
    I am currently taking 80mg a day and also would like to know if i need to add something with it, ive never heard of anyone being shut down by it till now.
    sooo you've started var at 80mg per day, without first reading/researching on it completely.... good luck when you can't get a hard-on soon.

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