Im using the same gear as what i gave him and been fine.
He pinned his shoulder with my homemade test prop 110mg/ml, and 4 days after the whole area is red and very hard to the touch, the redness even goes down the shoulder to a part of his arm. he says it hurts a little but he can workout no prob and overall feels great. He's pinned his other shoulder and it was fine.
How do you make the difference between an infection and inflamation?
I heated the gear so that no crystals remain, the oil was clear as crystal before even filtering.
I used a 0.22 UC syringue filter
Then i heated the vial 225F for 30 mins.
2% BA was in the mix.
He shouldn't have got an infection from all my sterilizing procedures...
Is this just typical "prop pain reaction"?
Im kinda worried :S